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Letting You Go

Letting You Go

Author: Misty_27



Letting You Go PDF Free Download


**SEQUEL TO Living With my Boss*** "I'm leaving you." Those three words left me shattered. All that was real right now were my tears. My knees buckled underneath my feet. I fell on the ground, watching hopelessly as he walked away. ****************** Amber is all alone now, save for one grace. After all, God does give small blessings. She has moved away from the place that gave her so much pain for twenty six years of her life. She is ready to start a new life but Chris still haunts her. He is in her memories day and night. Memories that aren't even bittersweet because all they give her are tears. But moving on can be harder than she perceived. As Amber fights her ghosts they appear in front of her. Is the past really the PAST or is it still lurking around the corners?
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Chapter 1

  Letting You Go.

  Chapter One.


  "Congratulations sweetheart!" Teresa, Chris' mother, exclaimed as she hugged me. I smiled at her. We were at our engagement party. Chris' mother's reaction to our announcement was ...... overwhelming. She took it upon herself to see that all the arrangements were to the dot. With a capital D.

  Chris, on the other hand, couldn't wait to show the world that I was his. To hold and keep. To love and cherish. And as he so aptly put it, "Had to show those guys

who wanted to get in my pants

whose I was.

  And much to my surprise the people at office didn't mind that much. My feet hurt and so did my face. From standing so much and smiling. Yet, my grin couldn't get smaller than this.

  Alex came to me and said, "Will you be my mommy now?"

  I almost cried for joy. "Yes, sweetheart."

  "I would love a mommy like you." she said and this time a tear did slip by. This girl was amazing.

  "I have a surprise for you." Chris said as we walked out of the hotel. I was wearing a really gorgeous pale pink dress and Chris was wearing a tux. He looked absolutely fabulous.

  "What is it?" I asked hardly able to conceal my excitement. I just hoped it was something good.

  "You'll have to wait till we get home babe," he smirked and I almost hit him in the head with my purse. We got into the limo Chris had rented and as we drove home Chris had the biggest smile on his face. I was already jumping on my seat.

  As soon as we reached home I jumped out of the limo and rushed inside the house. I heard Chris's laughter and I frowned. He came in and gave me a box. I squealed and ripped the covering off.

  Inside the box was a necklace. I took it in my hand and just stared at it. It was the prettiest thing I had ever seen. The pendant was a really gorgeous and I looked at Chris in adoration.

  “It’s amazing.” I sighed and he grinned. I handed him the necklace and turned around silently asking him to put it on.

  “It looks more beautiful on you,” Chris murmured as he turned me around. I grinned. He was so bloody cheesy! But he was mine. I reached up to kiss him and he returned my kiss. The kiss started out sweet but it soon turned passionate. I gripped his arms as he lifted me up bridal style and took me to our room.

  I was a bundle of nerves. I walked around the room in my dress. My dress was a simple yet elegant one. It had lace work on the top and the back. It was plain white and hugged my body perfectly flowing out just a little at the end. All in all, it was a perfect dress.

Image on the side


  Was I really ready to get married? I was only twenty three! Maybe this was a hasty decision. Maybe a part of my mind accepted Chris’s proposal only because he saved me. We had known each other only for four months that was way too little time to get married. There was a knock on the door and I opened the door to my two best friends, Jen and Katie. Jen had married Brock last month and they had dated for four years before that.

  They came and I shut the door locking it. I turned to face them.

  “Do you think I’m making a mistake?” the words came out rushed. Falling upon each other. Both of them stared at me. Shock was written all over their faces.

  “Amber, what..?  Why are you even thinking that?” Katie asked and I shrugged.

  “We have known each for four months! Four bloody months!! Jen and Brock dated for four years.” I said.

  “Honey, if you’re forgetting me and Brock broke up about forty times in theses last four years.” Jen stated. “Besides, you and Chris have something special. Something Brock and I didn’t have when we first met. Chris gets you. Even we don’t get you as much as he does and we’re your childhood friends. The man is perfect for you.”

