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MY HEART/ Underworld

MY HEART/ Underworld

Author: kim b



MY HEART/ Underworld PDF Free Download


Domien's soul fell into the hands of Hades, with that Hades was able to control and manipulate Domien for his greater need in opening the gate of hell so Lucifer can escape. Leo, Deo, Anna and John has to do everything in their power to stop the killing in the city and save Domien from the hands of Hades before he open the gate of hell.
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Chapter 1

Adetutu called a meeting at uncle james's home which everyone attended wondering the reason why she called the meeting. Uncle james, John, Anna, Laura, Esther's and Jay's mum and the kids all sat down in the living room while Adetutu stand in front of them, ''am sure you might all be wondering the reason why i called everyone here, there is no need to panic... if uncle and his families were observant they should have known something has changed about me for the past seven days'' said Adetutu with a smile, ''how do you want me to be observant of you when you handed over a mighty big companies to me and Laura who doesn't have much experience about the work we do in the companies'' said uncle james, ''dad, she might think no one observe her but i do, i notice she has been returning back home late with happiness and smile written all over her face'' said Jay, ''how do you know she has been returning back home late for the past seven days when you are supposed to be in your room sleeping?'' Esther's mum asked Jay, '''' said Jay but before he could finished his words John cut ''he is still a kid, am sure he stayed up late watching tv..... can you please tell us all the reason why we are here'' said John to Adetutu, ''well... there is someone i will like to introduce to you all'' said Adetutu smiling, ''is it a man, cause the way you are smiling look like someone that has just fall in love'' said Anna, ''it can't be a man, don't tell me you have finally fall in love with someone else'' said Laura, ''am sure........'' said Anna but couldn't finished her words as John cut in ''will you both shut up and let her talk'' said John to Anna and Laura, ''it a man as you suspected Anna... a man i fell in love with, decided to move on with and spent the rest of my life with'' said Adetutu with a smile, everyone was surprised and shocked, ''tell me you are joking'' said uncle james, ''is that even possible?'' asked Jay's mum, ''i think she is joking'' said John, ''am not, have decided to move on and forget the past, isn't that what you all want'' said Adetutu, ''are you sure you are okay?'' asked uncle james, ''yes i am'' said Adetutu, ''do you take alcohol aunt Ade?'' asked Gabriel, ''you shouldn't say that to an elder'' said Laura to Gabriel, ''am sorry'' said Gabriel, ''if this is a joke you can stop right now, we all know you can't move on even though you pretend you are moving on, you can't forget about him'' said John, ''what do you mean by she can't'' said Anna to John, ''she has the right to move on with her life Adewale is gone forever'' said Laura to John,  Adetutu still smiling, ''i thought we all agreed that no one should ever mention the name again'' said uncle james, ''why are you all taking what she said serious don't you see all what she [Adetutu] does is smile at you all'' said Esther's mum, they all look at Adetutu and saw she is just smiling, ''can you explain to us all what going on'' said uncle james to Adetutu, ''A is gone and have decided to move on, get married, have kids and be happy for the rest of my life.... i can't continue to hold on to someone that is dead'' said Adetutu, ''okay, since that is what you want, we can't stop you'' said uncle james, ''this sound not so true'' said John, ''it true John'' said Adetutu, ''let see the guy then'' said uncle james, ''i can't wait to see him'' said Anna with a smile, ''he is outside should i call him in?'' asked Adetutu, ''outside?, as in outside the house'' said Esther, ''yeah'' said Adetutu, ''let him in'' said uncle james, ''thank you uncle and everyone for agreeing to meet him, am sure you will all be very happy when you see him'' said Adetutu, ''just call him in'' said John, Adetutu make a call on her phone and said to someone over the phone ''you can come in''.

