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Naughty And Not Nice

Naughty And Not Nice

Author: dearhearty



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Synopsis "Help! Please!" I scream for help but these two men holding me doesn't look like they will listen to my plea. Jeez, I should listen to my brother and believed how horrible it is to live normally. Two men had their steel grip on me as I try to restrain their hold but my skinny arms won't save me. It will be a miracle that someone will come and rescue me in this dark alley because no one seems to come here at this hour! And I will be dead soon! "This lady has more than we imagined! Look at these gold and money! This woman is something, chief!" one of the tattooed guys grinned at me. A huge man stood in front of me, watching me cry for help but the way he stares down at me gives me nothing but chills of disgust. Damn, how can I even make it through this?! I should have stayed in the palace and forget my stupid plan. Life isn't a fairytale, that's the only fact that I see right now. And that I'm going to die tonight in the worst case ever. "Damn, someone please help me!" I continue to cry but they already started taking me away with heavy and brutal moves. Where the heck are they taking me!? "Pray for help, princess because no one is really coming to save you." The chief pervertedly licks his lips as his eyes stare at me with hunger. "Yeah, right. You assholes have a lot of guts to even lay a finger to something that is mine." Then in one moment, the three men around me were down on the cold and muddy ground in a blink of an eye and beyond them, my eyes adjusted to see who came to save me. I no longer have to think who came because there is only one man that I bumped into today and looked so mysterious like that. "Dante Andresano." One of the men grunted in pain while holding his gunshot on his stomach. Dante marches his way towards me, didn't care about the fallen bodies around us. He gripped my wrist which causes me to wince because they are still aching from their grips but Dante has done that so he can get my attention. "You belong to me, kitten. Did you get that? Leave my side, you're dead."
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Chapter 1

Princess Aurelia Amara Morrigan Atarah Morgan. Yes, I had the longest name in history. Blame my grandmother for that. I was given this name to give respect for the first Queen of this place also, I don't know why my Father has to name me to the myths of our country which was Isla Qurencia. There are so many myths that were written about our island and it has been taught to us even when we were little.

I'm the second child of King Silas and Queen Astera, making me second in line for the throne. Well, my older brother will be the future king so, his training is way difficult than mine but, I still need to ready myself because if something happens to my brother, I will be the one in charge of our country.

I will give a little background story about Isla Qurencia.

We have our own language that we call Qurencian. But we were taught international languages so I can speak almost all of them. This island has been hidden from the rest for thousands of years. We are a very cultured county with lots of prohibitions from another country because our ancestors told us to protect what is ours.

And that is our most precious treasure that only in here can grow.

Gold Roses.

Gold Roses is the reason why our country is so rich and can live without any help from others. We don't really open our doors for them because of it. Gold is our most powerful procession. So we have to protect it. There are countries who knew that we existed but it has been a treaty for hundreds of years that we will be hidden and out of their business. So where we are and this is how it impacts me. Although it's been always like hidden information that we are somehow connected to the other countries for economic purposes. But no one shares the gold roses.

Ever since I was a kid, we were taught so many principles and obligations to run. Staying here in this country and putting all of our life into this is our duty. So, I bounded with rules immediately. I don't even know what freedom feels like and that leads me to my dream.

I always dream of seeing the world. What it's like out there beyond the deep blue oceans. I always wanted to travel across the globe. What America looks like, what Paris looks like? All of those are my dream.

But, I doubt my country will ever let me.

My Mom wanted that dream too but she said she has many obligations in life that she can't do it but I will make history. I will see the world before my 19th birthday. Maybe get the chance to fall in love and-

"Ouch!" I whined when something suddenly hits my head from behind.

"Someone is dreaming again." My older twin brother, Prince Aeron. He purposely hits a pillow hardly on my head as I sit in our gazebo in our garden. It seems like he just had his usual morning workout and now he is here to tease me again. I am currently having my morning tea, once peaceful and now ruined by this evil creature.

"Leave me alone, Aeron. I'm not in the mood for your morosis teasings." I snarled, rolling my eyes.

"Because you're dreaming again? You know it is impossible to go to America especially since your birthday is coming up. You will gain more security." Aeron grinned "But come to think of it, didn't it say in our law that the second in line for the throne, which was you...of course...will be granted their most wanted wish when it's their birthday? Why don't you use that chance to go out of this country?"

"Because it is forbidden in the law, you idiot. Only the Kings and Queens are allowed to get out of the country. It will be the greatest humiliation if I wish that." I argued.

"And it is also in our law that one wish will be granted every birthday, isn't that right?" Aeron really knows what I want. He may be an asshole or irritating, but he is the best brother any sister would want.

He made a point there but I'm afraid to ask my parents. They might get angry or tell me that this might be my last wish. I really want to go out and see the world but I will risk my title here. My country might hate me but I really hope not to.

The least that I want is that my people to think ill of me. I don't want to happen.

Well, every year before my birthday, I will plan on how I will tell my wish but hesitation always kills me so I never brought it up. But now, since it is my 19th birthday and before I get married next year, I want to have that wish come true no matter what.

I am already engaged to be honest. My friend since I was a little kid happens to be my fiancé. He was a son of a noble too so he was classified to be my Prince but we never loved each other the way we should be. He is more like a friend that I am obligated to marry.