  I could feel tears form in my eyes. “Really? You don’t I’m just rushing into it? Because I sure as hell feel so.”

  “No.” Katie said and then added sternly, “Chris loves you and you love him. I think that’s enough to get you by a few months.”

  Jen burst out laughing and I hit their arms. But soon enough I was laughing too. They really knew how to cheer me up.

  “What if I am not a good mother?” I asked still not positive.

  “You’ll make an amazing mom. Just look at how much Alex loves you. And she has only stayed with you for a month,” Katie pointed out. I sighed. But what Katie said was true. I had almost forced Chris to let Alex stay with us. After much begging and threatening on my part did Chris agree.  Alex was already calling me mommy and I loved her. Like I would love my own child.

  “Your right,” I sighed “I’m just being stupid. I’m just scared that…” I trailed off knowing that both understood. They knew how broken I was. They knew that losing someone was the greatest fear I had. After losing my parents I couldn’t bear to lose anyone I loved. My parents weren’t the model parents. They left me when I was five and came back only when they needed something. They even tried to get me raped. And they tried to kill me. This was when Chris had taken the bullet for me. But I guess that in my own messed up way a part of me still loved them. A part of me still wondered what would have happened if they stayed. I know that I should hate them after what they did to Chris, but I couldn’t. In a way, a child never stops loving their parent in matter how much they have been tortured by them. And I was no different. The child in me loved her parents and hoped that they would come back.

  “Now let’s get going,” Jen said as she took me outside the villa. We were getting married at Josh’s villa. His villa was amazing. It was huge and there was a pond and a huge garden. It was the perfect setting for a wedding. The garden looked picturesque.

  Katie’s dad, Brian was giving me away. He took my hand and whispered, “You look amazing sweetheart.”

  I smiled at him. “Thank you Dad.” His face lit up and he grinned widely. He loved it when I called him Dad. But he was a father to me. He had taken care of me and had treated me just like he treated Katie.

  Alex was a flower girl and as soon as she saw me she came running towards me. “you look so pretty Momma,” she said and I smiled.

  “You look pretty too baby.” She grinned and ran away.

  As I walked with Brian my eyes focused only on Chris. His eyes were shining and he had a grin on his face. He looked so happy that I felt stupid for getting cold feet. I would have run to him if Brian hadn’t been holding my hand. We walked at a slow pace as a piano piece played in the background. As soon as we reached the alter Chris took my hand in his.

  “You look absolutely gorgeous,” he said and a blush covered my cheeks. I had known this man for three months yet I blushed at every compliment he gave.

  When the priest told us to say out vows Chris turned to me. He looked into my eyes as he started speaking.

  “I love you. I think I fell in love with you on the first day we met. When I came late and you were the only one who reprimanded me. You are an amazing woman. You didn’t kick me out even when I burnt down your kitchen. You ate all the inedible food I made without even complaining. You are the best thing that has happened to me. Even without using words you showed me what you felt about the choices I made. You have made me a better man and you accepted my daughter as your own. I promise never to let you down. I love you.”

  There were tears in my eyes as he finished. I only wanted to kiss him then.

  “You’re an amazing guy. You broke down my defenses, worked your way through them. You showed me what true love really means, and for that I will always be grateful to you. You didn’t hesitate to tell me what you thought. You put up with me. You stuck with me through thick and thin. I love you Chris Meyers.”

  After I finished I noticed Jen wipe her eyes. I smiled at her and she pouted.  

  “Do you, Amber Woods take Chris Meyers to be you man?”

  “I do.”

  “Do you, Chris Meyers take Amber Woods to be your wife?”

  “I do.”

  “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Chris didn’t need to be told twice. He lifted my face and kissed me. I smiled against his lips as he held me closer. We were lost in our own little world until the sounds of hoots brought us back. I pulled back and Chris smiled.

  “Congratulations, Mrs. Meyers.” Chris said. His eyes twinkled with joy.

  I grinned before smashing my lips against his for another kiss