
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Authoress Kim NaNa





This story is all about a young pretty lady named Aisha who has a crush on a guy named Asif. Aisha is a Muslim girl from a polygamous family. Her father married three wives and her mother Nabeela happen to be the second.Blessed with four siblings, Zainab, Khadeejah, Uthman and Yaasir who she loves so much and can't do without.She has three closest friends Zakariyah,Mahada and Mazeedah who got her back always, she consider herself lucky but think her live needed a little touch to complete it. Aisha is attending Nurooh Islam University, she is studying medicine and surgery in the university. She has a crush on a guy named Asif. One day she walked into the classroom only to see her crush Asif alone in the class reading. Her heart papited like a drum as she stared dreaming at him before working close to him. "Hi,"She greeted but he snubbed her instead causing her heart to fall but his hatred or rudeness didn't discourage her. "Asif."She pushed forward. "What!"He snapped glaring daggers at her. "I like you."She confessed. "Huh!"He exclaimed in shock and surprise "what did you say?." "I like you and would like you to be my boyfriend. "She admitted not minding the consequence. He stares at her like she had grow some horn.Who goes to a man that hates them and confesses their feelings?well she must be mad He raised his face to spat out his rejection but when his eyes met hers, he was thrown off guard as his mind was in a dilemma of what to do while she stood there patiently waiting for his reply. Asif doesn't know what to do. He knew he hated her but should he be heartless to reject her? Or accept her? But he hated her and the words echoed in his head making him more confused on what to do. But he had got to give a reply to get her off his hook. But what will the reply be? Find out Here on my work;'YOU WERE MY CRUSH'
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Chapter 1

Aisha was on her bed sleeping peacefully when Uthman and Yaasir sneaked in, they climbed on to the bed then they whispered something in her ear, she groaned opening her eyes.

"Assalamualaikum sister" Uthman greeted with a smile.

"Walaikumusalam, what are you guys doing here?" She asked, gazing at them.


"Stop stammering" She said, getting down from the bed.

"Sis, have you forgotten that you are going back to school today" Yaasir said.

"I remembered… where is Ummu and Abu?" She asked.

"They are in the sitting room, waiting patiently for you" Uthman replied.

She was about to say something when Zainab entered.

"Assalamualaikum sis" Zainab greeted with a smile.

"Walaikumusalam, Zainab… how was your night?" She said.

"Alhamdulillah, sis… What are you boys doing here?" Zainab asked.

"We came here to wake sis up" They said and ran out.

Zainab sighed.

"They are too troublesome" Zainab said, then Aisha smiled.

"They aren't" She said, undressing.

"Be fast sis" Zainab said and left the room.

Few minutes later, she came out of the toilet, then she dressed up then she put on Jilbaab. When she was done she left the room.

She was climbing the stairs down when Khadija called her, she turned back.

"Assalamualaikum, sis" Khadija said with a smile.

"Walaikumusalam, Khadija… what's wrong? You don't look happy" She asked, gazing at her.

"I'm gonna miss you sis" Khadija said and hugged her.

"Awwn… I am gonna miss you too" She said then they disengaged.

When they got to the sitting, they met their mom and their step mother's gisting and laughing.

"Assalamualaikum" They greeted.

"Walaikumusalam" Their mother and steps mother replied.

"Aisha, are you ready?" Hajia Nabeelah asked.

"Yes" Aisha said with a nod.

"Let's go" Alhaji Abdullah said, taking his car.

"Sister Aisha, I will miss you" Her step mother's daughter named Jumai said.

"I will miss you too, bye" Aisha said and waved her hand.

When they got outside, they entered the car then they drove off.

After a few hours, they got to the university and then she hugged her parents.

"Take care" Hajia Nabeelah said, sadly.

She only nodded.

"Face your studies… take care" Alhaji Abdullah said and entered the car.

She walked away when she got inside, she sat down on the bed, she was in her thoughts when she heard a knock on her door.

"Who is that?" She asked.

"Aisha, it's me" Zakriyah said.

"I'm coming" She said, walking towards the door.

She opened the door and met Zakariyah standing in front of her.

"Assalamualaikum, Aisha… I have missed you so much" Zakriyah greeted and hugged her.

"Walaikumusalam, Zakariyah" She replied then they disengaged.

