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His Queen, Her Beast

His Queen, Her Beast



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"You are just mine and soon you are going to be my queen just make these words imprinted in your head and I will do anything to make this happen".Losing his grip he said "you will come begging to me and will sign these papers willingly" "Never ever" "Just wait and watch butterfly". He said very calmly while sitting back in his office chair. The tone he was using threatened me to the core. This story is about a girl who just wanted to pursue her career and make her parents proud. She is the kind of girl whom every boy dreams of. Sweet but bold enough to raise her voice against the wrong. And he is someone you should not mess up with. The one who loves to dominate and scares people. He always gets what he wants by hook or by crook. They are like opposite poles. What will happen when she will bump into a ruthless boy who will fall in love with her and will force her to love him back? Will he succeed in his intentions or will she change the beast?
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Chapter 1

"Sign it Shreya", he said while sitting calmly in his office chair.

This boiled my blood, how dare he order me like this.

"No, Mr. Singhania I am not going to sign these papers"

"You have to baby"

"In your dreams and I am not your baby". I said angrily and tore the papers into little pieces. I was about to turn to leave his office because I cannot stand there even for 1 second. But in a blink of an eye, he came and hold my arms tightly, whirled me around, making me face him. He was directly looking into my eyes and I was giving him an equal fight because I did not want to show any kind of fear.

"Where do you think you are going, huh?"

"That's none of your business"

"Don't show me that attitude otherwise you will regret it". He said while making his hold even tighter. His hold is definitely going to leave bruises.

"Just leave me and let me go" I wriggled in his hold

"I will leave you just do as I am saying" he said coming close to me.

"Just leave me, it is hurting"

"It will hurt even more if you don't do what I am asking you to do". He threatened me.

Our faces were just inches apart and my heartbeats were doing marathon. Okay! This was the end of my patience.

"What do you think of yourself haan. You are rich and powerful that does not mean that you can do whatever you want. I am a human being and you can not force me like this. I am not going to sign these papers at least not in this life. You can get anyone you want then go and find someone like you. I am not your kind of person. For me marriage is not a game, it is something very pure, it is a matter of whole life dammit". I said this in one breathe. My body was burning with rage and eyes were filled with anger.

"Now just leave me". I tried to pull my hand back.

"Hahahaha how innocent you are that you think I am going to leave you. I always get what I want and right now I want you. You should feel lucky that I have chosen you" he started laughing and at that point I was just restraining myself from not slapping him.

Lucky my foot, huh.

Coming even more close to my face he said in a challenging tone "you are just mine and you are going to be my queen very soon just imbibe these words in your head in bold letters and I will do anything to make this happen".

Losing his grip he said "you will come begging to me and will sign these papers willingly".

"I just hate you and will never do it" I shouted

"Just wait and watch, butterfly" He challenged me in a very calmly while sitting back in his office chair.

The way he talked threatened me to the core.