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Let the Right One In

Let the Right One In

Author: Skies Ambrielle



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Dulcenea Mara Grange, born without some one in her side since the day that she was born. She was an orphan, someone sees her outside the orphanage, in a rainy night. The woman took her, and carried her inside. Since then, Dulcenea grew up on the side of the Mothers who's taking over the orphanage. Life is almost fine, but it's full of surprises. The orphanage, got burnt. All of the people inside died. Luckily, Dulcenea survived. But all of them left her, she's alone again. For her, there's no since of living in this globe anymore. That's why she decide to ruin her life. Many mens are chasing her, some of them are the boss that she deceived. Dulcenea had this very enchanting beauty that maybe no one can surpass. That's why it's easy for her to make them fall for her, and use their money to buy all what she wants. She's done beings chased by them. That's why she decide to end her life. Dulcenea, is alone. No one left for her, there's no sense of living anymore. When she's about to commit the suicide, a beggar suddenly approach her. Saying such mysterious and unbelievable things that make her cringe. Is this the really end for her? What if there's something more bigger than she expect? Can she handle it? In this world, nothing is sure. We can't tell if we won't try.
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Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The Forgotten Era

Third Person's POV

Horace's Walpole Palace

A wealthy and ruled by the powerful and kindhearted Duke and Duchess. They treat everyone as their colleagues. The Palace is fruitful from the inside to it's inner side.

Everyone who's ruled by them are feeling blessed and contended because of the kindness of their leader.

But not, everyone. There's still doesn't want to rank them up to the top. The other tribe seems jealous and want to take over the Devin's kingdom also known as Krueger tribe.

But they can't just do it that easily. Horace Walpole is the most powerful when it comes to security and safety for it's people. More on to their leaders.

They still need to think of a flawless act to erase the Duke and Duchess in their way. So that, finally they can take the lead and take over. Ruled the places with their own hands.

But destiny seems to favor with the envious party. They're come up with a mistake less plan to assassinate the Duke and the Duchess.

Achlys Lennon Devin, is the only one Devin who's only  left exist in this era. His family died because of a war between in their tribe and the other party of Picaresque.

It's a cold war between those family. But little did they know, the other tribe is planning to take over their Palace. Envious, that's what the only thing exist on their mind.

On their way home, the Duke and the Duchess with their soldier on their side, got ambush and dead on the spot. They didn't know what is coming in their way. The soldier with them doesn't have any chance to moreover fight for them. They let their guard down. Leading them into a death.

The Palace of Devin's located at Horace's Walpole, bombarded with a shocking news. They didn't expect those tragedy will come and meet with them. They mourn and let their sorrow contempt with the surroundings of the Palace.

Such a great loss. But the people of  Horace don't let the tragedy take over them. They still have a hope! The only son of the Duke and Duchess luckily survive. Still didn't know how come he luckily survive the tragedy that kill the life of his parents.

Nevertheless, the crowned Duke didn't let anyone enter the place anymore. They close all the gates and didn't let anyone to enter their Palace.

He isolate the people his taking over to. Afraid of tragedy might strike and slap him again in his face. Don't want to loss the only people family either he only have, and in order to make them safe, He commanded all the soldiers and captains to close all the passage and gates that leading to their place.

The soft and loving boy, turn into someone we everyone didn't expect. He still leading the Palace but with more power and tight hands. Don't want to slip it from his arms.

He's cruel and emotionless when it comes to people outside. The tragedy didn't stop him from taking over the Palace successfully. It grows and grows as the time pass by. Seems like no one could ever stop this.

When outsiders trying to get though over his Palace, they kill them mercilessly. It might be the scar leave by the tragedy. People of Horace don't trust anymore. No one. Literally.

The outside world seems afraid and shaking their knees to fight back against the will of Horace's Walpole Palace. In fairness, Devin's Palace didn't make any moves to against the outside world. As long as they don't invade and try to get their self in.

Many years, have passed by the tragedy have been buried to the ground six feet above of it. But still don't letting anyone to get inside.

The leaders of the other tribe died many year ago. And get ruled by their successor. The war seems died with them. No talking about it anymore.

Nevertheless,the fear is still their and passing by in every bloodline, of their tribes.

The outside world is wondering ,how the Devin's Palace remain on it's rank as the powerful tribe ahead of them. They probably think it's impossible for a Palace to rank up if it's isolated and closed. No resources going in vice versa.

Little did they know, it's only an act and operating their business when the night is awake. But one notice and knows about it. Only a few but powerful people that they're trusting. Only trusted one's.

Since the day of the isolation, the Palace didn't see the Achlys Lennon Devin anymore. No body have a guts to know where could he is. Just enough for them that they continue living with a peaceful life and fruitful one.

They can feel that he's still there. Roaming around like a normal person. Disguises his self. Looking over his Palace from afar.

As the time pass by, the boy grows and get more even matured. But no body know what he look like, know body knows him anymore.

But maybe one day, the Devin's Palace will open and entertain again. We can't literally know what will happen. Someday in God's will, that isolated place will open up again.

In the other part of the world, a lady named Dulcenea Mara Grange a hopeless women who's living her life is a totally mess.

She's alone. Ever since she live on this globe, she doesn't anyone to rely on. An orphan and taken care by the Mothers of the orphanage where she grows up and stand on her own.

Life really suck for her. She's maybe a worthless person who ever been exist. The family she only have has been taken away by the fire accident. How pity.

She badly wanted to end it. She's maybe tired of running away everytime in her whole life. All of us has it's limit.

But life is not that simple, don't ever forget that it's full of surprises! You'll just get shock,maybe one day will wake up with a scenery or life you didn't expect to come and knock on you!

We'll never know. That's the only thing we knew. Just don't ever let problems take over your life! Live the way you want, and be free.

What if these two unfortunate and hopeless people meet and see their self on each other? Would it change the fact that they both fucked up by the will of destiny?

The world of Gothic is not that easy, many secrets are ready to be untold. Be ready. Be brave.

The secrets of Gothic, what would it be? Are they ready to discover and get this out of the shed? So many untold questions to be reveal.

What really happened, to the forgotten era?


©Skies Ambrielle