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Amidst Love And Heartbreakk

Amidst Love And Heartbreakk

Author: Anabelle



Amidst Love And Heartbreakk PDF Free Download


Margareth Jackson is an old lady that is well known in her little town. She made of romance her entire life. Maggie is a novelist, a grandmother and an amazing neighbour. Everyone in town asks her help in regards to love issues and she is always happy to help. Between heartbreak and stubbornness, puppy love and love triangles this story unfolds in all its messiness. In this story, different couples visit her to ask for advice and she is more than happy to help them. What they don't know though, is that she has a story of her own. Will her story have a happy ending?
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Chapter 1

  For a lot of people, when they think of love, the first thing that comes into their mind is a husband, a lover, a child, someone you care about and that most probably cares about you as well. When I think of love, I see that as a state of mind and I happen to write about that state of mind all the time.

  Well, let me introduce myself to you. My name's Margareth but everyone calls me Maggie a.k.a the Love Guru. I guess being one of the best selling author of romantic novels kind of makes you an expert in the matter.

  I've had a fairly nice life. I've two amazing children that love me very much. They're the light of my life. They always have been and always will be. Same goes for my little niece, Emma, my daughter’s baby girl. I'm still waiting for that thoughtless boy of mine to make me a grandmother as well, but I guess I should lower my expectations in that area. He never seems to find that special one.

  My husband, may he rest in peace, was always the perfect gentleman. He was caring and present at home. I was very fond of him in many ways. Love was never an option for us back in the days. We were told we had to do something and we did it. We were told we had to marry a certain person and we had no say in it.

  These youngsters nowadays don’t appreciate what they have. They don’t see the good things they have even if you put them right in front of them. That’s why I like to write about love. I like to show them how love should be and why they should take every chance they can.

  Now, the book I have started is a bit different. Normally, I would write about the heroine falling in love in some way and after some struggle ends up with the love of her life, or whoever they are with at the moment; the typical love story if you know what I mean. This time, anyway, I wanted to try something new. I wanted to push myself and write about a different aspect of love, heartbreak.

  I have it all pictured out in my head. She loves him. He loves her. They promise eternal love to each other, but instead of ending up with a ‘happily ever after’ something happens and they break up. Well, I already know what that something that splits them up could be, but I didn’t want to make it too personal. Let’s say it will be a forbidden love story with a lot of heartbreak and probably a different kind of happy ending. Who said that there is only one type of happy ending?

  I went on with my writing for a while. This was my favourite part of the story, anyway. It was the part when they got to meet; the first interactions; the shy exchanges.

  “I hope I'm not interrupting, but couldn’t stop myself from noticing how beautiful you are,” Arnold said to Melanie, while she was sitting under a tree. There was a book in her hands, now a bit higher trying to hide the blush that crept on her face. She didn’t expect anyone to notice her, imagine being called ‘beautiful’ by a total stranger. Melanie knew she had to find a way out. It was not how well-behaved young ladies acted, but she didn’t want to be rude either.

  “Excuse me, but I have to leave,” she muttered, rushing to close the book and stand up from the awkward position she was sitting in. She knew she should have listened to her father when he told her that ladies her age should start being more careful. The problem was that she never thought of herself as a person that someone might call beautiful, or pursue. She not so subtly ran to her house leaving a very confused and amused young boy where she once was.

  “Maggie, are you there?” she heard someone calling. Meggie never liked it when someone interrupted her writing time, but this was a necessary bad.

  “Hello, Sarah,” she greeted the young lady in front of her politely. “And who is this handsome young man accompanying you? A boyfriend maybe?” she said, winking her eye teasing her attorney.

  “God, no!” Sarah said in a breath. “This is my colleague, Josh Richards. We're on our way to the courthouse but I wanted to bring the new contract for you to check,” she explained to me while handing me a sealed envelope.

