
Let’s Read The World

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Author: ChristineO



DADDY'S GIRL PDF Free Download


Single, successful and had it all but controlled by her father. She wants a love life but can she give it to him, however he wants it to make their relationship last? Or she would remain single and let the man of her dreams walk away?
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Chapter 1

She smiled as she passed his class again, since they met two days ago, they had been eyeing each other.

It was lunch break now and she was standing with her friend at the door looking into his class.

He was a class ahead of her, light skinned, neat haircut, decent and well dressed. Who could not like a guy like that, all the girls in school did, in his class and in hers. Other girls threw themselves at him, sitting around him, fighting to carry his bag pack, getting his snacks. She had noticed him from afar before she and her friend entered the cafeteria. Right now as the girls gathered among the guys looking for what to do for him, when he wanted it done.

She smiled. He had the smile of a prince and she liked it, a lot actually. She blushed again when he looked towards the door and then her friend grabbed her hand and tugged her forward into the door of the cafeteria.

He smiled and looked at the door again, she had gone.

'Guys, I am going to get a drink.' He stood up.

'We will come with you.' The girls offered.

'I'm not going to be long.' He ease their worries.

Two boys stood up, his seat mates. 'We will go with him.'

He didn't think it was necessary, most of the students followed him everywhere, because he could get free stuffs from girls, who liked him because he was handsome, he doubted it, he knew what he could get anything with his looks and others followed him because he was intelligent and could help them out and some of the girls followed hoping he'd like them but he only like one girl since he had been here and she was the one he was going to find.

'Let's go.'

He looked round the cafeteria and he noticed her with a group of girls and a few boys sitting together talking, he knew other people watched and he wasn't ready to be the centre of attraction than he already was.

'Wait here.' He told them, as he saw her moving to the woman serving the food and snacks. He walked faster to meet up. He fell in line.

'Hi.' She said when he bumped into her, he liked her smile.


'Hello, are you buying or not?' The woman serving called his attention when he didn't say what he wanted.

He saw her blushed. He turned to the woman, collected the snacks and gave her his money.

'This is small for the said price.' He told the pretty girl beside him.

'Couldn't agree more.' She said collecting hers.

'I....' She didn't finish because two girls rushed to meet them and was melting in front of him.

'I'll see you.' He said as she walked away.

She nodded with a smile, at least they got this close. That is a good thing for her.

A few days later

'Megan, what is the problem?' She asked asked her friend, who rushed her into the girls bathroom.

'Elisabeth, I got a letter for you.'

Elisabeth watched her bring the letter from her breast pocket. 'Who is it from?'

Megan looked round the bathroom and under the toilet door, when she didn't see anyone. 'You know who.'

She collected it and opened but her friend pushed her into the toilet. 'Read it there, I am right here.'

She sighed and opened.


I didn't know what I should address you as, since I don't know your name....yet.

Maybe I could have brought something else, I think they are extorting us, what happened to the money for school tuition, must we buy our own snacks?

Funny, I didn't even eat that snack, one of my classmates took it from me. How about you?"

She smiled, it was great getting a letter from him, who would have known he liked her too.

She heard the knock on the door. 'Are you through?'

'Yes, She said opening the door.

'Let's go. ' Megan took her hand.

They exchanged letters for months, using Megan has their postman and she liked hearing from him, seeing him, being with him and suddenly one of her classmates saw her writing a letter, even though the classwork given to them by the teacher was to write a letter.

'Who are you writing to?' Her seatmate asked her.

'Someone.' She said hiding it under her book. She was glad there wasn't an address or the name of the addressee. They had agreed they were not going to use any address to avoid any of them from going through public embarrassment or humiliation and he wanted to maintain his reputation in the school which was why until now she didn't know his name and he didn't know hers but there was a particular initials that identify them.

He usually signed with a J and she with a E. There were many names that starts with J in the entire school, Jacob, Jack, James, name it, they could never figure out who it was if they searched and there were a lot of E's in the school. She felt her secret was safe.

'Since, letter is private, I meant as well write to someone l like.' Her seatmate told her and at the end, showed Elisabeth the content of the letter and signed her name; Diva at the end. She asked if she could send it, Elisabeth just shrugged, a class filled with senior class boys, how can she send it?

But Diva was Diva, she had said she accompanying her to his class and from there she could meet Megan, Elizabeth saw it as an opportunity to see him. They walked to the class and she waited outside, as Diva walked into the class, with all the students round him, she walked straight to him. He looked straight at her and she smiled, he smiled back; Diva misread what she saw, she smiled too. His bag was on the floor and suddenly Diva fell over something and immediately put the letter in his bag.

She stood up and smiled at him.

While she bent down, he looked at Elisabeth wondering what was happening, he asked for a clue but she shrugged.

'I'm Diva, her friend.' She said as she pointed to Elisabeth who everyone turned to look at and immediately she bent close to him and said slowly;

'I have a present for you in your bag.'


She nodded. 'I will see you.'

She excitedly walked towards Elisabeth who just smiled. She looked at him again, he was chuckling and he muttered a bye and she murmured back.

Finally he said he wanted to see her to talk, since they have talked so much in their letters and she agreed but on the agreed day, he didn't see her and neither did he see Megan to ask about her. It was a free day, they had just finished their exams the previous day, he had thought maybe, just maybe she would show up. But she didn't, she had left without giving him a name, phone number or an address and he hadn't given her anything either.

He knew he might never see her again and if he did, he might not remember a 14 year old E.