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Her Missing Pieces, The Alpha‘s Treasure

Her Missing Pieces, The Alpha‘s Treasure



Her Missing Pieces, The Alpha‘s Treasure PDF Free Download


Does life have to be so complicated? Zoey didn't think so, that is, until she receives a certain letter. When Zoey initiated her first shift on her 18th birthday, her life took a bizarre turn for what seemed like the better and the worst. She learnt something about herself that had been dangling over her head all her life, but she never understood until that moment. She vowed to learn the whole truth but, she couldn't do it all alone, which left her at a dead end once again. Coincidentally not long after, she learns that her mate was the Alpha of the Truemoon Pack, who automatically took a promiscuous adoration towards her. Niall helps his lost mate through all possible challenges and mountains, just so she could find those missing fragments about herself and be happy. But when she finds out the truth, will she be?
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Chapter 1

My Dearest Zoey,

If you're reading this, it means I'm not in your life when you initiated your first shift. I do trust that you're well and happy in a pack with people who love you. That's all I ever wanted for you.

If by now you didn't know, I was a rogue. I ran away from my pack when I was 21 for reasons I wish for you not to worry about.

If your mom ever told you anything about me, I hope she told you that I love you, and that the rogue life was never what I wanted for you. The constant running and looking over my back was never how I wanted you to live. And so, I'm trying my best to get you into a pack.

Maybe the reason why I'm not with you is because my lifestyle got me to the grave, or maybe it's some other reason.

But I want you to know that being a wolf is more than just shifting.

You'll find your mate and live the happy life I always wished for you.

Have my grandpups and make me proud.

I hope you know that I loved your mom. She changed me for the best and gave me the best gift I could ever wish for.

My precious Zoey.

If by some unfortunate incident you learn that my death wasn't natural and was by the hands of someone else, please don't try and avenge me.

I've done a lot of bad things in my life, and I don't want that for you. It's not worth it in the end. So always choose to be good Zoey.

Be good and do good. I know your heart is bigger than mine and your mom's combined. And I have faith that however and whoever you grow up with, teaches you the right way to be a wolf.

You are and will always be the most precious jewel I was given. I want you to remember that and always stay true to yourself. Be happy and live life to the fullest. I will still be with you through every milestone.

Know that you're strong Zoey. You're stronger than you'll ever know. And I hope you use your strength to be the wolf you're destined to be.

I love you my dearest child. My blood will always run through your veins.

Zoey Isabella Boysen.

My love, my heart, the reason for the most joy I've ever known in my life. My baby girl.

Your dad, Reagan. <3

Forever in my heart.


Tears streamed down my cheeks as I glanced over the letter one more time.

This letter was written by my dad before he died. What pained me the most was that he actually had a feeling that he would, and so he needed to write me this.

All my life I've never known who my dad was. There were no pictures, just stories from my mom about how he was when they were together.

I've always wanted to know him and to talk to him, to learn so much more about him. This letter was the first thing that made me feel somewhat connected to him, but it also made me feel lost.

Who was my dad? What really happened to him?

My sister never knew him personally since we had different dads, and the one person who knew enough about him, died seven years ago along with his memories.

I felt torn. I felt like I didn't know who I was. I want to know more, to know everything.

Growing up, I always knew that I was different. My mom was a human, and my dad was a werewolf. But I've always known that something was different about me.

For a girl with only one parent with wolf genes, I was way too strong, and this was before I even shifted. Something about my life story isn't adding up. And this letter just made me more curious.

I deserve to know my truth. I can't live knowing that there's something about my background with missing pieces.

And this letter was my first clue.

I clenched the letter against my chest and looked up to the ceiling.

"Thanks dad. I'll make you proud. I promise" I whispered, as my heart ached with heaviness.

My big sister, Victoria, pulled me into a comforting hug, but I winced at the pain that ran through my body.

I just shifted for the first time today. Other werewolves shift for the first time when they turn sixteen, but my wolf hadn't awakened in me until this morning on my 18th birthday.

I was so excited, that I woke up my sister and ran down to the backyard to get ready. Like my mom, my sister is human too, so she had no idea what to do about shifting, but I was just so eager.

So her mate and our current Alpha, Luka, helped me every step of the way.

It was hella painful, but it was worth it. I felt so much stronger and complete. That is, until Victoria handed me this letter.

"How did you get this? " I asked through a sniffle as I pulled away.

"Mom gave it to me when you were six. She wanted me to give it to you on the day of your first shift. That's what your dad wanted"

My heart sank at the mention of both my parents in one statement. Though I didn't know my dad, I still felt his absence. And when mom died too, it was like I lost them both.

But I was never short on love. The people that I live with are some of the most loving wolves I know. Dad would've been happy.

"Why would he want her to wait until I shifted? "

"I don't know sweetheart. Maybe he had his reasons."She sighed and tucked one of my curls back into my bun. "I know you have questions, and I really wish I could answer them. But I promise that I'll help you find anything you want to"

I buried my face into her shoulder as my head throbbed in pain. "I want to know everything, Victoria. I want to know why everybody is convinced that I'm from a high ranking family because of my scent. I want to know who my dad was, why he left his pack and where his pack really is. "

"I know sweetheart "

I continued. "I feel like I can't fully know myself until I know who I really am, you know? "