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Duty Calls

Duty Calls

Author: Lunox



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After the death of her father, agent "W", she took the opportunity to join the special force as the new agent "W". Her father, John William, has been martyred on a special operation and they didn’t even find their body. Moon William was trained by her father and her life goal is to destroy the "Harris" family. It is said that the criminal organisation black dragon's new leader has stepped up. Christopher Harris was a feared name but no one knew how he looked like but he hates the special agents to his core and his target is to find the special agent "W". How will it go when these two fires collide?
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Chapter 1

"Moon William!", called the chief of the Special Force.

Without saying a single word a calm-looking girl came forward.

"Meet me in my office NOW!" ordered the chief.

She silently followed the chief and everyone in the academy began to whisper behind them.

"What have you done this time, Moon?!" Thought Kayla, her closest friend at the academy.

"You did it again, Moon?" asked the chief in his room.

"I'll keep doing it over and over again until I find out," replied Moon

"You very well know the consequences of going this way and what you are trying to find is not gonna come to you this way!" chief tried to resonate.

"You can expel me if you want but I won't stop digging"

"Moon, you know you are like a daughter to me, Agent 'W' was my best friend, I don't even know where he or his body is. No one knows what happened on that mission!! He knew the risks and hence, he made me give him a promise that I'll take care of you."

"Uncle Noah! I know you are just trying to look out for me. But it is also important for me to find out my father's killer and the mission details. Please let me help myself"




"Listen, if you want to take your father's revenge you need to join the special forces for which you must complete your training at the academy. But I'm afraid that if you keep breaking academy rules like this, even I may not be able to help you in the future."

Moon nodded.

"You may take your leave now"

Moon came out from the Chief's office and went to her training classes. At night when she was laying on her bed, she thought of the chief's words and decided to keep hunting without letting anyone know of her motives.

Moon Williams lost her mother right after she was born. She lived with her father Michael William who worked for the Special Elite Force. At school, Moon used to get bullied for her chubby looks and uneven braids that her dad made with amateur hands. The spoiled rich kids always made fun of her as she didn't have a mother. Hence, she started to make friends with the books. She could've shared her problem with her father but she didn't want to pressurize him. Although that didn't stop the bullying, rather it kept growing over the years, she has already learned to avoid them. While Moon was in High school, the school's most popular boy who was also the captain of the school football team, started approaching her. He shared lunch with her, kept inviting her to his parties, although Moon never went, as well as started bringing flowers for her. She was over the moon but one day she heard someone talking in the school storage and it was Rose and that boy, "No way. How can your choice be this much poorer to choose that loser? You deserve a beauty queen like me" said Rose, "She is just a way to get over with my studies and you also can't deny the knowledge of that nerd, now let me have you" after that they both started to make weird noises, and Moon couldn't take it anymore. She busted both of them and they were shocked at her presence. But while she confronted them, instead of being guilty they laughed at her loudly, called her an idiot as well as insulted her. Rose recorded everything on her phone and uploaded it on the school's online forum. She became a laughing stock for the whole school. After that she started keeping herself more reserved. Her father noticed and talked to their school's student advisor and got to know about the situation. Later, at home he went to Moon's room, "Hey pumpkin! Are you upset with dad?" "What? No way, never dad, why do you think that?" replied Moon. "Then why didn't you tell me about all the situations you are facing in school?" Moon found herself lost hearing this. "Listen dear, if you not like everyone, that means you are special, Come with me" William took Moon to their out house, As soon as she entered the room, she was amaged. The room seemed nothing like before. It looked like a regular hut from outside but inside it was something entirely different. Wooden flooring, mirorred wall and practice dummies. Overall, it can be a perfect hide out for practicing fights. From that day on, Moon kept practicing martial arts regularly. Her father taught her everything, fight, defence and life skills. Everything was going smoothly and she even graduated from school. But she never attended any graduation party as that day was the darkest day of her life. She lost her father, the only person she had that day and no one knew where he was gone?!