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Love Or Lust: She Must Choose

Love Or Lust: She Must Choose

Author: GraciousD



Love Or Lust: She Must Choose PDF Free Download


As a young woman in her twenties Tabitha decided she was ready for a relationship. Unfortunately, she discovers how hard it can be to balance all her wants and personal needs. Accompany her and her long time best friend Ash on a journey of love and lust. Watch her learn the difference between the two and make the final decision on whether she wants long steamy nights, or years of waking up to the love of her life by her side. This story is guaranteed to make you laugh, cry and follow her drama instead of focusing on your own!
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Chapter 1

  Through that door could be her future husband. A man who will be by her side through thick and thin. A man that makes her life a pleasure to live. A man who makes her nights as amazing as her days. But what if she is mistaken? What if he is just the man who makes her body feel good? What if it's only lust that is controlling her?

  This man who is hopefully forever hers took her many painful memories to get to. And I will lead you through her story of love or lust. You will see her laughs and her pains. You will see how hard it is to differentiate the two from one another. That all begins on a hot summer day. As she lays in the hot summer sun she can only imagine what Ben had planned tonight. Maybe a meal on the lakes beach. Or perhaps a home cooked meal and a redbox film. He seems always to plan the most perfect nights.

  "Hola bella dama!" Said a man. As she squints in the bright hot sun she found a sweaty muscular man standing over her with a grin that would make any woman blush.

  "Um, hi. What is that you said?" She shields her eyes from the sun with her small delicate hands.

  "Look it up mujer. Then give me a call." He leaned over to take a sharpy out of his trunks and wrote his number across her leg. She blushed at the sight of the bold black numbers.

  "Maybe I will. What can I call you?"

  With his irresistible grin he turns and slowly walks away. Showing his fine tight muscles and something to crave under those swimming trunks she watches him slowly disappear in the large crowd of people. She leans back closes her eyes while she imagines all the things they could do with one another.

  A timer goes off for her to get out of the sun and get ready for her date. When she looks at the time on her phone she panics realizing its later than she planned and ran off to her apartment. Her apartment which is a small one bed one bath lays on the top floor. A small couch fills her living room and a kitchen is placed at the back of the apartment.

  She rushes through the door and accidentally slams into the couch. As she let's out a small groan as she hurried to the bathroom slipping out of her flowered bikini and turns on the water to take a quick shower. But looking down she remembers the big black phone number and starts panicking! First she wrote it down on a small slip of paper and placed it in her top drawer of her dresser. She then reaches for a nail brush with thick rough bristles runs it under the sink faucet and starts scrubbing.

  Her leg slowly starts to turn red with irritation. Realizing what she was doing just was not working she grabbed her phone and called Ash. Tabitha and Ash have been friends for over seventeen years in total. They met when they were just wee little ones and instantly connected. Ever since they met they have been inseparable! Ashes' real name is Robert Genaway. His nickname came from something foolish and naive they did when they were only six and seven. They wondered if you laid in the sun long enough if you would catch on fire and burn to ashes. The rest is quite explanatory.

  "What did you do this time Tabby?" Asked Ash as he answered the phone.

  "I have a marker catastrophe! Please come over and help!"

  "Fine but I wont be there right away. I have... company. If you catch my drift!"

  "Just hurry! My date is in an hour!" She hung up the phone and started scrubbing again.

  At the sound of her front door opening, Tabitha ran out in a towel to find Ash standing in the door way. Standing there in his black skinny Jean's and Metallica tshirt he gave off the impression of a rough soul. And his tattoos and rings gave off a gothic vibe.

  "Your savior is here." He bows and looks up to see her worried face.

  "You have to help me!" She then drops the towel to leave her naked and a big black smear ran over her leg and is now down to her ankle.

  "Good God woman! What did you do! If that's your attempt at a tattoo you have major issues!"

  "No! A guy wrote his number earlier today and now I can't get it off! I'm freaking out!"

  Ash walks up runs his smooth soft finger tips over the black smudge then gives a soft smile and his eyes softened.

  "Is this sharpy Tabby?"

  "Yes it is. I've been scrubbing for over five minutes and it really hurts!"

  "You have alcohol and paper towel?"

  "I dont want a drink right now!"

  "No rubbing alcohol you moron." Her cheeks show a slight blush as she grabs the towel and wraps it around her while she heads to the kitchen. Under the sink she grabs rubbing alcohol and a piece of paper towel and walks back over.

  "You didn't need to cover up you know. Your body is all the view a man needs."

  He then takes a piece of paper towel puts some rubbing alcohol on it and with ease removes every inch of black.

  "Thank you Ash! Without you I'd have a lot of explaining to do!" But to her utter horror she spins around to find Ben in a fine fit suit and an array of flowers in his hands.

  "Dont think there is much to explain..."

  As Ben walked out the door Tabitha ran wrapped in her bath towel out the door following close at his feet.

  "Babe it's not what it looks like! Please hear me out!"

  "Theres nothing to tell. I cheated on you and you cheated on me. Easy as that." At the sounds of those words she tripped over the corner of her towel that was dragging at her side. She slammed to the floor but Ben just kept walking.

  "For the record Benjamin, me and ash did nothing! He's fucking gay!" The word gay made Ben stop in his tracks and look back.

  "He's gay? You expect me to believe that?"

  "Ask his boy friend." Ben went deathly pale when he realized she was telling the truth.

  "I didn't actually..."

  "Dont even try to lie Benjie. Dont even." She got up off the floor and slowly walked back to her apartment. She enters to find Ashes leaning over the kitchen counter. He looked up when he heard her shut the door.

  "Sorry Tabby... did you tell him I was gay?" He walked over and pulled her close in a deep hug. So close she could hear his heartbeat.

  "It didn't matter. He slept with someone else anyway." He looked down at her in surprise.

  "You want me to kick his ass. I know where to bury a body."

  She giggles at his suggestion and just squeezed him tighter.

  "No but thank you for the option. I'm happy I have you Ash."

  "Same to you Tabby cat. I've got cake at my place. What ya say we head over there and watch some tv?"

  "I would love to Ashes. It sounds like a blast. But I warn you, I wont be the best company tonight."

  He carefully pushed her in front of him his hands on her small shoulders.

  "When are you ever a good time?" A grin creeped over his face as Tabitha let out a small giggle.

  The very next morning while she was drinking her coffee all she could think about was how Ben cheated. She was so worried about him finding that number when right under her nose he was sleeping with another woman. She scrubbed her skin off for him. What had she been thinking? She heard all the rumors about him but chose to ignore everything she heard. How dumb can one woman be?

  Once she was done sipping her coffee she poured more into a coffee cup with a lid. Then she is ready to go to work. Every inch of her is dreading today. Benjamin works beside her in her office. She was no doubt going to have to talk to him. As she walks into lobby she notices that Timothy Rodgers wasnt there at his desk. She loves saying goodbye to Timmy every workday he reminded her of what a father might say. Her father was never the best role model so the advice that Timmy gave her she took with gratitude. Then he popped up from behind the counter.

  "You didn't think you would get past me that easy did you?" He gave her a soft smile "I heard about Ben sweetheart... how are you?" He handed her a bag of donuts with a small coffee.

  "I've been better to be honest. But only so much I can do. Just gotta move on and act like it never happened."

  "Look bottling it up inside is not a good idea. I did that with my now ex wife once. I kept all my feelings inside lashed out at my other job. And well now I work here. How about you and ash come and have dinner we me. Might take your mind off things."

  "I'm lucky you messed up at your last job. I guess everything happens for a reason. Thanks Timmy and I'll ask Ash if he is free tonight." She blew him a kiss and started walking.