
Let’s Read The World

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Start Anew

Start Anew

Author: LadyBlue_Queen



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Moon Russell will meet the asstard Ryder Messina who is an actor that doesn't want to be the CEO of Emperatria Corporation. By that Moon Russell has been the secretary of Ryders father. Even though Russell was an heir. He just want to work to another company to let go and help himself heal from the past.
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Chapter 1

"Moon Russell Hasani! get your ass-hell down now! Urghh!"

I couldn't help rolling my eyes when I heard Lite's voice downstairs, probably already finished preparing for breakfast. I tucked in my dress shirt then stared at myself again, staring how my skinny build changed for a year after those terrible years.

I tried to calm myself, stopping the tears to let go down my face. I hate it when I'm crying. I'm tired of crying and feeling pains.

After I felt like forever, I finally compose myself.

Happy thoughts Russ. Everything's okay now.

You're okay now.

Yeah. I know. And I can't still believe it.

"Moon Russell y—"

"Coming Marylite! Gosh! you're annoying!" I shouted. I grabbed my keys, wallet and bag as I walked through the doors going downstairs. My eyes stop and stare at the huge chandelier hanging at the ceiling just between the spacious living room. I always admired it, it really looks glassy and expensive.

Well, that's what I got of having a rich parents. But then, my jaw clenched as I feel my eyes stinging.

No. I shouldn't cry now, I really shouldn't.

Finally, I step down the stairs walking where Lite throwing tantrums of how I was so slow getting dressed.

"Finally!" I just rolled my eyes as I sat across her.

Marylite Avery is my bestfriend since I first step my foot in College at Westwood University. She was the girl who always giving me looks before approaching  me because that time I never had any plans to make friends because I wasn't used to and because I never had any before. But right now I have her, and she have me.

We started eating as we talked about random things.

Lite cleared her throat and I know what she said next gonna be serious and out of our current topic.

"Anyway Russ, I just wanna inform you that the hotels and restaurant are all stable now. Thanks to your ideas though... I'm still sad you choose to work for another company. And became an assistant? for godsake you a hella fuckin' p—"

"Lite stop. You know that I want to do other things. I don't want to stucked myself there."

She pouts. "Yeah, and leave me there alone." I chuckled then smirks.

"At least you have Dalton with you." I said waiting for her next reaction. And just after I said that, her face turned red blushing like a tomato. Gosh! my bestfriend's cute.

"I hate you!" She said before digging in her plate, I only just shook my head and continue to eat more coz' I'm pretty sure I'll be exhausted for my first day of working at someone's company.

I turned the engine off of my car after I parked at the parking lot. I grabbed my bag as I got out of my car and walked through the company.

Emperatria Corporation is the very famous and known corporate in the country and out of the country. It runs many kinds of businesses that I can't named for one day and never will. Because thinking that if I was the one running this Corporation, I may have been in the hospital.

Funny right? I just don't feel like it.

That was the reason why I entrusted Lite the businesses that is under my name and gave her the power of attorney to run all the hotels and restaurants that I should have been taking charge instead.

I know Lite's not gonna let the business down, she's a tough fighter. And I love her for that, she's the reason I was still here smiling at the receptionist as I made my way at the 63rd floor.

Gosh, this building is very enormous. Mr. Messina presumably made it with his sweats, tears and blood. It was still in the top after all those years.

The 63rd floor was occupied by the CEO himself, with his secretary and assistant which is gonna be me. I had been there once, the day Mr. Messina interviewed me. I was surprised at first because I never expected he's occupying the whole floor. But thank God, there are office for each there, because I hate it when we just work with each other seeing each other the whole day.

The elevator dinged and I got out, until then I noticed a petite woman with a ginger hair just beside me when she got out too.

She's smiling towards me, like wondering why I was heading here. The CEO's floor.

"Hi?" I said not intended to do it like asking.

"Hello!" she replied with an awkward smile. I smiled back then glanced around as my eyes stop at the door with Mr. Messina's name and position under it. Since he occupied the whole floor, his office was the only office here. And infront of us are two tables apart, guess one of them gonna be my table then.

I was about to asked the woman about Mr. Messina when the only door opened and revealed a familiar face with the bright smile.

"Mr. Messina good morning." I great him.

"Oh my good-looking assistant! finally you're here!" he walked towards me and engulfed me with a hug. Not that tight but still made me flinch a little, I wasn't still used of others touching me.

Thank G, he didn't notice but I remember the woman and when our eyes met, she had this confused look in her. Guess, she saw my reaction then.

Averting my gaze from her, Mr. Messina finally pulled away and step back a bit with his usual bright warm smile.

"Oh Cherry, already sent the documents?" he asked when his eyes moved behind me.

"Yes sir." the petite woman answered with a smile, atleast its not fake.

Mr. Messina signaled her to come closer and she did now at my left side.

"Okay, Russell this is Cherry my secretary. Cherry this is Russell my new assistant."

I nodded towards her then extended my right hand.

"Hi again." I said now smiling.

She smiled too, her little dimple is showing off. "Hello again!" she said with a happy tone as she accepted my hand and shook.

"Time to start the day up then. Let's go." Mr. Messina said and he walked through his office as Cherry and I followed behind him.