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The BadBoy Likes Me

The BadBoy Likes Me

Author: Blackpink



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Royal is just a normal high school girl but her biggest fear is the school bad boy he picks on her every day until one day she discovers that he isn't picking on her anymore she wondered why so for the first time in her life she talked with him to see why he wasn't picking on her anymore and you can't believe what he said "Royal I... Think... I.
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Chapter 1

It was another normal day at school I was closing my locker after taking my books out of it. Everyone in the hall way was talking about the school badboy Dylan. He's my bully he picks on me everyday of my of life. He came walking down the hall way with his bestfriends by his side he walked up to me and slapped my books out of my hand. He laughed with his friends his family is very rich I didn't like him he just had this bad vibe in his eyes. I stooped down and picked up my books and walked away I always ignore them and I never said anything to them. But one day he stoped bullying me this wasn't him why is he acting like this. I decided that today would be the day that I finally talk to him. He was sitting outside the school with his friends they were drinking something I wasn't sure what they were drinking. I walked up to them and looked down at my shoes "ah Dylan can I ask you something". He looked at me "what do you want". He tone was cld as usual "I just wanted to know why you stoped bullying me". He didn't say anything I stood there waiting for him to speak then he finally spoke the words I never expected to hear from him. "I... Think.

.. I like you". What did he just say is he carzy nuts he hates me with all his guts how could he possibly say he likes me. "You don't mean it right". He grabbed my wrist "I do mean it Royal I wasn't being mean to you because I found out that I like you". I pulled his hand off my wrist and walked away the nexted day and the nexted he didn't stop looking at me he followed me around all day as well he also stoped me from hanging put with other boys. Which was my best friend although he's the only friend I have one day I was walking home from the sotre after getting myself some snacks but I really went there to get milk. I live alone I moved out of my parents house I moved into a house it's not that big but it's a home that I like. Plus school is ending soon so I can find a job instead of staying at my part time job. I'm not going to college I want to but I don't have enough money for my college tuition the money I'm getting paid at this job isn't much. Then my phone rang it was an unknown number I didn't save this number either. It must be a spam call I love when those happen I usually prank them it makes me laugh. I answered and heard a familiar voice it was Dylan but how did he get my phone number. "Dylan how did you get my phone number". "That's not important right now tell me where you are". I turned around to see where I was "ah I'm standing outside the convenience store near my house". "What are you wearing". Huh why did he want to know what I was wearing "I'm wearing a pink panda shirt with black sweat pants. And white socks with my white shoes and my hair is in a messy bun". "Ok then stay where you are". Huh why he hung up before I could say anything I walked to a bench that was nexted to the convenience store and I sat down I still had my phone in my hand. I opened the white plastic bag I took a bread and opened the novel app that I downloaded three days ago and started reading the novel that I started reading yesterday. I took a bite of the bread and waited for Dylan to come as I still wondered why he was asking those questions. Dylan finally arrived I stood up and turned my phone off I picked up the plastic bag and looked at Dyaln who was standing in front of me. "Dylan why are ypu here is something wrong". "Yes something is wrong". "What's wrong did I do something". He grabbed both of my hands "Royal I like you and I want you to be my girlfriend so stop refusing me and be my girlfriend I promise I won't hurt you". "But I can't I don't have the strength for this". "Why I'll give you anything just name it and it's yours". That gave me an idea I always wanted to be a model but I couldn't find any companys that would hire. "Can you get me a job as a model but I still won't be your girlfriend". "I'll get you the job but why won't you be my girlfriend ". "I don't want to be hurt you have always bullied me school is ending nexted week so please stop causing trouble for me". He sighed "all I ask of you Royal is to stick by my side no matter what I go through I want you to be there for me". He was starting to walk away but I stoped him "wait I'll stick by your side if you stick by mine no matter what". "I promise but does that mean you agree to be my girlfriend". I nodded he pulled me in for a hug my hand slowly moced up to his back I griped on tight to his shirt and we hugged.