  “I see. Well, let me introduce myself properly then,” I said holding my hand out for Josh. “My name's Maggie and I'm the person taking time out of your case for a silly contract,” I stated.

  “Maggie, you know that what they offered you was peanuts compared to what you deserve. Khloe was right when she told you to have someone negotiate for you. You are not called ‘The love guru for nothing’ now,” she said again.

  “Yeah, right…” we heard Josh say with a scoff. We both decided to ignore him.

  “Would you like something to drink?” I asked so I can show him my best host attitude.

  “It'll have to be for another time. We have a hearing in less than an hour and we are already late. It'd be too complicated to explain now why we have to be there as soon as possible,” he said in his fake polite way showing not less than his impatience to go soon.

  “Oh don’t bother, my dear. I don’t mind. Just make sure you drive safely. I still need this young lady over here,” I said hugging Sarah and turning to shake his hand again.

  He only nodded and turned to the door. Sarah followed him right after.

  “What is wrong with you?” Sarah said when I closed the door.

  “What do you mean? We have to go. She understands. End of the story.” He replied.

  “You'll never change, Josh,” she said, clearly irritated now. “I don’t even know why she thought we could be something more.”

  “Well, clearly she doesn't know anything about love and chemistry between two people,” he said and I could see Sarah very riled up now. While both of them entered the car.

  Oh, boy! I know what I'm talking about. You two are just not ready to see that yet. They were finally inside the car and I could get away from behind the window. Time to get back to my book.

  The next few days Melanie didn’t go to her favourite reading spot. She was still shocked that someone had talked to her that she didn’t want to put herself in that same position again. Being an only child, she didn’t have someone to go with her. But after a week, Melanie decided that she couldn’t stop doing what she loved because someone had said ‘hello’.

  He hadn’t said only ‘hello’ to say it all, but she still didn’t want to be stopped.

  After the usual ten minutes walk, she was sitting under the tall and wide oak tree. Melanie loved the shade and coolness this tree gave her in hot summer days. She also loved when the breeze moved the leaves and made that shushing sound that could put you to sleep. It was like her personal lullaby.

  Blanket down. A basket on top of the blanket. Book out and page opened where the bookmark was. Now, she was ready. As soon as she started reading again, the rays of sun falling on her were blocked by something. Or better say someone.

  ‘Oh, no!’ she thought but couldn’t move. She had to face it.

  “You finally came back,” he said with a smile on his face. Or was it a smirk? “I thought I'd never see you again. It’s been a week.”

  “Excuse me?” she started but he continued with his speech.

  “I came here every day for the past week. I thought I had scared you away without being able to introduce myself properly,” she was still dumbfounded. Speechless if she may say. “My name is Arnold. Nice to meet you. What is your name, milady,” he asked and Melanie didn't know why but she was still wary of him. He was a stranger after all. A handsome, polite stranger.

  “M-my name is Melanie. Nice to meet you, but I have to tell you that this is my favourite reading spot and you can’t have it. Go, find your own,” Melanie said.

  Arnold chuckled and went to sit near her. Melanie took in a sharp breath and waited for his next move.

  “Oh, but I like this place so much. It would be a shame not sharing it with other people, no?” Arnold asked with a smirk on his face. Melanie was shocked. She was speechless. In all her eighteen years of life, which to her were plenty, she hadn’t met a more stubborn person. She tried faking nonchalance but her face showed it all. Her rosy cheeks now were red and her eyes looking down. What was he doing to her? Why was she suddenly so shy?

  Maggie sighed and raised her sight from her laptop. She could feel the breeze come through the curtains and the rays of the sun on her face. She loved the house and the neighbourhood. Now that she was left alone, and she rediscovered her passion for writing, Maggie can spend her days looking at this amazing view.

  She saw someone getting out of his house. Her eyes followed him going down the street and another sigh came out of her mouth. That view reminded her of another time. If it was a happy time or a heartbreak she still couldn’t decide.