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I Wish We'd Never Meet Again

I Wish We'd Never Meet Again

Author: lafillearc_en_ciel



I Wish We'd Never Meet Again PDF Free Download


Neil Khanna- A typical arrogant and egoistic man who has very narrow-minded thinking. Metaphorically speaking, for the world it's the 21st, but he still lives in the 18th century. Avni Mehta- A heartbroken, lonely, and grief-stricken girl. Her life had always been unfair to her. Looks like God forgot to write happiness and smiles in her destiny. "I feel pity for the people who work for you. One free piece of advice, this is the 21st century and everyone is equal here, so stop living in your male dominating world, come out and face the reality.", she yelled at him. "Now, now, miss whoever you are, apologize right now or I'll make sure you see the hell in the disguise of your life," he said in a low threatening voice. Two souls who can't stand each other without ripping each other's throats off. Oh and not to forget one obsessive psychopath! Where will destiny take them?
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Chapter 1

Bending my both knees and hugging them to my chest, I was sitting under the beautiful sky in my balcony gazing at the stars that were twinkling at me occasionally, maybe trying to make me smile. My light auburn locks flowed over my shoulders playing with the soft wind. The doe-shaped chocolaty brown eyes I possessed were today also trying to search for the answers to the unsaid questions of life. My lips that adorned a smile once were tightly pursed in a thin line. My fair skin was shining in the moonlight giving me a strange satisfaction. The stars twinkled at me once again and a lone tear escaped my eye.

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Avni. Happy birthday to you", a sweet feminine voice echoed in the room.

It was my mother. She was beautiful, very captivating. Her smile was something that was my everyday need. She smiled wholeheartedly seeing the cake she brought with her. My maa was so cute, she made me a chocolate cake just the way I like it. It was not your fancy bakery one expensive cake. It was a small homely-cooked flour chocolate cake, some sprinklers, and gems topped on it. She kept the cake aside and moved towards the balcony and sat beside me.

"Avni child, are you angry with me?", she asked softly caressing my hair.

"No, maa. I can never get angry with you", I looked at the stars and one among them again twinkled.

"Avni these stars are so stupid, aren't they?", Maa said gaining my all attention. "These stars know that they won't be able to erase all the darkness but still, they try, how foolish of them."

"But maa, at least they are trying, they...", I stopped when realization dawned on me.

"Exactly child that's what matters... we just need to keep trying, getting success, or not getting is not in our hands.", Maa said and smiled at me.

"You're right maa, I won't lose hope.", I smiled looking at the twinkling star, I would never lose hope. No matter what happens.

"That's like my girl. Now come, let's cut the cake and tell me how's it?" She got up and pressed the switch of the light, the whole room illuminated.

"Beautiful, just like you.", I smiled and hugged her.

She lit a candle and placed it in the centre and asked me to blow it off, only after I ask my birthday wish. I shook my head in disbelief, amazed at the childish thought of my maa. Told you, didn't I, she's unbelievable.

"Though I don't believe in this but still if maa does, so do I. Dear God if you are listening to me then please don't let anything happen to the smile of my mother. She keeps on smiling endlessly and I keep cherishing her happiness till the end of my life-It's my only wish. Thank you.", I prayed closing my eyes and blew the candle.


Third Person's POV

"Sir, I've finally fixed your meeting with Mr Frank. At first, he was not agreeing but then I said that you are one of the wealthiest persons....", a man said.

"THE RICH-E-S-T.", a robust dominating voice echoed in the room.

"Certainly sir.", the former man answered hastily.

"Neil Khanna is the richest person in entire Asia. Seems like Mr Frank got plenty of money." his lips curled upwards in a very slight smirk."Very well then, stop all his investors and buy all his shares."

"Sir, but if we'll buy his shares then we may go in loss.", he said.

"Don't interrupt me.", his voice as cold as ice." buy his shares and sell them to the Eastern company, Mr. Koch will certainly buy them."

"Right Sir.", the man nodded and went out of the study.

He turned, His cold brown eyes glistened in the moonlight. Glaring out of the window, he was trying to freeze the whole Mumbai city. Light from the window fell onto his chiselled features. This man was dangerously handsome. No one has the status to stand against Neil Khanna and if someone dares to, get ready to see the worst part of your life. He hurriedly pressed some keys on the dial pad of the device.

"Bonjour, monsieur George. J'ai besoin de tous les détails des investisseurs de M. Frank

à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur

. Assurez-vous de me les envoyer par courrier dans l'heure.", he said sternly. George was a French guy who owned a restaurant in Southern Bombay, but only a few people knew that he was a private detective of Neil.

Hello, Mr. George. I need all details of Mr. Frank's investors

inside and out

. Make sure you mail them to me within an hour.

Neil was a man who did not give his opponent a chance to escape anywhere. If any investor refuses his offers, he will be having his every detail in order to bring him on his knees.

"Now you'll see what price you would have to pay for refusing Neil Khanna's demand, Mr Frank.", he said in his husky intimidating voice.

He turned and gestured to the other man standing in the room.

"Sir, actually the Western Branch needs your attention.", DD said. DD was the right hand of Neil Khanna. Wherever he went, DD always accompanied him. He was just like his shadow.

"Okay DD, We'll leave at 8:00 pm sharp, make sure there are no media. I don't want any controversies."

"Sure sir."


Avni's POV

"Avni!" I hear my maa's voice call from downstairs. "child, come fast.", she continued.

I hurriedly descended the stairs and engulfed her in a tight hug. My mom is my lucky charm, maybe everyone's. Her smile makes my day. I can bear anything except for my maa's pain. She's my friend, my family, my guide, my world.

"I made Poha for you. Eat quickly then I need to leave also." maa said. She is going to her friend's home and will be back by evening and she believes if I won't eat anything now, I'll not have anything till the time she comes back. Agh! typical Indian Mataji. I chuckled at my maa's cuteness. Someone tell her, I eat a lot, maybe more in her absence.

She was just going to get her bag when she stumbled. "Maa. What, what happened are you ok?", I literally panicked.

"Baccha, I'm fine. You eat your breakfast, I just got slipped that's it.", maa said but I couldn't buy her statement, I clearly saw she didn't stumble, she definitely got dizzy. I made a note in my mind to take her to the hospital for a regular check-up.

"Maa, Are you sure you are fine?. You don't need to go to these stupid get-togethers.", I told her, worry pooling in my eyes.

"No, Avni. I'm good and I've to go.", she took another step, but again she tripped.

"Maa, you come with me. We need to go to the hospital right now and you won't argue with me.", I commanded sternly and voice holding an authority leaving no room for her to argue.

I quickly booked a cab and half an hour later, it came. When I'd be in hurry, everything will happen slowly. Damn it!