
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Laizah Ruth





Fourteen years ago, Stan Cheated on his brand new wife of four months,it was just a one time fling, a reaction to a silly fight that he can no longer remember and he gave the girl in the club a fake name, anyways who cares, now he is a general manager for his father's profitable company, Stan's in line for the CEO, if he can keep up his business ethic until old Paul retires and he intends to...until she comes for a job interview. Stan recognizes Delilah, oh hell yes he does but she doesn't seem to recognize him, slightly shaken, he plays dumb, treats her with complete professional cool and goes about his day, the next night his youngest daughter waxes eloquent about her new music teacher, Ms Delilah, matches the description of Stan's fourteen years old mistake
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Chapter 1


It was around nine o’clock in the evening when Stan walked through the main door and to the club; he could not remember the last time he was in a club, maybe long ago while he was still in campus, the night when he met his wife, Denise. He did not just meet her at the club but he was with his friends, they were heading out after a long night of drinking and they thought it was better if they went home, and then when they were just about to step out of the club, his eyes landed on her, Denise was her, he was still in his drunken stupor but could still not fail to notice how beautiful she was, as he approached her, her doe-brown eyes melted his heart. He noticed the clarity of her copper-brown skin and how it was offset by her velvet-black hair. Though she had a sculpted figure and an acorn cup chin, it was her songbird-sweet voice and pre soul that he fell in love with. The more he got to know her, the more he cherished the flame of love that burned bright for the two of them, he could not fail to notice the bumble-shee waist and the orchid pink pouty lips that he wanted so bad to have a taste of, she was seated alone at the counter and was taking her shots and that is when he saw her

“Hey, do you mind if I join you?” he asked and she just smiled, it was clear that she was having a terrible night from the way she was taking the shots one after the other

“Man, we need to get you at the house, leave her alone, she won even look at you, and do you think she will even dare open her mouth to talk to you? She is out your type bro, get over it and get your ass down her, we need to go some as soon as now ad don’t waste any more time” one of his friends said and he ignored him, all he wanted was to sit with her and maybe get to know her name, if not get her number, that was always there trend, his and his group of friends, they were never doing the relationship thing, the bad boys back in campus and their group was will know around the school, there was no beautiful girl around the school that the group had never slept with, all the beautiful girls always fall for their trap, the prince charming of the school back in the days, he could not just stop from there and with his daring character, he went to sit next to her and surprisingly she did not chase him away, she was just sipping on her drink one after the other

“I will see you on the other side, I am going to stay here with her, you guys can go ahead, I am quite occupied as you can see so, I will not go home with you, I will stay here with her” he said between hiccups and the group had no choice than to leave him in the club, he was always doing what he wanted and once he had made up his mind, there was no going back and his bunch of friends knew better that forcing him to do what he did not want, so they left him with her at the club

Stan recalled when he asked her, why the girl of her age and hr type doing at the club, taking shots after shots, that was not her place, to him she did not fit to be there, just did not look like the club type

“Men are pieces of trash, I can’t believe that I trusted that stupid son of a bitch, I could listened to my mom, now look at how miserable my life is, I never thought I would be back here again, honestly I don’t like getting drunk but this is the only to escape from my sorrows and the problems in my life, can you imagine that stupid son of a dog cheated…on…me…and with…my best friend…my best friend…I trusted her and this is how she is going to repay me back…human beings are…pieces of trash…real pieces of trash… now look at me, I found the two on the bed that we used to share and how stupidly I trusted and believe in his words, my world is just shattered…I can’t believe this is me… this is my life” she said between hiccups, she was literally drunk and in as much as he thought he was the drunk one, she was far more than drunk, and then she suddenly started crying, he did not know what to do so he just hugged her and let her cry on his shoulders and after she calmed down, she asked to go home and he willingly took her home, made some coffee for her at her place which she ended puking all over the place, Stan moped the place and changed her clothes, tucked her well in her bed and left her to sleep and he slept on the couch in the living room which was unlike him, he could not just spend the night at a lady’s house without demanding for sex from them, that was the real him but that day Denise really humbled him, he even changed her clothes and tucked her in bed and eve went to the extent of moping the puke that she puked on the floor, that was not him but that bight he did, the night that changed his life, the night that his life took a different course, the night he said goodbye to hoeing around and sleeping with multiple girls, that was the night he met the love of his life, his current wife that was now not talking to him and it was exactly two years since he stepped in the club but there he was again after two years of not stepping in the club, it was just the same as he had left it only a few changed here and there, he walked straight to his favorite place and sat down, he was not thinking straight at the moment, not after the small stupid fight he had his wife

“Sir, what can I offer you today?” the club attendee asked him immediately he was seated and settled

“Give me two shots of vodka and a long island iced tea, make them two” he said and she nodded as she walked back to the counter

