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Love And Drama

Love And Drama

Author: Robin jones



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Eden was the popular hot girl in school who dreamed of becoming a doctor. Eden became a excellent intern until things changed when she met the bad boy of her dreams. Life as she knew it changed dramatically when she became a mafia wife and had a whole knew life to lead.
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Chapter 1

Eden was the hot popular girl at school surrounded by people, everyone that met Eden loved her straight away, she wasn’t the typical nasty popular girl she would do anything for anyone. Eden’s focus was on her studies her dream was to become a top surgeon like her mother and father. This left Eden no time for boys even though she wasn’t short on offers. Eden’s best friend chloe was the opposite she didn’t care much about her studies but had a new boy toy weekly, Chloe hated the fact Eden had never had a boyfriend but Eden and Chloe had been best friends since they were 4 year old even though they were like chalk and cheese. Eden graduated with top marks and got a job as a intern at her local hospital. Eden’s father wanted her to work at the hospital he was a top surgeon at but Eden didn’t have the best relationship with her father so decided this would not be a good idea. Eden was looking forward to starting her new job it was her dreams coming true. Chloe was happy for Eden and said they needed a night out to celebrate. Eden didn’t want to go she wasn’t a big drinker like Chloe but Chloe convinced her like usual. Eden went over to Chloe’s house to get ready and told Chloe she would only be having one drink, Chloe disagreed with this as they were celebrating. The girls got ready and Eden got more in the mood to dance and let her hair down. Eden looked amazing in a short red strapless dress that clung to her amazing figure perfectly, high black stilettos and her long shiny black wavy hair draped down her back. Chloe looked equally as beautiful with a short black dress, silver stilettos and her blonde hair up in a messy bun. The girls were waiting in the queue to get into RAD the biggest nightclub in town when Chloe spotted a group of boys also in the queue. Chloe asked Eden to talk to them with her but Eden had no interest, Chloe however was a man eater and wouldn’t take no for an answer so dragged Eden with her. While Chloe talked to the boys Eden was scrolling through her phone, hadn’t even looked up to say hello till Eden heard a voice that made her pay attention, Eden looked up from her phone to see the most beautiful creature she had ever seen, he was tall with the most perfect muscly body, gorgeous black hair and the biggest baby blue eyes. ‘Hi you must be Eden I’m Adam’ Chloe had all ready introduced Eden to the boys while Eden was paying no attention. Eden felt like she was under a spell when Adam spoke and couldn’t get her words out. Eden eventually managed to say hi. They were now at the door and could enter the club, the boys invited Eden and Chloe to sit with them in the club. Eden didn’t know what to do since she couldn’t even talk to this beautiful creature, the only thing for it would be to break her rules and have more that one drink. When sitting down in RAD Adam sat beside Eden, Eden couldn’t even look at him she had never felt like this before all of a sudden Adam put his hand one Eden’s leg, Eden turned to look at him and was in ore of him. ‘Can I get you a drink beautiful’ it took Eden a while to get the words out ‘I’ll have a double vodka and coke please’ Eden turned to look at Chloe who was sat between two boys smiling with her thumbs up to Eden happy that she’s actually going to have some alcohol.

Adam kept supplying Eden with alcohol. Eden was already feeling more confident the more drunk she got and could actually talk to Adam, he told her how his dream was to own and advertising company but his Father wanted him to take over the family business so this wasn’t possible. Eden was slightly crushed when Adam told her he would be moving to Italy in 2 weeks to start the transition of taking over the business. Eden told Adam about her internship and how excited she was about starting. Eden started feeling very drunk and wanted to dance, ‘come on Adam let’s get on the dance floor’ she said grabbing Adam’s hand and pulling him with her. They were both dancing when Eden’s ankle suddenly give way and she stumbled, Adam managed to catch her before she fell to the floor and pulled him towards her. Adam then smacked his lips onto Eden’s, this was Eden’s first kiss and when Adam was wrestling her tongue with his Eden felt sparks of electricity she had never felt before, they danced, drank and kissed some more till it was 2am and Eden didn’t think she could possibly have another drink without been sick. Adam suggested they get out of here. Eden managed to find Chloe who had her tongue down one the Adam’s friends throats ‘Chloe’ Eden shouted, after 3 attempts Chloe detangled herself from the boys mouth to look at Eden. ‘I’m leaving with Adam, I’m so drunk’ the biggest smile appeared on Chloe’s face and she replied ‘I’m so happy, don’t do anything I wouldn’t’ Eden laughed and left with Adam. They got in a cab and drove for 20 minutes into a secured gorgeous neighbourhood, the car pulled up and Adam got out opening Eden’s door for her. Eden held Adam’s hands while he lead her into the biggest house Eden had ever seen. As soon as they entered the house Adam closed the door, then pushed Eden into it while kissing her with so much passion. Eden couldn’t believe the way she felt, she had never been interest in boys hadn’t even kissed one till tonight. Adam picked Eden up she automatically wrapped her legs around his waist not been able to move her mouth from his. Adam carried Eden upstairs and chucked her onto a bed while stripping his clothes off. Eden couldn’t help but stare at his sculpted body. The next thing she knew Adam was ripping her dress right off her. Adam kissed Eden’s neck and moved down her body, Eden was moaning with pleasure, Adam pulled off Eden’s underwear and entered her. Eden felt a small amount of discomfort since this was her first time followed by the most intense pleasure she had ever felt, Eden then couldn’t get enough and was digging her nails into Adam’s back that made him moan. They continued for what felt like hours until they both passed.

Eden woke with the sun gleaming through the window, when she opened her eyes properly she was disoriented this wasn’t her room, she turned to see Adam sleeping beside her and it all came flooding back. Suddenly Eden realised how ill she felt. ‘That will teach me for drinking so much’ Eden thought. Eden had to get out of there before Adam woke up. Eden found her dress on the floor ripped in half so put on Adam’s shirt he wore the night before, she seen a notebook and pen so left Adam a quick note, ‘ I had to go so sorry I’ve put your shirt on since my dress was ripped. Had a great night here’s my number call me if you like, no pressure though, Eden x’

Eden knew she probably wouldn’t see Adam again especially since he was leaving for Italy in a matter of weeks. Eden grabbed her phone and called a cab, the whole trip home Eden couldn’t stop thinking about Adam, she couldn’t believe what she had done but didn’t regret it in the slightest. Eden arrived home took some aspirin and went straight in the shower, when she came out she checked her phone there was a missed call from an unknown number. Eden called the number back and Adam answered ‘Hello beautiful did you have to run off so quick this morning’

‘I’m so sorry to leave like that but I was feeling quite unwell, I’m sorry I took your shirt too, I didn’t think it was appropriate getting a cab in my underwear’

Adam laughed ‘don’t worry about my shirt although I don’t think anyone would complain about seeing you in underwear, anyways are you busy tonight?’

Eden wondered what he was going to ask her,

‘No I have no plans tonight why?’

I’ll pick you up at 7.30 for dinner text me your address’

Just like that Adam hung up. Her phone rang again this time it was Chloe wanting all the details, Eden told Chloe everything who was screaming with joy, her friend had eventually experienced what it was like to be with a boy. After an hour Eden hung up and decided to have a nap before getting ready for dinner with the most beautiful human she had ever seen.