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Anteros- A Tale Of Requited Love

Anteros- A Tale Of Requited Love

Author: Sorce



Anteros- A Tale Of Requited Love PDF Free Download


The life in Royal Pack of Furesta Negra changes for good when a Lone Wolf enter their lives. Romance is in the air. New families are formed. Secrets are revealed. Four brothers- Four love sto ries - One family. A story of family of choices.
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Chapter 1


The Antonakis Brothers

Stefanos Antonakis


The youngest Antonakis holds the dubious title of being the most ruthless alpha in the history of Royal Pack. Stefanos is a silver wolf which makes him the commander of all the packs in the land, even beyond Furesta Negra. Silver Wolves are born only every 51 years. They establish peace with a firm hand across the land in their lifetime. Their grandfather had been the last silver wolf. Everyone was worried till Stefanos was born. From a young age, his siblings have been overprotective of him because of these responsibilities. The alpha has made great many enemies with his explosive anger over time. The silver wolves are the most powerful alpha's in existence.

Vasileos Antonakis


The Hunter in Chief of the Royal Pack, he gave up his right to inherit the Pack Alpha role because of his love for hunting and in his own words 'it is not a position for a vain, single minded man like me'. His blood thirst is known across the land and is known as The Blood Wolf amongst other packs.

Nikolas Antonakis


The only omega in the Antonakis family, Nikolas is the Guardian of the pack. Though he was born an omega, his brothers have always been adamant about him being part of the Alpha training. Nikolas is in charge of the pack bureaucracy and external affairs. Many tried to deter Zacchaeus from giving him the position but the Elder King had breathed fire at the traditionalists. Show me one Alpha who is capable of doing half of what my Nikolas can do-he had asked and that silenced them well enough.

Zacchaeus Antonakis


Head of the Family

A sharp, dangerous man, the most feared Alpha,  he was the first Pack Alpha of the Royal Pack. He abdicated at the age of 25 when his parents died. He entered the Royal Pack Council soon after. He is known as the Elder King across the land and oceans.




Kristof, an omega was rescued by Zacchaeus on his journey to a faraway land.  No one other than the two know of the specifics.  Kristof was brought to the Pack House by him and then,  he grew to be one of the most important person in the pack.  An introvert,  Kristof's stoic coldness often scares the allies and enemies alike. He is Zacchaeus's best friend and confidant.  There are no secrets between them. Kristof is not a regular omega. He is a good hunter and warrior and is respected by the higher up's in the pack for his talent. A good researcher,  he and Nikolas work on research projects together.  He is also the only person who stand up to Zacchaeus.  He has a sibling bond with Zacchaeus's siblings.



Niles is a Lone Wolf who was taken into the Royal Pack.  He loves the pack and the head royals. He considers them his family now,  having lost everything he held dear a year back.  Niles is funny and cheeky,  a bit on the childish side as a result of his parents pampering the youngest a bit.  In the Royal Pack also he is treated as a pup. Above all this,  Niles is a person with true strength of character that comes out in adverse situations.  He is the prince of Island Kingdom and having left his pack became a Lone Wolf.  Now he is slowly losing the lone wolf scent.

Eilam Dussoni


Eilam left his pack at the age of 15 with his four year old omega brother in tow. He then joined the rogues in Furesta Negra. After killing the previous alpha, he became the Head Alpha of  Rogue Pack . Now, he is the Pack Alpha of Fire Opal Pack formed under the Royals of Furesta Negra. He is quick to react and thinks of consequences later. Short tempered yet loving to everyone close to him, Eilam is a kind man and a ruthless Alpha.



Ingram is the omega prince of Island Kingdom. He was imprisoned in the dungeons of his own palace for over six months, subjected to various tortures. Raised to rule the Island Kingdom, Ingram is a leader and fiery fighter. His encouragement to live despite the torture was his brother Niles who was out there without any proper help. Ingram is mostly silent, extremely sharp and can hear noises from a huge distance. He doesn't trust easily and is very possessive about Niles.

How this universe works?

Alpha, Beta and Omegas mate. If the Alpha is male, his omega could be male or female. The omega will be the carrier.

If the Alpha is female, she will be mated to a Beta or omega.

If the Beta/omega mated to them is male, the Alpha will carry the pups. If the Beta/omega mate of a female Alpha is also female, they can conceive through a heat phenomenon where the Alpha Female will be able to impregnate the Beta/omega female.

Beta's are the pack warriors and bureaucrats. Omega's while considered to be the giver of life are respected across packs rather than being seen as a weak gender. However, there are packs which are too traditional in the case of omegas.

Royal Pack

Royal Pack is the ruling pack, the human equivalent of royals. They are selected by the moon goddess herself, blessing them generation after generation with silver wolves. There are 1028 packs under the Royal Pack of Furesta Negra. Each pack has a minimum of 1000 to 2,000 members. Roughly 2 lakh wolves under the command of the Royal Pack, the largest in the world. The Royal Pack itself has a strength of 3700 people with 700 of them being hunters and warriors. They send their catch to packs suffering shortage, distribute fund and resources, manage conflicts, absorb packs and ensure that the packs are treating everyone well. Among the 1028 packs under them 13 are rebellious while 3 are outright hostile trying to overthrow the Royal Pack to take over the literal throne.

Pack House

The fortress has been with the royals for centuries. It is named the Sapphire Castle because at night, the sky behind the castle gives it a blue lighting. The pack house has 200 rooms and eleven wings. The Royal Family has one wing to themselves. From healers, cooks to guards the staff live in the castle apart from extended families and those with no family to rely on. The castle, at present has 231 members including children.

Furesta Negra

Inspired by Hoia-Baciu and Foloi Oak Forests

The wild woods are home to centaurs, vampires, unicorns, lepreuchauns, trolls, Elf colonies, Dwarfs and of course, every other creature there is. The woods are huge and has connection to the humans who live on

the other side of the woods. But the beings of the woods rarely ever come in contact with the humans. The woods are the most beautiful in the planet and as treacherous too.


Werewolves or Vampires who have destined mates are never mated to humans. For one, their life cycle is different. Werewolves or Vampires cannot reproduce with humans either. The turning cannot be done randomly. There is a council which studies the request for turning and if the council approves

, the sanctum of sun is opened for the turning rituals. Humans are not privy to the existence of this entire other civilisation and simply believes the land and forest as haunted and cursed. In fact, humans in the land are leaving to an extend.

Mating :

Mates await their other half for as long as it takes in most cases. 99 percent of them meet before the age of 25. The rest waits. Some moves on after turning 40 or 50, settling for a marriage or companionship. Once mates meet, there is no stopping the mating. A mate is recognised by their scent as well as by the inner wolf recongnising the mate.