It was just four months after they tied a knot together with his wife, Denise, to him , it was the bst moment of his life, marrying his best friend and the woman he loved was his biggest achievement because since the say he met her, they became great friends since the ordeal that happened and thy never went back to the club, he met her and he was willing to change his way, his lifestyle just for her and to him it was the best decision he had ever made because he quit fucking around and only focused on her, she was worth it and two years later they tied a knot but everything was turning out to be messier than he had thought it would be, marriage was hard yes he heard and he also knew that it was a matter of being patient with your spouse, it was not just about being together for companionship but for the love, the care, the support and everything, and just four months into his marriage, he was already regretting, he did not know if it was regret or he was just disappointed in himself, he was the reason she got mad, the text that showed on his phone and honestly why would one want to punish him by sending him a love message when he had just gotten married, he was just four months into it and the text message was going to end everything for him, he was not even aware of the woman, lad or the girl that send him the text and that is what made his wife Denise mad at him

“I knew you never changed Stan, now who is bitch saying that he misses you? How long have you been cheating on me Stan?” he recalled his wife asking him, her eyes had already turned red and he knew she was about to cry, he had promised to break her hart again, not after what her ex boyfriend did to her, the least she deserved was his love and not making her lose trust in him, that was not his plan and she too knew it, she was just pretty mad at him and was not thinking straight, she was bound to say anything she felt like, anything that came on her mind

“Baby I can never cheat on you and you know that too, I love you and I swear I don’t know who that girl is or whoever they are, it is you I love and you know that, please don’t do this to me, to us” he said trying to convince her that he did not cheat on her and that she was the only woman in his life but she was not trusting any word that came out of his mouth

“You can tell that to the dead Stan, I don’t want to hear anything or trust any word coming from your mouth, everything about you disgusts, now get the hell out of my face before I do something nasty and please and don’t come back, I want to be alone” she said and he knew better than arguing with her, he knew she was quick and hot tempered and did not want to make her mad more than he already had, so he walked out of the house and drove himself to the club, it had been two years since he last stepped foot in that club but he did not have an option, it was the only place he could go to considering that he did not have much friends, ever since he quit hanging out with his group of friends, he did not have many friends and the club was his last option

“Sir, here is your order, I have been calling you but you are not even responding” the attendee said to him as she tapped him on his shoulder, he was lost in his own world and did not even hear her talking to him

“Oh I am sorry, I was kind of lost in my own thoughts, what is your name?” he asked her and she smiled

“My name is Samantha but everyone calls me Sam” she said with a smile plastered on her lips and he smiled back

“Okay, Sam thank you, I will take it from here, thank you” he said to her and she walked back to the counter and he got back to drinking

“Terrible night huh?” a female voice said to him and he turned to look at the her, she was a slender beautiful woman probably in her early twenties, she was carrying a small handbag and proceeded to sit next to him, she ordered the same long island iced tea

“Yeah, kind of what about you” he asked as he sipped on his vodka and she just smiled and it reminded him of the day he met Denise, she was very talkative and she was outspoken

“Oh, this is where we come to steam off our thoughts, I am Delilah by the way” she said

“I am Donald, and Delilah, is that your real name even? Or like Delilah, Delilah I know from the bible?” he asked and she smiled and yes, he lied about his name, he was not always into giving his real name, because you never who is after you or who is following you and stalking you, you will not even know how the word spread and so he always said that his name was Donald, to him it was his alias and that is the name he gave to her that night

“Yeah, like Delilah the devil, ha-ha that was funny though I don’t know when someone asks me about my name and when I say Delilah and they are like Delilah the devil or Delilah from the bible, it is funny, so Donald is that even your real name? I can even see the ring on your finger, it is still new, newly wedded?”

“Trouble in Paradise? What happened? I mean what did you do to her because to me it is like you are the reason there is trouble back at home so what happened or what did you do? I know I am just a total stranger but you can trust me, you know the good thing about talking to a stranger is that you will tell them about how you feel and they will help you steam off your thoughts and before you know it, you are all to go and the advantage is that they will never talk to anyone about it because they don’t even know you, and you probably not going to meet with the again because you don’t have to if you don’t want to, I don’t know if I am making any sense to you right now but what I am trying to say is that you can talk to me if you want to talk and it is clear you want to talk so give it up, something is wrong?” she asked

“And what makes you think that I am the one that is on the wrong here and not my wife, aren’t you just trying to be biased here?” he asked her as he tried to engage her in the conversation, talking to her was only making him forget about his wife at home, he did not even want to think of what she was doing , he left her with his phone and he thought that maybe she was going through his phone which was good thing because he had nothing to hide

“Oh don’t underestimate me Donald, I know how you men behave when you are on the wrong, you will come here to justify your mistakes, I am sure if she was the one that was on the wrong you will still be at home and you would have chased her away, you men always get angry when we upset you and you expect us not to get mad at you when you upset us, so trust me when I tell you that there is nothing I don’t know about you men” she said as she sipped on her drink

“Okay you win, I can’t agree less, you might or might not be right but sometimes you overreact and we are just to sit there and be blamed for your overreaction which we are more than willing to do, taking your blames and owning them up, that is why we are men” he said

“Really, I did not think you know anything about the bible, I don’t even think you have ever to church before, you don’t look like the type that loves going to church, I am not judging though” she said

“Now that is being judgmental, you see how you women complicate things? You just met me here and you already know that I am not a church person, and that is true but it is not good to judge, how old are you anyway?” he asked

“And why would I tell you about my age? I am twenty-three by the way, I know I look older than my age but I blame my genes sometimes” she said

“No, you are just okay imagine, you are beautiful, you have the brains for your I like that” he said