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Love And Truth Untold.

Love And Truth Untold.

Author: Violet Aura



Love And Truth Untold. PDF Free Download


Shirley McMahon is a 23 years old who has had a traumatic past experience which she cannot remember correctly. Unknown to her, many things from her past determines and holds the key to her future. Her life takes a confused turn when she comes in contact with the Lancansters; one of the most powerful families in Vegas. Her enemies lie within them and their enemies lie within them. Unfortunately, this marks the beginning of more mysteries and secrets.
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Chapter 1

Shirley was scrubbing like did every other day. She was on all four scrubbing the ground to make sure not a single dirt remained on it.

She had diffrent part time jobs at diffrent hours of the day. This cafe where she works is owned by Mrs Benson; a grumpy plus sized woman who found fault with every singe thing she did.

After scrubbing she walked over to the counter where a senior collegue sat.

"Hey Anna, it's my closing hour already.. I have to get going".

"Okay" Anna responded without sparing her a glance.

Shirley waited a while before speaking again. "I was wondering if I could get my pay for the day".

Anna shot her a look.. she actually pitied this young girl standing in front of her. She had never seen anyone who worked as hard as Shirley. What's worse?, she had a burden as a mother.

"Shirley you arrived late to work today and Mrs Benson instructed me to deduct 10 dollars from your pay".

"But I only earn 50 a day, how can she be like that?". Shirley grumbled.

Anna shaked her head in pity. "Here's your 50 dollars, make sure to arrive early tomorrow."

"Thank you.. thank you so much Anna, you're the best".

Shirley ran out of the Cafe as happiness filled her soul. Anna had always been a great help to her even during times she and Mrs Benson fell out.

She never really knew if Anna was being nice because she was hardworking or because she felt pity for her, either ways, it worked well for her.


Adon Lancaster, a 26 year old billionaire and CEO of Lancaster cooperation. He had everything good In life or maybe not everything; his love life was a disaster.

He sat behind his desk wondering why his mother had to subject him to a life of misery by forcing him to get married to that nuisance. No doubt he loves his mother and this love made him agree to her resquest without second thoughts.

"". Adon counted in his heart and in a split second the door flew open.

A beautiful lady entered into the office, anger visible in her expression, even her breath was fire.

Adon stared at her from head to toe. What she was putting on did something to him but that wasn't important right now.

"What's wrong Sarah?". Adon picked his words so as not to increase her anger but it did no good.

It's seems like everything he did annoyed her, nothing he did ever satisfied her. In short, his entire existence angered her.

"What's wrong? Adon Lancaster, are you seriously asking me that?. Well, I'll tell you what's wrong. What's wrong is that I hate you.. I hate you so bad I wanna murder you when you sleep, I hate you so much i want you to vanish from the surface of this earth without a trace. That's what's Wrong!!!".

She concluded breathing heavily.

She expected him to give the same reaction or at least say something but he remained quiet not uttering a single word.

This is what he had to deal with every single day since they got married three months ago, a tiring day at work and a hellish matrimonial home.

He stood picking up his jacket, he walked towards the door and stopped.

" Meet me in the car, we are going to have dinner."

Sarah tried to decline but Adon cut her off.

"Not a single word, my mother's order". Then he finally walked out."

After he walked out, Sarah banged her head lightly on the table in utter disappointment. His reaction wasn't what she expected at all. She thought bringing their matrimonial matters to his work place would anger him and unleash some hidden demons but none of that happened.

"I guess I'm still stuck with him".


Shirley arrived her home about 40 minutes earlier but she sat at their porch and made sure her mother had slept off before entering.

She finally walked into the apartment as quietly as she could. The same sight that greeted her everyday was before her again. A wasted woman who was supposed to be her mother lying comfortably in her own vomits with empty bottles of alcohol everywhere.

She squatted and touched her head. "You're not the only person hurting mama. I'm hurting too but I guess people take hurt diffrently".

She looked around and her eyes landed on the portrait of an old man and a much younger boy. A tear slid down her cheek but she quickly wiped it away.

Her alarm rang and she quickly muted it to avoid waking up her mother.

She mumbled quietly "Another job call, sorry mama but you'll have to clean up for yourself this time".


As Adon sat in the car waiting for his so called wife, his mother's call entered. He didn't even let her say a word, he just started complaining about Sarah and how miserable she was making life for him.

"I can't do this anymore mom, she'll kill me before my time and you'd be left with just one son".

"Adon baby, make this work okay. Women can be very difficult to handle, you need all the patience In the world to enable you deal with a woman like Sarah.

" You have nothing to loose infact we have a lot to gain by entering a joint partnership with the Adams Co-operation. Besides I like Sarah, she's a beautiful and well mannered girl from a humble background".

"I'm trying, i'm trying okay but she's proving to be stubborn and difficult. Do you know what she did today"?.

Mrs Lancaster sighed. "I don't want to know what she did Adon, you're the man of the house and she's your woman, try taming her.. mould her into the woman you want for yourself."


Shirley stood behind the counter of the huge resturant she worked In as a waiter, she was trying to sort the orders but her mind kept drifting to her mother. "I hope she's okay"?

"Shirley? Hey? Shirly"? Joyce; another waiter called multiple times but got no answer from her.

"Hey". She hit her shoulder lightly bringing Shirly back to the real world.

"Yes.. I'm so sorry. Have you been calling me for long"?

"Well yes... we have a couple at the table over there". Joyce pointed.

"Please treat them with utmost respect, they have a black card here". Joyce continued.

"And where are you off to"? Shirley asked with concern sensing the discomfort on her face.

Joyce stopped in her tracks. "Rest room.. I've been having a running tummy all day".

Joyce has always had a runny tummy, it was either caused by something she ate or drank..

Shirley reached the table and greeted politely. " Good evening, may I take your orders please".

"Do you have a gun cause I'm so In the mood to murder someone". Sarah said, throwing Shirly into a fit of confusion.

"I'm sorry, what?". Shirley asked again to be sure she wasn't hearing things.

"I said I need a fucking gun..."

"Behave Sarah Adams". Adon shouted at her banging his already fisted palm on the table. Good thing they rented the resturant for the night and were the only ones there.

Shirley shifted back in fear but lost her balance in the process. She slipped like a little toddler who was learning to take his first step.

She closed her eyes tightly expecting to hit the ground but instead two strong hand caught her, bridal style. Her eyes flung open faster than she had shut them.

Adon helped her regain her balance and she quickly wriggled herself out of his hands.

"Are you okay?, I'm so sorry I shouted like that, I just lost my shit for a moment. Are you hurt?,, Do you need to visit the hospital? I can drive you there".

Adon was busy apologising and checking her from head to toe to make sure she was totally okay. Shirley's eyes travelled to Sarah, she expected to see an angry wife, one who was infact boiling like a volcanoe and ready to erupt anytime soon but instead she sat down smiling happily like she had just won a trophy.

"We'll cancel dinner for the night". Adon said and walked out.

Shirley could tell that he was still angry. Sarah picked up her purse and walked past Shirly, she stopped in her tracks and without looking back she said. "If you want him, you can have him.. I can even help you".

Shirly watched as Sarah walked out, her mind was a scattered puzzle right now.

"What did that woman mean by if you want him you can have him?. Was she giving her husband away for free.. who wouldn't want a man like that anyways"?.

Shirly snapped out of her thoughts. "Did those people just play with me"?.

Is this what rich people do now? Going around and acting their own drama? What a world.