Adewale walked into the living room and stand beside Adetutu, everyone was shocked, scared and surprised as they see him in walked into the living room. Uncle james asked Adetutu as everyone stand up and moved closer to each other ''what the hell is going on here?'', Adetutu said nothing but keep smiling, ''calm down everyone it me Adewale'' said Adewale, ''you think we are just gonna believe that, we are no fools'' said John, ''Adewale is dead, so there is no way he will be standing in front of us'' said Laura, ''i think he is fawrus'' said Anna, ''am not fawrus, it me Adewale, i know it may be hard for you all to believe it me but if you all calm down i will explain everything to you all.. come to think of it , if it wasn't me, A will never be standing beside me smiling'' said Adewale, they all look at Adetutu and saw she just continue smiling, ''is it truly you bro?'' John asked Adewale, ''yes it me John, am back uncle'' said Adewale, ''how are you back?'' asked uncle james, ''i will everything to you all if you calm down and believe it me'' said Adewale, then the kids run to him and hugged him, ''you see, it's truly me'' said Adewale, then the others smile, went to him and hugged him.

Everyone one was sited

also Adetutu and Adewale

happy and glad that Adewale is back alive, and eager to hear the story about Adewale Journey and how he is back alive. Adewale said ''after i died in the real world, my spirit and that of fawrus and fawmus didn't go to anyplace or anywhere except the memory land but i was the first to be awake. God appeared before me when i woke up, He told me all the secret about the memory land and that if i truly want to destroy fawrus, i have to destroy the memory land or else me, fawrus and fawmus will never die cause the memory land will always keep us alive so we can return to earth. I plead with God to destroy the memory land that i want fawrus dead and God agreed and destroyed the memory land, then me, fawrus and fawmus died for real.  After me, fawrus and fawmus died i thought that was the end but it wasn't, my spirit was brought before God and God said to me that he sent me and Deo to earth for a reason and that i and Deo haven't completed our mission so i have to return back to earth, i asked God what our mission was but before i could get an answer i met myself standing naked on earth'' said Adewale, ''God said you and Deo haven't completed your mission and didn't tell you what your mission was, that kind of weird and complicated'' said uncle james, ''i think God must have a reason from keeping the secret of the mission from us'' said Adetutu, ''how long has it been since you returned back to earth?'' John asked Adewale, ''6 months and 11 days'' said Adewale, ''6 months!, how come you never show yourself to anyone'' said Laura surprised, ''i didn't show myself to anyone because of you people reaction earlier, so i spent that 6 months watching everyone closely and was happy that you all move on without me except A,  i also spent that 6 months reading the novel A wrote'' said Adewale with a smile, ''you


read her novel?'' asked Anna, ''yes i did, but she made a little mistake about my personalities'' said Adewale with a smile, ''how dare you say that'' said Adetutu to Adewale, ''it really good to have you back bro'' said John, ''am so happy to be back to my families also, i miss you all'' said Adewale, ''we miss you too'' said Jay to Adewale, ''we were told you possessed a great power can you show it to us'' said Gabriel to Adewale, ''yes, we will love to see it'' said Esther, ''i don't think he has his powers anymore'' said Laura, then Adewale closed his eyes. Adewale opened his eyes and said to the kids ''do you like the color of my eye'', everyone was surprised to see the color of Adewale's eyes golden except Adetutu, ''wow, it beautiful'' said Esther, ''thank you'' said Adewale, ''your powers are back and it has manifest in you?'' asked John, ''yes'' said Adewale then the color of his eye became normal, ''how did it happened?'' asked uncle james, ''i told you what happened to me few days ago when i went to get a novel to read, what left my body that day was the other heart which his A's heart, it returned back to him'' said Adetutu to uncle james, ''i thought she was joking that day and came up with an excuse'' said uncle james, ''wait, if you have been on earth for 6 months and seven days, and your heart just returned back to you few days ago, how did you survive 6 month without your heart?'' Anna asked Adewale, ''i also have no idea and i didn't even call my powers to return to me it just return to me'' said Adewale, ''now that you are back i think it time we talked about out wedding'' said Anna to Adewale, everyone was shocked and look at her, Anna said with a smile ''i was joking'', everyone smiled, ''there is one thing you all need to know, all the memories of me and Adetutu and all the lifetime we had lived has been restored back to us'' said Adewale, ''yeah he is right and he has also help me restored all my lost memories'' said Adetutu, ''so you two now know who you truly are?'' asked Laura, ''yes, even when we were in heaven'' said Adetutu, ''that means you know what God is like'' said Laura, ''yes, but we can't tell anyone about that cause we won't be able to say'' said Adetutu, ''am happy that we all back as one big family again'' said uncle james, ''wait everyone there is something you all need to so fucking hungry'' said Adewale with a smile and they all smiled.