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His Crazy Mrs Knight

His Crazy Mrs Knight

Author: TSI



His Crazy Mrs Knight PDF Free Download


[®-18] In one year of their married life, his heart was like ice. She did everything she could to melt his icy heart, but this devil man never loved her back. One day she made a decision which was like an impossible mission, but who is she? She was the most stubborn woman in the whole A country. Once she decides what she wants, she will get it at any cost, and she did. She drugged him and spent a night with him; the next day, she ran away, leaving a letter with the divorce paper "don't feel shy, I snatched what was rightfully mine from the beginning." Her sudden disappearance caught him off guard, He searched for her all over the world, but it was like she vanished into the air, leaving no trace of her being in his life. This time she left for good; how can he find her since she left him?
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Chapter 1

Inside an extravagant wedding hall,

In a white wedding dress, Ella looked like a fairy from heaven.

Ella was standing in front of her husband, whom she had just married a few seconds ago. She and he became husband and wife who will share happiness, sadness, and everything in their life with each other.

A big smile plastered on Ella's face.

Even if she wanted to conceal her smile, she couldn't, and of course, she won't.

Why she would, today she was on nine Clouds of happiness,

The city’s people present at her wedding were looking at her with jealousy.

Also, some even were thinking she was too shameless.

But she was too lazy to think about those nonsensical thoughts of outsiders.

Her eyes glued to only one person: "Her husband, Aubrey Knight."

But his expression was opposite to her's. His face was like someone donated to him at an auction.

"You may now kiss your bride," the administrator announced loudly.

Even after a few seconds of the announcement, Aubrey just stood there without moving even an inch.

Everyone present was whispering and mocking about Ella's fate.

But they did not know Ella was a fire who could melt everything in this world. Aubrey’s icy character was nothing in front of her.

Everyone in A country knew Ella King was beyond the stubborn and shameless girl.

Just like when she wanted to marry Aubrey, who was totally against it, she had her way of dealing with him, like she made him marry her?

Ella looked at Aubrey "please don't embarrass me here in front of everyone," Ella whispered, which only he heard.

“Do you think I care about your embarrassment?" Aubrey said coldly.

Ella felt a heavy stone hit her heart; yeah, he doesn't care about her, so how could he care about her embarrassment?

Ella tried to breathe out, which stuck in her throat for a long time; she forced herself to gulp the breath and smiled at him.

She knew he wouldn't, but she could not humiliate herself in front of those people who were waiting for her life to ruin there.

Ella took a step forward and stood in front of him; he was 194cm in height, but she was also as perfect as him. She was 180cm, and as a girl, she's perfect in every way like him.

Ella gave him an evil smirk, which was enough to make him nervous. He knew she could do anything; he didn't believe her even a little. Or never would.

Aubrey tried to take a step back from her, but she was fast, even faster than him. She caught his tie with force and lowered his head.

"I know you don't care about me, but I cannot let these people see me as a fool, ever."

Saying this, Ella sealed his lips with hers. Aubrey's expression was like light struck him hard. Everyone was in shock as he.

 She rubbed her soft lips with his; she tasted like honey. Which was an addiction to him; he forgot she forced him into this marriage for a second. And suddenly, her sweet lip’s sweetness was gone like air.

Somehow that disappointed him a little. 

Ella wiped her lips with her right hand.

"Don't be too greedy." Ella winked at him playfully.

Aubrey's sympathy for her is gone after seeing her look, which reminds him she snatched him from someone else.

He felt nauseated.

Seeing his eyes bore an awful look for her touch, Ella felt hurt inside her chest, and it tore apart her heart.

It hurt her so much that she wanted to scream and say to him, "it hurts like hell."

But she knew if she did, he would think that was her other trick, so she hid the pain from him.

He already hated her enough that he wanted to kill her, so she decided not to increase that feeling.

Aubrey looked at Ella "what you wanted; you already got it from now on, expect nothing from me." After saying this, Aubrey turned around and left her behind without looking back.

Ella just looked at his back until he was out of her sight.

Still, her heart was saying he might come back, but he didn't

Ella gave a sarcastic smile for herself " Ella, Ella, Ella, what did you expect from him? Come back? Come back for what, for you, no he will not, he left," Ella said to herself, cursing herself.

She turned toward where her wedding guest was mocking her.

"It's time to stand up for yourself. "

Ella took the mouth speaker from the officiant.

She coughed lightly on the mouth orator, made some noise, and caught everyone's attention.

when she saw everyone looking at her, she said

"Hello everybody, it seems like you all enjoyed the king's family's extravagant hosting. Now the show has finally ended, so go home and do some gossip. 

But don't forget to do it behind my back; if I catch any of you doing this in front of me or I hear something, I don't think anyone presents here powerful enough to face my vengeance, be careful with everyone's filthy mouth."

Saying what she wanted to say, she returned the mic and left the hall.

Then the silent hall once again became noisy, and everyone started whispering among themselves.

Mr. Robin King, Ella's grandfather, was sitting in the front line at the family table.

He sighed at her granddaughter's actions. That spoiled girl never listens to him; she does what she wants, just like today.

She was always like this, and why not would it be? She is one and only Princess of King’s.

Since childhood, she has had a dominant character after her mother passed away; everyone spoiled her with no limit. And to add to the fuel to the fire, her two brothers were always enough for that.

They made her an arrogant lady and being of King's family, one of the wealthiest families of A country, and no one ever dared to say anything about her; otherwise, those three brothers and sisters made their life a living hell.

Her brothers let her grow up in their palms, and they nurtured her like flowers.

These two were the primary reasons she turned so stubborn and arrogant.