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MY REVENGE! PDF Free Download


"I Ian Jared Mathuews reject you Alexandra Demitria Beet" I smirked at the boy infront of me although it hurts like hell but no way I'll show him that " Just know one thing, you'll regret this like hell. I Alexandra Demitria Beet accept your rejection Ian Jared Mathuews" I said before i walked away from him After Alexandra returns from a two year training camp/school that her father had sent her to, she gets rejected by her mate who just happens to be an Alpha that doesn't even know who she is. He just judged a book by its cover, and all she wants is her sweet Revenge! She will make sure that he knows how much he messed up by Rejecting her. He is sure to regret his words the minute they escaped his lips, but he needs to stay away from her. Broken hearts, adventures, love, hate, reunion and a hella lot of clichés. Follow the two trouble makers to have a lot of laughs and cries.
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Chapter 1

Chapter 1 — 01

I'm finally back.

Two years ago dad had sent me to a private wolf school that teaches fifteen to seventeen year old pups everything and anything they need to know about wolves, including how to communicate and control their wolves, how to fight in human and wolf forms.

Not to forget that it was a normal school we learned everything from English to Math, we are not complete animals!

Why this school is numbered second in werewolf world is that it teaches the finest ways of revenge known to man.

Not only normal revenge, but revenge of a broken heart, a rejected mate.

And before I forget the minor detail behind my British accent, Wolves high, which is known to graduate the finest wolves is located in London, that exact detail is the reason for the fact that I haven't seen my family ever since the sent me away, it was like then didn't want me, which hurt like hell.

I had been refusing to speak to them up until last month when my best friend knocked some sense into my thick skull and threatened to break every single bone in my body if I refuse to talk to my family who had been calling nonstop.

And now that I'm back I get to see my family, my mom, dad and of course my older brother Jeremy, i know that I also have to apologize for ignoring them, for throwing a tantrum before i left and for saying i hate them and cussing at them.

What can i say, I'm a hard headed bitch that would kill anybody who stands in her way, especially to the fridge.

Ask Jeremy if you don't believe; i think he still has the claw mark on his shoulder from when we were ten.

I went down the stairs of the plane eagerly, only thing on my mind is my family.

After about a ten minute search for my father, I finally spotted him. He was holding a big balloon that has 'Welcome Home Princess' printed on it in bold black letters and a bouquet of roses tied with the string which kept the balloon from flying away.

Once he noticed me a big smile graced his face, for a second i was afraid it would break, and opened his arms wide for me.

I, because of all the excitement in me, left the trolley carrying my bags and ran into my fathers arms.

"I missed you so much daddy." I whispered into his shoulder as he twirled me around a happy chuckle escaping his lips.

And yes I do call him daddy even though im 17; I'm a daddy's little princess, sue me!

Oh how I missed this big teddy bear that I'm proud to call father.

"I missed you too pumpkin." He said after setting me down and placed a kiss on my forehead.

After he gave me the bouquet and balloon, he took a hold of the trolley and we continued on our way to the car.

I wasn't surprised to see the shiny black SUV that my father placed my bags in. After all, our pack is still very wealthy.

The two hour ride home, felt like a two minute one, and that's probably because Dad and I kept on talking and laughing, filling each other with updates on how the past two years had went.

"By the way pumpkin don't be surprised when you see your brother. He's already an egomaniac" dad said making me chuckle.

Last time i saw him i was 14, I would have celebrated my fifteenth birthday with them if they had waited another three month, and he was 16, he was pale and thin with no muscle what so ever, we used to spend our sibling time playing video games and eating junk food and I don't think he's changed much.

After about twenty more minutes of driving we arrived to civilization, it started with small huts and houses, then stores started getting involved, after that the house start to get bigger until you'd reach the pack house.

There are only three villas in the pack, the biggest being for the Alpha and his family, then came the betas villa, and then lastly was the Deltas.

Although each has their own villa, it isn't surprising to hear that one of the families live in the pack house, the Alphas family to be exact.

Alpha likes to be in contact with all pack members, he listens to their problems and tries to solve them, he doesn't put himself above everyone and makes them feel small just for the heck of it, and for that every wolf in our pack loves and respects him.

Us on the other hand, tried to live at the pack house but after Jeremy and I almost burned it down, it was the last straw with Alpha and he asked of dad to live at the villa.

Oh, did I forget to tell you that my dad is beta?

Oh well, now you know.

Dad parked the suv in the garage and helped me with my bags

I entered to see my mom in the kitchen baking.

Mmmmm Chocolate Cake my favorite.

I tried to sneak up to her and give her a little scare but she knows me too well, not to forget that she could probably smell my sent.

"Don't even try to young lady, you never change, do you?" she said cleaning her hands before turning around with a smile that was quickly replaced with shock when she saw me.

Over the span of the last two years i had grown taller and had hit what most humans say, puberty.

True i wolves do get periods, but at the age of fifteen our bodies stats to mature preparing us for our wolves.

I couldn't help but notice how her eyes filled with tears as a sob escaped her mouth.

Mom was always sensitive when it came to her children, "oh my baby girl, you look beyond beautiful" she said and started to walk my way.

I met her half way, tackling her to the floor as I hugged her not caring that her hands still had some dough on them.

"i missed you so much mum, I'm so sorry for ignoring you and not understanding why you made me go to London, I'm so sorry mummy" i told her then pulled away looking at those big green eyes of hers.

While both, me and my brother got out hair like her shiny blonde hair, only i got her eye color.

We got off the ground and she gave me a kiss to my forehead

"It's okay sweetie, I understand, we all do" she said and gave me her sweet loving smile. "Your brother is out back with his friends preparing for a welcome home party. Go to see him."

She said before continuing on with making yummy sugary food.

I nodded and started walking out back a small smile on my face thinking about how much I missed home.

And me being the silly clumsy girl that I am, I wasn't looking where i was going bumped into a wall making me take a couple of steps back!!

"Fucking wall!" I said rubbing my forehead.

I looked up to see it wasn't a wall but a very muscular and slightly tanned chest.

"Like what you see" the huscky voice asked.

I looked up to see his amazing blue eyes that skeptically looked like dads and blonde hair that looked just like mine.

And then it clicked and my eyes widened slightly.

Dad did warn me, but I didn't take him seriously.

I smirked at my older brother.

"Well if it's not the one and only egomaniac Jeremy Joey Beet" i said and my smirk widened as his fell.