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Vigilante's Revenge

Vigilante's Revenge

Author: Amanda Pearson



Vigilante's Revenge PDF Free Download


A book of three Vigilante's who dare to get their revenge, Broken, bullied, racism they all have different reasons that all end the same. They all want their revenge. Will they get what their souls crave, or will it all end in disaster? Read to find out.
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  • Dewald Burger

    Very suspenseful!!

    2021-01-03 07:13:57

Chapter 1


  Standing in the ballroom, a glass of red wine in hand I stood by my wife as we laughed at a joke Reginald was telling.

  I took a sip and peaked at my calico watch, it read eleven o'clock.

  The kids would have been put to bed around eight.

  The music was loud and we are having a grand time, this party is illegal.

  As we of black descent it was prohibited to have any large gathering or enjoying ourselves, we were a secret society to fix our country's way of looking at us in such disgrace.

  "Titus dear, can you fetch me another drink?" Cassandra, my wife asked.

  Her black long hair tied in a neat bun on her head was stunning.

  "Of course my love, I'll be right back Regi," I notified before walking off to the wine table.

  A loud bang rang out through the ball room as police broke through the door.

  "Freeze!" An officer yelled, all of us scattered, I tried to reach my wife so we could leave safe.

  It was too late, bombs full of gas had been thrown and people started dropping to their knees holding their necks as they passed off into a deep, deep sleep.

  "Cassandra!" I coughed out hoping to find her quickly as I choked on the gas, no luck.

  The police officers continued to throw their grenades, suddenly I couldn't breathe and I dropped to my knees like the others before me.

  Everything turned black.

  Moments later I woke up in a puddle of blood, I sat up slowly wondering where it was coming from, I patted myself down -nothing - the blood wasn't my own.

  I panicked and looked up to find Cassandra with a bullet hole in her neck, and her eyes were pale, she was gone.

  My heart was pounding out of my chest as my hands shook and pulled her onto my lap.

  I took a look around to see everyone else still gone from the gas.

  Tears filled my eyes as I realized what had happened.

  We got caught and those white bastards killed my wife, but why her why not everyone else.

  Then it occurred to me, the room was dead silent, there was no breathing other than my own, no movement, no sound.

  I placed a small kiss on my wife's lips and held her tightly to my chest and sobbed.

  I looked up to the ceiling.

  "Why do you do this to us, why make us like this just to kill us," I cried my heart beating out of my chest.

  I played her gently on the floor as I got up to check on the others sniffling as I rolled reggi over, he too had a bullet right between the eyes.

  It took me forty-five minutes to check all the bodies, they were all dead.

  All but me, why?

  We got caught and those white bastards killed my wife, but why her why not everyone else.

  I got to get home to my kids, my children are waiting for both their parents to come home, but only one of us will be returning.

  I staggered to the doors, they were bolted shut, confused. I began to slam my body against the door hoping to loosen the bolts enough to break through.

  Suddenly beneath the door began to smoke, gas was filling up the room quickly, but it wasnt just any gas this gas was pure poison.

  My lungs were beginning to fill up with the smokey gas making me fight harder to get through this door, it was my only way out.

  I took an exhale as the poison in my lungs were excruciatingly painful.

  I finally the hinges on the door came loose falling to the ground with the door in tow.

  I got up, and without dusting myself off I ran, faster and faster down the Alleys and in through out the side streets, towards the house my children were in.

  I huffed and croaked as I was still coughing on the black smoke.

  The front door was a jar, and my blood ran cold, I ran through the door frantically searching for Abigail, the children's babysitter.

  I ran up the stairs.

  "Mikayla, James where are you!" I screamed, crying got louder as I made it up the stairs, a whit cop was holding them at gunpoint, but before I had gotten a chance two bullets rang out in the silence.

  "No!" I screamed.

  The cop turned around and aimed his gun at me.

  I charged at him and he shot the bullet, I was waiting for the searing pain to go along with it but it never came, I opened my eyes.

  The bullet had just gone through my head. I felt the hole but here I was still running at him.

  We both went down my hands around this sorry of a man's neck.

  I began to punch his face in blood splattered but I continued I wasn't going to stop until he was dead.

  He killed my children and another killed my wife.

  I screamed through complete rage feeling his skull break under my fists.

  I looked up at the mirror in their bedroom on the floor.

  My skin was bubbling, and popping as if I was being boiled alive but adrenaline was too high to feel the pain, blood gushed from holes in my arms;

  my eyes weren't my usual brown, they were silver, and my dark hair was falling out, and I was covered in blood.

  I punched him again for good measure, just to make sure he's dead.

  He didn't move as blood slowly to fill the hard concrete floor.

  My friends and family are dead, I'm the only one from that party who is still alive.

  I shook, the adrenaline slowly leaving my body as I began to mourn for my family.

  I slammed my fist against the mirror, it shattered, but the small pieces of glass just sunk into my skin like jelly.

  "I'm gonna kill everyone one of them.

  I promise, they won't hurt anyone else, I promise Cassandra." I wiped my tears out of my eyes smearing blood down my cheeks.