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Slice Of Love

Slice Of Love

Author: Aphroditeex


General Romance

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Relationship ain't always perfect, that is Gia Houston favorite words when he saw some stroke of imperfection on their relationship. Howbeit, being not perfect and quite brutal is extremely different from each other. Felt unsafe everytime, uncomfortable, and being like a dog who was someone's pet. Luck was on her, her friend says. She found someone who smells decency at last.
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Chapter 1

My swollen eyes were staring at the white bed sheet that I am laying on at this point of time, I could not move for the reason that my body hurts, especially my stomach and my legs. Oh, and my arms as well. Perhaps, my entire body were in pain.

"Excuse me?" I turnee my head at my right when a lady in a full white uniform, from head to toe, entered my room. She smiled at me first, even though my eyes were both swollen at that time, I could still vividly see how this lady's cheeks blushed when she looked at me. I gulped and sighed heavily.

"Can you give me my phone? Right there. Inside that bag. " I favoured to her, she was standing beside the chair where my sling bag was resting. She glanced at my bag and looked at me, she repeated it, seems like asking me if I was sure about her touching my bag and get my phone inside of it.

I sighed heavily. "Just.... give me my back. " I added, and without further ado, she immediately grabbed my bag carefully with her two hands and gave it to me with care. I was stunned by her, I do not know if she was weird or what, but her moves were different. I grabbed my bag at her hands gently before I removee my eyes on her.

"If you have nothing important to do right now here in my room, please get out in silence. I will call someone important, I bet you don't like to hear it, don't you?" I questioned at her with a little intimidation within my tone, but I did not mean that, though. Just did that in purpose.

That lady in a white uniform automatically leave my room. I rolled my eyes upward and tried my best to grab my phone inside my bag without feeling any kinds of pain on my arms. When I have touched my phone, I took it out and find my manager's phone number, she needs to be here.

"If you need something, don't hesitate to press that button!" My body flinched when I suddenly heard a voice of a girl from the door, when I realized who it was I closed my eyes hardly and sighed. Damn that creepy creatures.

"Hello, where are you, Gia?" My manager immediately asked as soon as I called her and answered it with a blink of an eye. Seems like she has been waiting for my call since earlier?

I bit my lower lip slightly. I hope she won't get mad if ever I will tell her my condition at this moment. But, that is too impossible. She is always mad at me whenever I scratch myself on something, what more if my entire body is in pain and seems like I could not walk properly?

"Uh... I am here St. Christine Hospital. " I said and instantly closed my eyes, waiting for her to reprimand me. But, the otherwise actually happened. I did not hear anything from her after I said those lines, and instead she hanged up the phone, leaving me dumbfounded. Is she mad at me?

I kept on sighing heavily. I decided to chat my friends on our group chat and guess what? They were in panic and nervousness. I am too. I am in panic and nervous, because I do not know what my manager would do to me if ever she will see me being like this.

Should I practice walking and jumping now? So that, she would not worry too much to the extend that she would reprimand me for being here in the hospital? Oh gosh.


"What the hell! What happened to you, Gia?!" I turned my head at the door and saw my friends running towards me with worries on their eyes. I bit my lower lip as they get closer to me, I tried to smile but I could not. When I see my friend's eyes being like that, I can feel that I am at my own verge to cry, but I do not want to cry.

This was my fault after all, though. I do not have the rights to cry. I chose this situations. I chose to be like this.

"Don't touch..... my arms... or my entire body, please. " I begged to Summer when I noticed that she wanted to grasp my arms and hug me. I do not accept hugs right now, because that might worsen the pain that I am feeling at this moment.

"Who did that to you? And how you get here? Who was with you?" It was Graysyn. My best friend. He kept on asking question and I do not have any idea which question should I answer first that is why I decided to remain silent for a meantine until they shut their mouth to wait me to explain and discuss everything what I have remembered.

However, when I was about to open my mouth to talk, I heard the door opened and slammed to close as hard as someone could. My friends looked at the door, and the way they became statues, even though I won't look at it I knew it already that it was my manager. She is fond of slamming doors when she is mad, take note of that.

I gulped.

"What the! What happened, Gia?" As expected, it was my manager. Yelling as soon as she went in front of my bed. My head was bowed down and slowly ascended it to look at her while I was biting my lips.

When my eyes landed on her face, I could see how my manager furrowed his thick and black eye brows and her both hands were on her waist.

"L-let her explain first, Anella... " Tati said. She was my best friend as well. Anella was the name of my manager.

