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Entangled with Two Demons

Entangled with Two Demons

Author: Hurlyburly


General Romance

Entangled with Two Demons PDF Free Download


“It’s the two pink line. Hailey, you are pregnant” Emily said, holding out the pregnancy test strip to my face. Yes, I am a pregnant teen in my senior high school. I decided to take a pregnancy test because I skipped my period. So, you can imagine my surprise when my best friend Emily announced the pregnancy test strip result to me. The worst part is, I do not know who the father of my baby is. I was very sexually involved with two boys I fell madly in love with, Bay and his cousin Jake.
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Chapter 1

“It’s the two pink line. Hailey, you are pregnant” Emily said, holding out the pregnancy test strip to my face.

Yes, I am a pregnant teen in my senior high school. I decided to take a pregnancy test because I skipped my period. So, you can imagine my surprise when my best friend Emily announced the pregnancy test strip result to me. The worst part is, I do not know who the father of my baby is. I was very sexually involved with two boys I fell madly in love with, Bay and his cousin Jake.

Bay Schuyler is a total high school cool kid. Won most popular, and most handsome in the yearbook. And yeah, he is handsome! He is 6’7”, masculine with a cool biceps and he worked out all the time because he plays basketball… and he has a thick and curly blond hair. Bay was my first love and the only one I was involved with until Jake’s arrival.

Jake is much older, a college drop out and looked even cooler and more handsome than Bay. We started off as good friends until I fell in love with him too. Before, I didn’t think it was possible to fall in love with two people and love them exactly the same.

The thing was, I wasn’t on birth control and we weren’t using condoms either. I never even thought of the possibility of becoming pregnant. I am a teenager and didn’t know any better. Sex education in school was optional and I never took it. My mother wasn’t in the picture, she got separated from my Dad when I was much younger and my Dad was always busy working in the Schuyler Ranch, so nobody guided me. Most of the things I did, I had to figure them out on my own.

I am not a popular kid, I wasn’t in any popular club, I am not the type to party and I never drink or do things the cool kids did… I was a nerd, a farm girl who is pretty much always at school everyday. So you must understand how lucky I was to be involved with Bay.

Even though our relationship was kept a secret, no commitment, no strings, no muss or fuss, just two teenagers wildly having sex, I still counted myself lucky. He made it clear that he didn’t love me. He was in a classic High School Romance with Claire Gustavo a cheerleader.

It all started on my way home from the ranch, under an unexpected convectional summer rain…


You can do this Hailey

you can do this

you can do this

I recited these repeatedly in my head as the rain wash down my body. My facial muscles are shaking. My teeth chattering uncontrollably. I wrapped my arms around my chest hoping to generate heat that way. My legs could hardly carry my weight. I am very used to Bay Schuyler treating me like trash but abandoning me to walk under the rain this late at night... ? Nah, this is extreme.

I saw a car coming towards me. The lights blurring my vision. I shielded my eyes with my elbow and jolted to the sidewalk to avoid being splashed with dirty water. The car pulled up and the driver slightly winds down.

"get in" he commanded!

wait! what? Bay came back for me? I slapped my face to shoot myself out of my reverie, my eyes wide in shock. I may be imagining things.

"what are you doing?" he asked scornfully.

"huh?" I gasped.

"I said you should get in" he said again.This time, his voice was stern.

I was reluctant at first because I felt he could be pulling up another degrading prank. I reached for the door handle still scared of the stunt he might pull. I slowly slides on the seat rigidly and closed the door.

"thank you" I barely voiced out.

He chuckles "don't thank me, I am not doing this for you. Mr. Hayes asked me to bring you home safely"

I didn't think he was going to come back for me after he left me in the ranch.

His hard gaze made me nervous. My heart started to pound loudly. This is the closest I have been with Bay since we were children. I was struggling to hook the seat belt and could feel his eyes on my chest.

my nipples are hard and they are pointedly visible in my wet dress. I heard him gulp down a good amount of saliva before turning his face away.

He began driving slowly... my body was vibrating. goosebumps rashed up on my skin. He reached for something in the back seat. His arm sweep across my face. I drew a sharp breathe to savour the sweet smell of his cologne.

"here!" he tossed his sweat shirt on my face. "cover up, you are shivering. And don't thank me"...

He let me into his car, and now he is letting me borrow his sweat shirt? Goodness gracious! What has happened to his ego? I slide the shirt on breathing his scent in again, this time a little longer. silence hovers in the car, the only sound I could hear is that of the windshield wipers moving in parallel and my loud heart beat . He clears his throat and casts a glance at me. He raised his eyebrow with a smirk...

"I'm surprised you haven't asked to know where I'm taking you"... He said. giving me a small smile.

I look through the windshield stretching my neck to see the road clearly.

"you are driving us back to the ranch?" I asked him in shock. "why would you do that?".... I was so lost in the moment that I didn't realize he never reversed.

