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The Badass Queen's Man

The Badass Queen's Man

Author: Psyclover



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Stela Marie is adopted daughter of the most famous business man here in Philippines. People call her Badass queen because of her attitude when she was young. When she is back from abroad, her Dad told him to get married with one of his brother. They give her a time to think. But next day, when she was driving fast, she got into an accident that made her forget all her memories. Her name, her address, and everything. Will she able to overcome this incident? Let’s see.
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Chapter 1

“Miss Stela, our visitors is on the way now,” Gilbert told me, my bodyguard. I just nodded and told him to prepare the things that they’re asking. I lighten up my cigarette and looked at the sky. The scenery here is so refreshing. I can see the waves from the sea over there. It’s so beautiful. I’m in Maldives right now to meet my business partners. I don’t know why Dad told me before to invest money in the low company. Now, I get it. It’s look like, I will invest money for them now, but when their company grow, they’ll invest to our company too. I didn’t know that was true. After I help them, they started to invest to our company.

I am Stela Marie Corporal, the badass queen. 26 years old. An adopted daughter of Mr. Corporal, The famous businessman here in the Philippines. Ever since I graduated in college, my dad’s helps me to start business. Our family is well-known that’s why I need to do something to make my parent’s proud. As of time, I am working as a CEO of my company called SMC. Our company is best in making technologies, such as gadget, and etc. but sometimes, I’m running a business when dad told me to.

When I get sick while looking outside, I return to my office and told Amira to wake me up when the visitor’s arrived. I haven’t sleep yesterday so I need to more sleep to get back my energy.

3 pm in the afternoon when my secretary wakes me up. I change my clothes into formal attire. When I’m done, I went out to greet the visitors. I formed a slight smile when I saw my car outside.

“Mr. Deon, how’s your day?” I asked when they sat in front of me. I ordered to my secretary to prepare drink for us.

“We’re doing well. My company and I.” Mr. Deon answered.

“Yeah, he’s right. Same with us too. Our company went well because of your investment.” Rose added.

“It’s good to hear that.” I simply commented.

“I heard that you were leaving? Where are you going now?” I just smirked at what they asked. Even me, I still don’t know where I’m going.” I lied. This should be a secret that’s why I didn’t tell them the truth. I just want to leave our house for a year that no one in our family member knows. My adopted father didn’t know that I’m planning to leave our home. I know that he will not notice it because he’s always busy. Same as mom.

“Miss Stela?” I back my attention to Mr. Deon when they called me.

“Oh, I’m sorry for spacing out.” I shyly said. I called my bodyguard and told him to bring the equipment that they requested. He brought the truck that full of wood first. That wood is for Mr. Deon because he want to try the wood that from Philippines to build a house. Gilbert brought the medicine too. That is for Rose. She’s a doctor in her own hospital and she’s running out of medicine. And also, the case of covid19 was increasing that’s why she asked about this. I get this vaccine from India.

“Thank you so much, Miss Stela. You’re such a gift from above.” I just smiled at them.

“Thank you for bringing that car too.” I pointed the car outside.

“C’mon, that’s nothing. It’s yours after all.” Yeah, I know.

I also lend them a car so they use it for their work. Now, I can use it again while staying here. When they leave, I asked my drivers to drive the two truck and follow Mr. Deon and Rose direction.

While sitting in the couch, my secretary give her phone to me. I looked at it to see why she gave me her phone. When I saw that my dad is calling, I answer it right away.

“Hi, Dad. How are you?” I asked when I answered his call. I know that he will thank me for doing my job well. He’s doing it always though.

“I’m fine. Are you coming back home? I have something to tell you. Can you book a flight today and comeback tomorrow?” he asked. I just felt in silence. I don’t know how to respond. I don’t want to go home already. Is that all? Isn’t he give me more time to have a vacation here?

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and answer him.

“Okay, Dad. I’ll do it.”

“Okay, good. Let’s meet tomorrow, then.” He hung up the call.

I don’t want to go home but I can’t do nothing about it. I know that he will do something for me to comeback.

Before I sleep, I prepare my luggage and also my passport. I also got my tickets so it’s really sure that I’ll come home tomorrow. Damn.

I WOKE because of my alarm. I check my phone to see if what time is it. It’s already 5:30 am so I get out of my bed and prepare my outfit that I want. I shower first before eating breakfast. When I’m done, I silently go outside my vacation house while holding my luggage. I hope my secretary is still asleep so she can’t notice that I’m leaving secretly. I put my luggage to the back of my car before hoping and starting the engine.

I also disguise myself so no one will recognized me. I waited for few minutes before I go to the airplane. When the plane was starting to move, I decided to sleep because I didn’t sleep well yesterday. I have so many thoughts in my mind today. I am curious too. Dad told me yesterday that he had something to say and I want to know it right now. If I can teleport, I will do it now.

I sighed.