I've heard about the other monarchy countries and I envy them because they got to travel and have the freedom of the one they are going to marry. So weird but I've been really becoming sick of our laws.

I never got the chance to talk with my fiance about going out there. He has bounded by-laws as well so he didn't really wish to see the other country unlike I do. But, I got to say this to my parents. I have to or else I will go insane.


One morning, it is almost a week before my birthday and we have to show ourselves to our parents today to say our wish. I am actually very nervous but Aeron seems so cool about it. Usually, when it was about to say our wishes, he is the one who is agitated because he doesn't know which one of his wishes he will say first but now, he is not even thinking and seems so confident about it.

I wonder, what his wish will be.

We are both waiting to face the king and queen until we were called by the castle guards that they are waiting for us at the hall. Aeron and I saw them at their usual seats which is their throne. We walked side by side, two meters apart as we walk through this long aisle before reaching them.

We bowed our heads together with our bodies, mine was more feminine though.

"Good morning, my darlings." Mom greeted with her usual confident grin.

"Good morning, your majesty." Aeron greeted back. We are not allowed to call our parents 'mom' and 'dad' at a place like this. But we can if we are alone.

"So, today has come for us to hear your most wanted wishes. What would that be?" Dad looked at us.

Aeron and I straighten our back and put on our regal faces which were taught to us as well. To be always composed in front of the throne and when we are speaking to our parents. We must always approach them formally.

"How about we hear yours first, Amara. I know you have something interesting again for this year." Mom stated, looking forward to my wish.

But my hesitation and nervousness come back again. I cannot speak and I fear that this is going to be the first year of my life.

I bit my lower lip and my parents noticed right away that I somehow look different than I am last year.

"What's wrong, my darling?" Dad asked.

Aeron and I exchange glances and he mouthed 'Go on' before I blurt it all out.

Jeez, here I go. I closed my eyes tight before opening my mouth to say it in a swift "I wish to go out and see the world for my birthday."

The color was drained out of my parents' faces. This time, they are the ones who exchange glances in horror before turning them back to me. I muttered silent prayers that they will consider this for the first time.

"Please, your majesty. This wish means my whole life. I will never ask for a wish again for my next birthdays. I will perform my duties well and I will offer my whole life for this country. Just this once, I want to see the world." I nearly begged.

And that ladies and gentlemen, how I perform for my wish to come true.

Being a princess is not like the way people usually see in shows. We live with a set of rules behind our backs that we must follow even when we are sleeping. Our moves are limited and we are not allowed to have fun. It sounded creepy but I taught to love my culture and the laws since we were kids and I learned to accept my fate. To be the princess of Isla Qurencia.

Honesty, I don't know what also came over to my parents to especially my Dad to nod. That was history.

I actually accepted what I said.

"I know this day will come and I prepared for it." The King rises from his throne then walks over to me to give me a pat on the head. "You will not stop until we agree, am I correct?"

I nodded, absentmindedly.

"But, you will do something in return." He added walking back up and hold my Mom's hand. Actually, Aeron has the same look as I am right now. We are both shocked and probably thinking the same thing.

That my parents wanted something in return.

"Alright, exchange for my conquest. What shall I have in return?" I asked, bowing my head a little. It is actually in our practice that we are not allowed to talk normally when our parents are sitting on their throne. We must act formally and must address them as their title not by calling them, Dad or Mom.

"That you will come back here and perform your duties as the princess without any restraint and without any complaints anymore. You will present yourself as the possible future Queen of our country. It is not that we are anticipating that something bad will happen to your brother but you still have to be prepared for it. You will marry Stephen once you come back in five months. You will have no guards, no maids, no resources from us once you get out of this country. Am I clear, Princess Amara?"

I gulped in nervousness. I didn't expect the effect of my wish but this is a once-in-a-lifetime deal so I can't let this slip through my fingers.

"Yes, your Majesty." I bowed my head in respect but I am shaking inside.

I have no more choice but to do this because this is my dream. I want to see the world and I decide to accept anything in return no matter how hard it is.

After telling our wish, my brother slapped the back of my head painfully.

"Are you stupid? How can you accept his conditions? Dad is not kidding about not giving you any resources. He will really let you suffer out there!" Aeron yelled at me once we got to my room and he followed me.

I run my hand through my face before turning around to look at him. "I have no choice. I will go out and see the world no matter what the consequences are. If I have to be a beggar out there then so be it. At least I got to experience what normal people are doing."

"Normal? This is normal, Amara. You will die out there, you can even last five minutes without your maids. How much more to live without them. You don't know how to live as those people do." He continued to banter with me. "Amara, I always supported you but knowing what Dad wanted to happen, I can't let you leave knowing you will live worse than I thought."

I know you are worried...I know but I cannot back down anymore.

"I know what I want and I told you, I am ready to face whatever happens to me. I'm sorry, Aeron." I told him before walking past him and head towards the garden where my comfort place is.

"I can do this and I will not back down." Once I set my mind to something, I will do whatever it takes for me to reach it. I can do this and I will do anything to finish this five-month condition without their help.

I can do this.

I am a tough princess.

No more quiet and charming princess that everyone wants me to.