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Loving You, Hating You, Wanting You

Loving You, Hating You, Wanting You

Author: LaVeeEnRose


Steamy Stories

Loving You, Hating You, Wanting You PDF Free Download


Hazel was scandalized when she woke up after having a sex dream with her best friend, Shawn. How can that happen? Was she so sex deprived that she had to have a sensual dream with a guy who only sees her as a sister? Knowing nothing is ever going to happen between them, Hazel wanted to forget about her stupid dream. But the vividness of it all makes her want to wish it can become real, too. Until Shawn introduced her to his new girlfriend who's as clingy as a leech. Will she ever have a chance with Shawn?
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Chapter 1

THE shower room was slowly filled with steam coming from the hot shower, spraying two bodies underneath it.

Hazel knew that the warm water coming from the shower above her was not the only reason why she was feeling like her whole body was on fire. It was because of her best friend, Shawn, and his mouth between her legs...

She held onto the soap holder attached to the shower room wall, looking for support as she gave herself into the overwhelming pleasure that started to consume her whole body, while Shawn's tongue was moving expertly around her sensitive flesh. The wetness dripping from her thighs was starting to grow thick with lust. Shawn's mouth sinfully lingers on every inch of her skin his lips touched. Hazel's free hand moved to clutch at his wet hair.

She looked down to him, his cheeks between her legs, down on one knee in a comfortable position in front of her, between her parted legs while she was upright and leaning against the tiled shower room wall.

"Fuck! Your mouth feels amazing, Shawn!" She moaned.

He hummed and Hazel loved the delicious vibration that it sent through her body. 

"Do that again." 

Shawn stared up at her with a heavy-lidded gaze and hummed beneath her again. He moved his face as his mouth lapped earnestly at her entire slit. Hazel's hips bucked when his hardened tongue touched her now overly sensitive bud. 

Oh my God, she thought.

When Shawn pushed the tip of his tongue inside her, her upper teeth sank on the side of her soft bottom lip.

She could not hold back from making noises as Shawn continued to kiss and suck her core. His fingers dug deep onto her thighs as he kept sending delicious pleasures from underneath her body.

"Oh my God, Shawn! I'm close!" She cried.

As Shawn played with Hazel's sensitive bud, again and again, gently pulling it with his warm lips, and flicking it multiple times with his hardened tongue, Hazel gripped harder at his hair and pushed her head back against the wall, shutting her eyes closed, and a satisfied moan escaped her throat upon her release.

HAZEL'S chest was heaving up and down in deep breaths when she bolted upright the bed. She scanned her surrounding. She was in her room. No sign of Shawn or anybody.

What-it was a dream!?

Well, what kind of dream was that? Was she that sex-deprived that she had to dream about being eaten out, and in the bathroom no less! And of all people, with Shawn!

She pulled her blanket away from her legs and found that she was soaking wet between them. She shook her head in disbelief and buried her face in her pillow and screamed.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" How can she have a freaking wet dream with her best friend? And she even leaked and spoiled her sheets!

When she was able to calm herself down, she dropped her legs on the side of the bed. Her feet found her house slippers and wore them. She stood up and quickly walked to the bathroom.

This is crazy, she thought. How can she face Shawn now without thinking about that stupid dream? The way he looked at her with lust-filled eyes, his tight manly grip around her thighs that's both painful and provoking.

And his mouth... Oh, God! The feeling of his mouth on her womanhood was so real, it doesn't seem like a dream at all.

Come on, stop thinking about it, Hazel! She told herself.

Hazel almost jumped when her phone rang. From the doorway to the bathroom, she sprinted back to the bed and picked up the device.

She saw Shawn's face register on the screen and her cheeks burn instantly. She swallowed twice before accepting the call.


"Morning, Hazel!"

She cleared her throat. "You're up early," she said.

"Well, it's ten o'clock."

Her eyes widened. She pulled the phone away from her ear and touched the screen to see the time. No kidding, it was really past ten o'clock. She never slept in that late.

Stupid dream...

"Are you just now waking up?" He asked, sounding confused. 

"Y-yeah. I stayed up late last night," she lied. 

Hazel could imagine Shawn nodding at what she said. 

"So, by the way, I just want to make sure you're still on for dinner tonight?"

Hazel threw her gaze on one corner of the room, trying to remember what the dinner was about. She flicked her finger when she recalled the conversation she had with him the other day, he told her he wants to introduce her to his friend. 

She had no idea who that friend may be. After what she had just dreamed about, she could not care less about meeting new people. If any, she really just wanted to see Shawn as soon as possible.

"Y-yeah. Of course. Just text me the time and the restaurant."

"That's my girl. Well, hurry up and go to work. Andrea sounds frantic when I called your office earlier." 

Hazel let out a short laugh. "Andrea panics about anything." 

Shawn laughed, too. "I'll see you tonight, okay?" 


When the call ended, Hazel immediately returned to the bathroom. But as soon as she was inside, her mind was instantly flooded with vivid scenes from the dream, she found herself unable to stop her hands when they moved spontaneously to the middle of her thighs.

She bit her lip. She should not be doing this, but her hand seemed to have a mind of its own, it started drawing circles over her clit, the way Shawn in her dream was doing the same with his tongue.

She was still wet, her finger moved easily around her flesh.

"Shawn!" She was surprised when she heard her voice. 

Hazel cupped her breast with her free hand and weakly fell back on the frosted glass partition of the shower, sighing contentedly to the pleasure she was giving herself.

She closed her eyes and imagined the way he looked at her while he was sucking her core beneath her. She called for Shawn's name again as she fell apart from the intense pleasure.