"were you really expecting me to drive you home in the state you are in right now?... What will Mr. Hayes think of me, a fucking monster, huh? we will sleep in the rambler. no one is there. And do not worry about Mr. Hayes, he knows you are with me"...

i waved my hand dismissively, shaking my head. I didn't protest. I didn't question him either. Bay always have this crazy idea in his head that he could do whatever he want with me and I'm expected to be cool with it. He set the rules and I follow from a distance without questions. Only he had such big influence over me, and he knows that. We didn't talk the rest of our drive to the ranch.

We arrived at the ranch and he trudge off towards the rambler, I stepped out from the car and followed him closely behind. We got to the door and saw a lock on it.

"now what?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest. "you seem to have everything under control. I can see how well you've handled tonight" I smirked mockingly at him.

"shut up and let me think" he shoots me an angry glare and stalked off behind the block. He returned shortly " all the doors are locked" he said looking so glum.

I cannot believe he drove us all the way here without the keys. I did not want to anger him more by blaming him, I simply ignored him.

Bay rakes a hand on his face, struggling to remain calm. He clenches his teeth and slide out a phone from his pocket. He swipes a thumb on the screen and dial a number. He moved away from were I was standing and went into the porch. I could still hear him from where I was yelling at someone over the phone for a moment before his voice quiets them. He walk back like the whole town of Fothoman belongs to him. So much power confidence and magnetism.

We spent half an hour trying to gain access into the house, and when every effort proved abortive, we made our way back to where the car is parked and met the front tyre deflated. It already seemed like a lifetime ago he drove me here. I am tired and so hungry... I wish I continued walking home. Maybe, I would be home by now scooping a bowel of hot soup down my cold throat.

He gripped his hair and kicked at the car wheel, frustrated. After taking a deep breath, he dropped his hands and sigh.

"you are such a bad luck...." he blowed hot.

I stare at him for a moment to make sure he is not talking to me. when I'm sure he is serious my nerves ramped.

"ever wondered why I hate coming close to you? He stared down at me with so much hatred in his eyes "because Everytime I do, bad things happen... like this one"

"What are you talking about?' I asked not understanding where the "bad things happen" shit came from.

without saying another word to me he stalks off to the barn. I continued across the barn with him walking behind him but with a respectable space, it started getting harder and harder to move my legs. The cold is eating deeply into my system, it felt like my organs are shutting down. We made our way into the barn and he turned the light on. I could feel his hatred for me just by looking into his eyes.

He slips out his drenched top over his head and stretched an arm to hang it on a peg. my eyes falls on his flexed hard muscles and the image of running my tongue over them filled my mind. He turned towards me and I quickly looked away. The ice in my bones lingered even after I left the rain. My teeth chattering but I had a little control over it. Bay started searching through a farmer cloths stashed on the floorboard behind the door. I joined him in search and sorted out an old dress. so eager to get out of my wet dress I literally forgot he was there and send the clothes flying to the floor.

Bay takes in my curves, and visibly swallows hard... He composes himself and clears his throat, probably to remind me he was there.

I startled and bolted upright... "please look away" my voice a bit husky.

His gaze traced from my lips to my breasts. Before I could cover up... He rushed up to me capturing my lips into a deep and fierce kiss. My knees grew weak. He cups my cheeks and tilted my face up, slipping his tongue into my mouth kissing me hungrily... I gasped for air. A raging spark exploded between my legs. I could feel the wetness leaking out of my center. I don't know what has gotten into him all of a sudden but am not about to ruin the moment. I have waited for this day for as long as I could remember. I dreamt and imagined it... I can't believe that it is finally happening.

Gripping my backside, Bay lifts me up letting my legs tangle around him as he kissed his way down my neck and then, his mouth captured my hard nipples. sucking and nibbling on them fiercely, squeezing roughly as he suck. I wriggled and writhed in a painful passion. He laid me down gently in the hay... spreading my two legs wide, he slowly inserted his finger, one, two, then three of his fingers fitted in perfectly. I bucked my hip up to match his thrusting. His mouth sucking and teasing my breast. He pulls out his fingers and slide them into my mouth, one finger at a time until I completely licked off all my juices smeared on them. My fingernails dig into his shoulders as he swiftly removes his pants flinging them to the ground. His cock graced my skin hard and warm. I could feel how ready it is to meet my center.

He adjusted my hip on the hay and gives a mischievous grin before he buried his face between my legs, drawing a sharp gasp out of me. His tongue moves in sweeping movements on my clit, building speed, then slowing to tug teasingly at me. My moaning encouraging him to go even harder. I tangle my hands in his hair bucking my hip fast to meet his tongue as I guide his head where I want it. He squeezes my thighs tighter as he work faster, not stopping untill the pressure releases inside me.

Bay kisses his way up my lip and gives me a lingering kiss. He buries his face on my neck and guides his cock inside my pussy. He filled me up with his length bit by bit untill he is completely inside of me. My eyes blur...