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His Mate

His Mate

Author: creamywinky



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He's the Alpha of Dark Moon pack. On the midnight, they'll go out and haunt their preys. But they have their own rules, no human to be killed. He's only 19 when his parents died and left the pack to him. It's a big responsible for him, but he must do it for the sake of his pack. He swear to god, that he will never married or searching for his soulmate. His trust for the 'mate' was destroyed by his own mother. But, she. She's the only one that can change it all. He will do anything to protect his Luna.
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Chapter 1

"Protect the Prince!" Shout the Alpha of the Dark Moon to his pack as he saw the enemy are close to them now. He running to the enemies with his four legs. He's now has transform to werewolf in just a blink. He fight all the people who come upon him and help to save his people.

The Prince is watching from afar with a tremble eyes. He don't know what to do. He really want to go and fight all those people with his father, but he's not allowed to go. It's too dangerous to letting him go. He's the only crown prince they have, the only hope.

Then he look at the other pack, the King and Queen is standing arrogantly behind the pack. Their smile make he feel so sick. The person that he trust the most, is now his enemy. His own mother, is now on the other side. She betrayed the pack and go with the Alpha of the Red Moon pack, just because their pack is now getting weak. And she don't want to lose the power of the most powerful pack.

His eyes catching back the movement of his father. He's now close to the Alpha of the other pack, does he want to kill him? But surely he will do, he has take all his father have. His wife, and some loyal people of his pack.

Finally, his father is now standing infront of the Alpha. He have killed some of his bodyguard, but the Alpha is just stand still wearing his arrogant look. Doesn't even step back or trying to protect himself. But his father still don't hesitate to attack him.

They're now fighting with each other, but his mother is trying to run from the scene. Obviously, she's so selfish and just want to save herself and don't care about her pack. While his father fighting with the Alpha, his mother step back step by step until she's far a bit and then running to the depth of the forest.

Conall doesn't take a longer time to take action. He chasing her mother from behind. His bodyguard is keep running for him to protect him, because it's their job to protect the prince during the war. But he will never stop until he get his mother, and took revenge.

While at the war scene, his father still fighting with the Alpha of the Red Moon. He take every chance he get to weaken the enemy and when the time is right, his soul will be taken by him. The Alpha of the Red Moon is getting weaker and weaker. No one can help him now. His people is busy with the war, and his bodyguard are following the Luna.

"See you in hell." He said with him hand flying on the air to the Alpha body and take out his heart roughly from the socket. Then he look up to find his wife, but she's nowhere to be found. He get up and look behind him, his people is now almost win the war. They're getting stronger now.

"You can't go there. It's too dangerous for you Prince Conall!" He turn his back and find where the voice coming from. He just realize his son is missing. He running to where the voice come excelerately with his four legs. Just like a wild animal catching their prey.

Prince Conall keep running and chasing his mother, and stop when they get at the clear spot of the forest. His mother turn back and standing arrogantly to her own son. Her head is high, just like she always told him. The great witch, will never bow for anyone.

"What are you doing here honey? Why are you chasing me? Well, well. Only now you want to come back to your mother and follow me? Why? Because your pack is now getting weaker right?" She ask with an arrogant tone and laughing wickedly. "I've ask you to come with me before. I know and pretty sure, you can be a strong Alpha for Red Moon pack, and together we can be the strongest werewolf family that ever live. But now, my offer is off. You can go back to your beloved father, maybe he need you now. Or maybe, he's already dead." She continue laughing.

"No!!!" Conall shouting to her mother. His face showing that he's super angry to his mother. "You witch! You are the most bad person I've ever met in my life! I'm ashamed to be your child! You're not my mother!" He said while losing control. He running to his mother, trying to kill her. But he's too slow, his mother already use her power and throw him to the tree with force. He can hear his bone is cracking.

His mother walk to him slowly and steady. His bodyguard try to get him and protect him, but the other is trying to protect their Luna too. His mother is now standing infront of him, look at him with her lower eyelash and smirk. "You just like your father, poor and weak. I'm the one who ashamed to get a child like you." She said and flying her hand to use her power again, but someone hold her hand roughly.

"Don't you dare to hurt my son!" His father said with a trembled voice. He try to control his anger, and not harming his wife. Even that she cheat him, but he still love her.

His mother shocked by the presence of her husband. She try to let go of her hand, but it's no use. She's weaker than her husband. Then she smirk and look at him with a disgusted look. "I thought you're dead. But who knows, you're so much stronger than I thought. Or maybe you're fated to die in my hand. You, and your son can go to hell together." She said and use her other hand to bring the sharp branch to her husband.

The branch get into the Alpha stomach. He can feel the sharp pain creeping all over his body. Slowly, he lose his balance and fell on the ground. He close his eyes and let the pain take over his body.

The witch smile, looking at her husband dead body on the ground. Then she walk back to her son, and try to harm her son. But before she can do anything, she can feel something sharp on her throat, slashing her thin skin. Her blood running out from the wound. She coughing out the blood as the blood running to her head now.

Then she turn back to see, her husband smiling to her and whisper. "Let's go to hell together." And then she fell on his chest. They both lying on the ground with a pool of blood. That's what his father always want, to die together with his love. But poor him, it's just the one sided love. He don't deserve to be treated like this. He deserve a better woman in his life. But he still loyal to his wife.

Conall look at his parents dead body with a confused look. He look at his father face, full of calmness. He crying in silent while crawling to get closer to his father. Then he look at his mother face. Suddenly, he feel the urge to kill her again and again even when she's already dead, it's still not enough for him.

Her mother eyes still wide open, maybe because she's shocked. Or maybe she's not ready to die yet. Well, no one is ready to die, right? Conall close her mother eyes roughly, then push her away from his father body.

"Prince Conall, we should get back to the castle and tell everyone about this news. And you have to get on the throne as soon as possible. Besides, we should take the body and graving them as soon as possible too." One of the bodyguard spoke politely.

Conall nodded showing that he understand it. Then he get up and speak with a neutral tone. "Bring the Alpha back, but left the Luna here." He said.

The bodyguard look at each other with a great fear. What does he mean by left the Luna here? Don't he afraid if anyone else found the body? "I'm sorry Prince, but we can't leave Luna here. Otherwise human will...."

"Just do as I said. She's no longer your Luna. I'm your Alpha from now on, so do as I said and don't question me." Conall said with a deadly voice. He look sharply to the bodyguard. His mother bodyguard already runaway after they see his father coming, and left their 'Luna' alone.

The bodyguard walk to the dead body and take the late Alpha back to the castle. There are dead body all over the war scene, and their people take the body back to where they come. No one dare to fighting anymore, after their Alpha is dead.

Finally, after they arrived to their castle, the funeral ceremony is held as soon as possible. Conall look at his father face for the last time. He never imagine that he will lead the pack at his 19 age, and see his parents died infront of him. And the most saddest thing is, they killed each other infront of him. He don't care about his mother, but feel sorry for his father.

But now, he have a big responsibility. To lead the pack. He swear, that he will make the pack the strongest among the werewolf pack. He will make his father proud of him one fine day.