
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Ardi_1





Nishant Mehta is CEO of Mehta groups of company. He is very rich and famous business tycoon. He's natural is not calm he is aggressive rude business minded person. He is eligible bachelor. But still he find her school friend. Which is now disconnected with him because of time. And the other hand isha is innocent soul very calm nature she is happy go Lucky girl. But her financial condition is not as good as compare to Nishant. She is completed her graduation and find job. What happens if he will tie a knot with her he will make her life like hell. Bcoz he doesn't know that she is her school friend which he likes her most but now he is just unknown that he hurt that same girl bcoz he don't know that she is the same girl he crave for.
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Chapter 1

A bright sunny morning. Birds chirping and it creates beautiful music.

Sun rays come into the room via the window. A lady in her mid 50's came in with open curtains and wished her daughter good morning while shaking her and saying `` get up ishu!

A girl rubbed her eyes and stood up and wished her mother good morning mumma. Her mother replied in the morning and went from there.

She lazily take her clothes and went to loo

Brush her teeth, wash her hair and take shower and dry her hair.

She decided to open her hair. And just apply lite makeup and go to the dining table

Here her mother, father and little sister are waiting for her. She wished everyone Good morning and took her seat.

Everyone had their breakfast and bid bye to everyone.

As of today she is going for an interview in one of the biggest companies of india.

So she is a little nervous. She goes upstairs and takes her documents and her purse. But in mid way her mother came and wished her best of luck ishu. She replied thank you mom. Now can I leave her mother to say sure, go take care and come Early today.

She replied ok mom byy take care.

She takes a cab. After some minutes she reached her destination. She sees a big building and she enters nervously and goes to the reception area. Ask the receptionist that she came here for an xyz position. Receptionist replied yes mam wait a minute I check mam go to 9th floor. While giving a small smile.

Isha replied a small thanks and went from there. She thought about taking an elevator.

After a few seconds she reached the 9th floor.

She look they are many people are looking at her but her Trace of thought is broken by a lady come and take her and saying here are everyone is waiting for there interview I Know you are also come for interview take a sit while giving a small smile go from there.

Isha replied small thank you for guiding her.

After some minutes it's time for her interview. She go to the cabin and stop and see the name plate Nishant Mehta she thought isn't he is her school friend but she forget everything close her eyes take a deep breath and say "may I come in sir"

A sweet voice come from cabin "come in"

She enter nervously and say i am coming

here for xyz position can I sit?

He replied sure miss. '' She is looking at him because he is very young. Even though she thought his friend was similar. But her thought of the chain is broken by him. He asked her questions and she replied with confidence.

He replied with an impressive miss. Now you can leave. If you get the job we will call you and inform you while giving her a small smile.

She leaves from there. But her phone is buzzing she check it's shown harshita it's her friend

Phone convo

Hello harshita Say isha say hello how are you after a long time you remember me I was thought you forget me. Harshita says relax, give me time to speak. How can I forget my best friend? I can't and today I call you bcoz my wedding is fixed so I call you that you have to come with Uncle Aunt. And I thought that u don't forget this. Hope you come. Isha says okay I will try to come by she also replies byy and the phone convo ends.

She went straight to the Canteen. And suddenly she bumped into someone and all her documents are now on the floor . She angrily spoke without looking. Who is he? "Are you blind? God doesn't give you eyes damit because of you all my documents are laying on floor"now he also bend down to take her documents he spoke sorry miss she thought in mind I heard this voice somewhere but sudden she remember that his sir and that person's voice are similar so she look and a bit shocked it's her boss or maybe would be boss. She immediately say I am sorry sir I don't that it's you plz forgive me for my stupidity I am sorry sir she continues chat this but he spoke and say it's okay miss while standing with hand her all her documents and go from there without looking at her. She definitely think because of her this stupidity she definitely not get this job she go while cursing herself for saying all stupidity without looking at the person.

In canteen

She sits and a waiter comes to order. She looked at the menu. so she speaks one plate of biryani and Glass of water.

Waiter replied okay ma'am just wait for a few seconds. After a few seconds the waiter came with biryani and water.

On the other hand

Nishant thought no one can talk me in this way but this girl is weird she talk me so rude I am talking with people in rude way but this girl but his Trace of thought was broken by a girl his PA niharika's call

Niharika speak sir your all meeting are arrange today you have to go London for our meeting conforce in London a xyz company is want to merge with our company. But in his side he just say okay niharika and cut the call


Here ishu finished her lunch and was ready to go from there. She pays the bill. Go straight out of this building and book a cab and get ready to go to her home.

On the other hand

Nishant is now in his cabin and his PA comes with coffee for him. He drinks it but his PA says sir your flight booking is done today evening you have to go. But he lost somewhere.

His PA shakes him a little and says hello sir this evening please pack your stuff you have to go. He replied small okay and went from there.