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The Cold Assassin

The Cold Assassin

Author: Pen Warriors



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Labeled as the most famous killer of the world, Brianna Zabini Ortiz, works hard so she can still be on the organization despite of her marriage. Accepting her tasks during at night was kind of hard for her. A married woman who's a member of an assassination, she tried her best to balance her work and her personal life. She love her job and she love her husband so she stayed in between. Not lossing one's grip for her to choose between the two. With her job being put in danger as time she disguise as someone so she can do her mission, would it be possible for her to quit and settled to a life of a married woman when her husband's on the hand of someone? Or will the mystery of her being be unveiled at times when she need to choose from the both she loves?
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Chapter 1

Zabini's POV

At night, the weary moon hides in the clouds to rest, leaving only a few stars as if watching the sky. While the sky is like a washed blue-black coarse cloth, the stars are like shredded gold sprinkled on this coarse cloth. And all kinds of creatures begin their actions at night.

It was the night where the cars were busy coming and going. While I was aboard with a red sedan with the latest version that I know attracts most of their attention as it glow in the middle of the darkness. It was launched just a month ago and was designed by the famous car designer.

I opened the window of the car I was in and instantly saw lot of people looking at my way. I held my chin up and stared back at them fiercely. I smirked on my inside when I saw how fascinated they were as they saw me.

Exquisite beauty? Enchanting? Pure? Fashionable? Captivating? What?

I tilted my head and diverted my gaze away. I looked at the other side where I also saw people trying hard to take a peek on my face. They were hopeless. Beauty can't be eaten.

With my petal-like soft lips as if pinching out water. My sparkling and bright eyes were radiant. Adding a unique intoxicating autumn wave. A creamy snow-white skin that define the contrasting color of the night. I was looking outside as if I was too lazy and noble.

While I was driving the car, it bursts of fresh wind that hit my face. Blowing the sleeve of my dress which I know added to my charm.

Wearing a snow-white dress defined the figure of my body. The reason why I was labeled as the contradictory of purity and hotness. With the hottest figure in the world and with the purest appearance.

I was busy on my thought and analysing myself when I saw from the rearview mirror the car behind me run against me. I shook my head helplessly. This is not the first time after all. Because everytime I went out with just myself, series of events occurred.

I know it was my face that drove them to that state but, should I blame myself? They were driving with their eyes closed! Even though I felt sympathy for them, I still don't care for those men who covet my beauty.

With my boredom, I stepped on the accelerator hardly to quicken my speed. Gratefully, I got out from those stinky men who were following.

I took a breath deeply before pressing the call satellite system in the car. I smiled when I heard my friend's sweet voice on the other line.

"Zabi, where have you been now?" Elisha asked.

I tsk-ed.

"On the highway," I replied shortly while still holding the steering wheel.

"Really? You're still there? Why so slow?" I can sense that she was smiling at me. "To tell you the truth, Zabi, your driving skills are regressing," she said on the other line.

The playfulness of her voice sounded visibly. So I don't need to guess whether she was holding her smile back because it was obvious.

"Slow?!" I exclaimed. Acting that I was shocked. "You're embarrassing me, aren't you?" I pouted.

Only her laughed replied my question.

"Anyway, why do you want to arrange tasks for me at night? You know that my family is special, not to mention it's night. Even if it's daytime, it's a problem. In order to find opportunities, I'm crawling. Someone from outside invaded my husband's family company security system. And damn, he secretly escaped after he was deliberately set aside! So tell me, is it easy for me? I dare to say that I'm slow, yes. But I'm sorry for my husband's family..." I stated.

Even though Elisha couldn't see me right now, I'm still ashamed a bit. But it doesn't mean that I was guilty.

"Besides, how about my driving skill? Haven't you seen it for a while? What? Do you want to see it again?" I raised my brows and try to threaten Elisha.

She gasped.

"No, no, big sister, your driving skills are very good. I admire you!" She said exasperatedly.

Elisha didn't dare to ride in my car anymore after what happened. The memory of that time was simply a nightmare as she described it. I just can't help myself from laughing at her. She even said that her intestine seems to come out from her stomach that she vomited so hard.

But what made me laugh even more when she swear that no matter what, she will never ride a car if the driver's me.

"Tsk! Stop fooling me, Eli," I answered her before turning into serious. "But back to the topic, who is the target this time?" I asked in a serious tone.