"Oh, yes. Come on, Gia. Explain to me! What happened to you and why you have lots of bruises? What the f-ck is that! It is to irritating to see!" Anella said. She is a short-tempered person, so I might start my discussion now about what really happened to me, or otherwise he will reprimand me over and over again.

"This is because of.... " I paused and cleared my throat, because I felt there was a rock ceasing me to continue it. "This is because of Niklaus. " I continued. I bit my lower lip again when I felt the tears forming on my eyes. My friends sighed heavily, I glanced at them one by one and they seem so shock. Summer and Tati was confused and furrowing their forehead while staring at each other.

While Graysyn was massaging his head with his right hand, and his left hand was on his waist. And my manager, Anella was mad. Really mad.

"Niklaus is hurting you very often. What is going on between you and him?! Doesn't he know that you have ramp next week and that bruises won't fade away easily!?" Anella shouted. I sighed heavily and wiped my tears that were falling on my cheeks.

"Why don't you break up with him?" Graysyn suggested. I stopped from wiping my tears when I heard Gray's suggestion, I looked at him and shooo my head.

"I....can't... " I said, whispering. "I can't leave him. Please, don't tell me to do that. " I begged at them while crying. I can't do that. I can't really leave Niklaus. I can still stand with this, I am still alive.

"Stop being too dumb, Gia. This is the 3rd time that he hurt you. Do you still want him to give a chance to hurt you? Don't let yourself be a fool because of him. You love him with your whole life, we know that. But, look, Gia. This is too much. " Tati said carefully to the extend that he won't break me that will make me cry eventually.

"How you get here?" Anella questioned me. I gulped.

"I collapsed at the elevator of the parking lot. At Niklaus condo... The nurse said, someone brought me here and I do not know who was it. But, I am thankful, though. " I enunciated and bit my lower lip.

"And you still want to thank, huh? What if that person broadcasted that you collapsed at the parking lot of the Niklaus condo and you are filled with bruises, huh? What will you? Can you stand the ear-defeaning voice of media asking for your answer? To the point that they will disturb you?" Anella once again said.

That is one of the thing that I am afraid of, being bombarded my lots of reporters and left and right interview begging for me to answer, to break my silence and to feed their curiosity. I am an ultimate model, of course they care about my life. And Niklaus is an actor, his fans will definitely protect his name if I leak what he is doing to me.

The entire room suddenly filled with an ear-defeaning silence, of course no one dared to talk, we were all thinking of what to do. But, that silence di not last long, it broke when someone knocked on the door. Since, no one of us opened it, someone who knocked has no choice but to open the door by itself.

Eventually, the nurse came. All of us looked at her. It was the different nurse, not the first one.

"Yes?" Anella asked when she saw the nurse.

"Uh... Sorry if I disturb you all. Someone wants to say something about Gia before he left. He has been waiting since earlier. " The nurse said. I furrowed my forehead slightly. Graysyn and my friends looked at me but I shrugged my shoulder as an answer.

"Let him in. " Anella responded. That was the time that the nurse gave way to the man to enter the door, when that man stood up at the door the nurse encourage him to walk towards us a little closer before she left the room.

"So, who are you?" Anella questioned. The guy felt intimidated, so he stood up properly and inhaled first.

"I was the one who saw Gia collapsed at the elevator of the parking lot. I just felt that you need to seem that is why I asked the nurse. " He said.

"Great. Thank you for that. " Anella said. I looked at her and noticed that she was grabbing something in her bag. Suddenly, she took out her wallet and grabbed a thousands from it. I furrowed my eye brow when she walked towards the guy and handed the money.

"Take this and leave. Do not you dare tell anyone about what happened to Gia. And I think this money is enough for you to remain shut up, right? Or you want me to add more. " Anella asked to that guy. My friends and I were in shock, because we did not anticipate my manager to say something like that towards a guy. And perhaps, the way he treat him might trigger this guy's anger issue.

"No, thanks. I helped Gia because I am his fan. I am not asking for return, though. I don't need anyone's money in return for my kindness. And don't worry too much, I will be always silence without money. But, one thing can I ask to Gia. " The guy said. Well, the way his answered my manager was good, it was satisfying. Yet, I did not foresee he will still ask for a return. 

"Hm, what is it?" I asked.

"Can you give me your autograph?" He answered. My jaw dropped. I smiled a little and nodded as a sign of agreement, eventually this guy took out his phone and gave it to me. I was confuse at first because it was a notepad, not until I realized it was in a sketch mode.

Since he does not have a paper and a pen with him, he asked me to sign write an autograph on his notepad. Nice mind, by the way.