"Should I stay in front of the door forever?" Zakriyah said, gazing at her.

"I'm sorry… coming in" She said.

"No, let's go for a stroll" Zakriyah said and dragged her out.

They were strolling when they bumped into a guy.

"We are sorry" They apologised as they raised their heads.

The guy turned out to be Asif.

"Asif" She called but he only glare at her.

"Sorry, Asif… we don't know" Zakriyah said.

"You girls should watch where you are going next time" Asif said and left.

"He is too arrogant" Zakriyah said with a frown.

"No, Zakriyah… he is not arrogant" She said then Zakriyah scoffed.


Asif was in the cafeteria when someone called him, he turned back then the person turned out to be his friend Ayaan.

"Assalamualaikum, Ayaan" Asif greeted with a smile.

"Walaikumusalam, Asif… I miss you so much" Ayaan replied.

"Same here, welcome back to school" Asif said.

"Thanks, brother… I saw Zakriyah and Aisha right now" Ayaan said, gazing at her.

Asif frowned.

"Don't talk about them… you know I don't like Aisha" Asif said as he sat down.

Ayaan sat down beside him.

"How is Ummu and Abu?" Ayaan asked.

"They are fine" Asif replied and sipped his juice.

They were talking when two girls entered.

"Assalamualaikum, guys" Yasmeen greeted.

"Walaikumusalam, Yasmeen" They responded.

"Brother, you are here with Ayaan… I have been looking for you everywhere" Yasmeen said with a frown.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking for me" Asif asked.

Yasmeen was about to say something when Mazeeda and Mahada entered.

"Assalamualaikum, guys" Mahada and Mazeeda

"Walaikumusalam" They responded.

"Please, do you guys see Aisha and Zakriyah?" Mazeeda asked, gazing at them.

"Yes, I saw them in the classroom" Yasmeen replied.

"Okay, Jazakallah" They said and left.

"See you guys later, I want to go and meet my friends" Yasmeen said, walking out.


"Aisha, Zakriyah" Mazeeda and Mahada called with a smile.

"Assalamualaikum, girls" Zakriyah greeted.

"Walaikumusalam, welcome back to school… we have miss you" Mahada said.

"Awwn, we miss you girls too… how is everything" Aisha said.

"Alhamdulillah" they responded.

"Who told you we are here" Zakriyah said, gazing at them.

"It was Yasmeen" Mazeeda replied.

"Oh, do you see Asif?" Aisha asked, then they stared at her.

"Why are you staring at me? Is there something on my face" Aisha asked.

"No… Aisha, why don't you stop crushing on Asif, he doesn't love you" Mahada said then she rolled her eyes.

"I will make him fall in love with me" Aisha said.

"Okay" Mahada said.

"Assalamualaikum" A girl said, walking towards them.

"Walaikumusalam, Hafeeza" They responded.

*Welcome back to school, sister Aisha" Hafeeza said with a smile.

"Is it only Aisha that is here?" Zakriyah said with a frown.

"I'm sorry, sister Zakriyah" Hafeeza apologize.

"It's okay" Zakriyah said and smiled at her.

Hafeeza left.

"Let's go and celebrate our welcome back at the cafeteria" Mazeeda said.

"No, I am not going" Aisha said then they took a glance at her.

"Why?" Mahada said.

"It is because of Asif right" Zakriyah said then she nodded her head.

"Aisha, don't worry… he won't do anything, keep calm" Mazeeda said, holding her hands.

She only nodded.

"Girls, let's go… you know tomorrow we won't have time for chatting" Mahada said.

"Yes, that's true" Aisha said then they went out.

When they got to the cafeteria they met Asif and Yasmeen chatting.

"Assalamualaikum" They greeted.

"Walaikumusalam" Yasmeen and Asif responded.

Aisha and her friends sat down on the chair.

"Aisha, what do you want?" Zakriyah asked but she was only staring at Asif.

"Aisha" Zakriyah called and tapped her.

Aisha gasped.

"Sorry, what do you want?" Zakriyah asked.

"Water" Aisha said then Zakriyah took a glance at her.

"Aisha, why only water? Won't you eat" Mahada said.

"Water is okay, sisters" Aisha said.

"She is pretending because she sees her crush" Mazeeda and Mahada muttered.

"I heard that" Aisha said then they smiled.