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Who Is James

Who Is James

Author: abdul Rahim khurram



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It all started with the new student in school. James was never too keen on people, but he found himself interested in her because of what they had in common; their love for science fiction, especially space opera. They talked about it almost every week as soon as classes ended. James knew this because the new girl always sat with him during lunch so that they could talk together during class or during lunch. She introduced herself to him over one of his many late night chats with his friends, telling them about how she just moved to town from Australia and wanted to get into college nearby. They bonded over having lived close by the beach and James being able to visit his father at his local aquarium every weekend. James was thrilled when the new girl told him that she had heard a rumor about a guy in their grade,
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Chapter 1

It all started with the new student in school.

James was never too keen on people, but he found himself interested in her because of what they had in common; their love for science fiction, especially space opera. They talked about it almost every week as soon as classes ended. James knew this because the new girl always sat with him during lunch so that they could talk together during class or during lunch. She introduced herself to him over one of his many late night chats with his friends, telling them about how she just moved to town from Australia and wanted to get into college nearby. They bonded over having lived close by the beach and James being able to visit his father at his local aquarium every weekend. James was thrilled when the new girl told him that she had heard a rumor about a guy in their grade, and asked if James would help keep an eye out for him since apparently some other girls were also interested in him. James was intrigued and agreed to do his best to find the mystery man, only to learn a month later that the man was none other than Jared Anderson himself! And, much like his reputation as the jock of the school, he did not go unnoticed in high school.

As the weeks passed into months, James noticed that everyone in his year seemed to be paired up and hanging around with someone new. He began to wonder whether the rumors of Mr. Anderson’s flirtatious behavior was true, and decided to ask his friends about it, only to hear them laughing and telling him that there was no such thing as “flirting” in their high school. As far as they know, it’s just a game. James sighed in frustration before excusing himself from the conversation and going to the cafeteria to eat his lunch alone.

Two years later, James realized that maybe he shouldn't have listened to his friends, and now the entire school knows exactly who Jared Anderson is. In fact, Jared seems to be everywhere he goes, whether that’s in the halls or during a lesson. Every time James looks around he sees a flash of blue, and every single time he tries to catch a glimpse, Jared disappears before he can get a proper look. He’s beginning to think that perhaps he was wrong, that the rumors are untrue and Jared doesn’t actually flirt, but then Jared’s face appears at his side during recess and he gets a look of genuine fear in those bright blue eyes. Jared asks if he can sit with him, which he does and immediately begins to gush about space, and his life on Mars, and James is so mesmerized by it all that he almost forgets that they aren’t supposed to be talking. He even starts to nod off, until he feels a hand on his shoulder shake him lightly. His face flushes red in embarrassment, embarrassed that he fell asleep during their conversation. Jared apologizes profusely and says he didn’t mean to wake him up, but James assures him that it wasn’t a big deal, that he was just really tired recently and probably hasn’t been sleeping enough lately anyway. James tells him about all of the times he has to force himself to stay awake due to his father’s work and how his parents want him to take up more hours at his job so he can save money, and how he spends a good chunk of each evening watching movies or reading, trying to stay awake for as long as he can. When he stops talking, he notices that Jared has fallen silent and is staring at him with wide, blue eyes. James is startled at first, but smiles nervously when he realizes that Jared isn’t staring at him, but rather the hand currently holding onto his shoulder. He lets go quickly and laughs nervously, hoping Jared will drop the subject. But it seems that he won’t.

“So…you’re a writer?” Jared finally speaks after a few moments of silence, and James almost misses it completely.

He nods and gives him a small smile. “Yes, I am. And you’re a space nerd too right?”

Jared blinks rapidly. “Um, yes, I guess. My favorite genre is fantasy though, and I enjoy space opera more than anything else.”

James thinks for a moment before smiling again. “I love space opera! I’m pretty sure my family own a spaceship.”

The corners of Jared’s mouth twitch upwards into a smile. “Cool. You should come over sometime if your house isn’t occupied, you know? We could watch space opera together! It would definitely make your life easier.”

James raises his eyebrows and considers the request for a few moments before nodding and returning Jared’s smile. “Yeah! That sounds awesome. When can we meet? What time is good for you?”

“Oh geez I wish my schedule allowed me to go out that often. Maybe next weekend?”

James nods enthusiastically. “Sounds great. What movie are we seeing?”

“You pick. Oh and um…what should we call ourselves? The Space Pirates or something like that?”