
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Salvatore





Blood Sisters of the Michael family. The most powerful bloodline of dark witches, one of them sets out to ruin the world by bringing back their father who is a servant of an evil known as the darkness, while the others seek to stop her. Welcome to Weston Hills. A world of Witches and everything in-between.
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Chapter 1

“His name is Edmond Michael,” Janeka said, mimicking her mother. “The most powerful warlock. He who destroys and takes life's as though it were his creation.”

“We’re here,” Freya said interrupting the girls who were busy giggling at the impersonation. They had just moved into Weston Hills, a whole new environment and a fresh start. As Hayley pulled her bags out of the trunk she looked over at the house. A middle-class convenient structure with a lush green lawn and daisy bushes that hugged the white picket fence around it which opened up to the stone path leading straight to the front door, it was the limit to Freya’s savings from her part-time job, not much but Hayley had a feeling she was going to love it. The five girls hauled their luggage out of the car and into their new home. They cleaned up each of their rooms personally and then house at large together before unloading their stuff which took them quite a while.

Liquid rays of moonlight poured in through the open dining window bathing Hayley in an eerie glow. She looked up at the stars dancing across the darkened sky and let out a long sigh before shutting it. She strolled over to the wooden dining table and took a seat before grabbing an apple from the centerpiece bowl which was decorated in broken rays of light from the chandelier above. Her sisters all took their seats except Freya who stood leaning against the sink, she cleared her throat making sure there was no sidetracked soul in the room. It was time for the family meeting to begin. “You all know the rules,” She started the stress clear in her dreary voice. Ever since their mother died a few years back she had taken up the responsibility of running the family as the eldest sister and trying to balance it all. It was taking a toll on her.

“No use of magic outside the house unless greatly unavoidable,”

Yes, it was true, the Michael family was indeed a den of witches.

“We practice our magic inside this house, except for the rituals of course which is tomorrow.” Freya continued giving a small smile only to be interrupted by the thud of Hayley’s apple against the floor. Everyone turned to look at her now pale face. “Sorry,” she managed to brush her hair behind her quickly as she picked the apple and returned although Earnestine’s eyes lingered a bit filled with worry for her little sister.

“Right, as I was saying-”

“What if someone was about to die? Can't we just help that person?” Janeka asked.

“That falls under emergencies,” Freya sighed. “Just try not to be noticed, okay?”

“Yeah, we have to keep it under covers,” Earnestine said.

They all muttered lazy agreement before sauntering up to their rooms, the sound of doors slamming shut reverberating through the house, it had been a long day and they were exhausted.

The morning met Hayley brushing her hair in front of her makeup mirror, which stood at the edge of the room. Today she had on black jeans and a yellow top. Hayley was a full blonde teenager, with blue eyes, dazzling pink lips which usually displayed her alluring smile, and a slender waist. She was almost eighteen and was the youngest daughter of the Michael family. A knock rasped against the door, and she hurriedly put down the brush and raced to the bed grabbing her bag.

“How long does it take you to dress up?” Earnestine asked suddenly from behind her. Hayley's heart skipped a beat, as her breath caught in her chest. “Could you not do that?” Hayley pleaded.

“Whatever, you're running late for school.” Earnestine declared as she headed for the door unlocking it and heading down while Hayley followed closing it behind her.

“Morning,” Hayley greeted as she rushed into the kitchen/dining hybrid grabbing the cup of warm milk on the counter.

“Took you long enough,” Freya replied from the cooker where she turned out a pancake into a plate and slid it over to Hayley who ate as fast as she could. “Hayley!” Earnestine called from the living room.

“Mmm!” She responded, her mouth stuffed as she rushed out of the kitchen to catch Earnestine on the porch. “Sorry,”

“Well it’s not my problem if you want to be late on your first day of school,” Earnestine huffed as they headed for the waiting car. They quickly got in and Earnestine started the engine.

“Hope you didn’t forget anything,”

“I don’t think so,” Hayley confirmed. “Hey,” Earnestine said calling out to Hayley who was fiddling with the strap of her bag.

“It’s going to be fine," She hoped so, Weston Hills High had a majority of the kids in town in attendance, it sounded a lot more exposed than her former school. She was in her final year, graduation was next year but she felt like it was much farther than that. Earnestine proceeded to tie her red hair into a bun then fixed her caring silver eyes on Hayley, placing a hand on her arm and squeezing lightly to break her thought cycle as her lips glossed red to match her hair stretched into a small smile. Hayley did the same just as they pulled out into the street. Most of Earnestine’s dress codes all had one thing in common, red. She loved the color, she made it a thing to keep most of her belongings in that color code. They had to paint the family car red or else she wouldn’t agree to use it on public roads, she could be quite adamant at times but Hayley liked that about her sister. Reaching for the radio set Hayley put it on as music streamed forth cooling her nerves. It took them quite a several turns but not much time before they arrived at Weston Hills High. Earnestine drove into the school parking close to an oak tree that stood in the middle of the school.

They both alighted from the car Hayley mistakenly brushed her hand against the rough bark. Images of various corpses in dark empty vast lands, hanging from nooses, seeping blood and some rotting flashed before her eyes in quick succession.

“Earth to Major Tom,” Earnestine called snapping her out of it.

“Huh?” She gasped jolting where she stood beside the car, the door still open and no corpses in sight.

“Let’s go,”

“Right,” Hayley said shutting the door and following her sister's hands shaking and unsure as they danced up and down her bag strap

“Are you okay?”

“Just nervous,”

“I told you, it's going to be fine,” Earnestine told her.

“Now come on, let’s get to the principal’s office.” She completed, leading her towards the administrative block. Hayley took a shaky breath and walked with her. Hayley tried to clear her head by taking in the school environment. It was quite large and yet beautiful, she hoped she got the hang of it.