
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Kapula Mangenda





His redemption is my Karma. Sierra Nevada is known for many names. The enchantress, temptress, cunning, gorgeous and the most lethal one a jewel thief. Sierra plans her biggest heist with her gang at one of the most famous museums in the world that is owned by the most ruthless billionaire on earth. Ares Reynard Vincenzo. He's the definition of sexy on legs and every woman's worst nightmare when it comes to breaking hearts. What will happen when he meets his perfect match, in the most wanted woman in the world? While making her big escape Sierra gets caught but her gang slips away she finds herself in prison with no way out but an offer from the devil himself changes everything. Ares offers a deal that Sierra couldn't resist even if she wanted to. He offers her the freedom she longs for but her freedom comes with a price to pay. Sierra and Ares sat across each other. "You got me arrested, what are you doing here?" "I'm here to give you something you can't refuse." Sierra cocked a brow at him. A chuckle escaped her lips. "And what's that?" She asked, taunting him. Ares smirked at her. "Your freedom." "And what does it cost?" "Become my wife and you'll have your freedom." What will be Sierra's decision? Find more in by reading this intriguing love story about two arrogant people who can't stand each other.
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Chapter 1

We didn't dare to break the pact that we made ten years ago. Just like we promised each other when we were kids.

Faline and Kage have been my best friends since childhood some could call them my partner's in crime.

"Do you smell that?" Faline asked curiously while looking around the bridge.

It was already night time.

Kage looked confused.

He crossed his arms over his chest.

"I don't smell anything."

I closed my eyes sniffing the air trying to catch a whiff of something sinister.

"I smell something."

I opened my eyes slowly.


They both looked stunned.

I smirked wickedly.

"Are you afraid? It's just a little blood."

I picked up the gun staring at it.

Kage moved away from me.

"Why do you need a gun?!"

I smiled at him, a sly smirk curving my lips.

"You'll see…"


While growing up I haven't had the best childhood and I was constantly being bullied at school but it all changed when I met my two best friend's and my partners in crime.

Faline and Kage.

"You seem very excited today, dear , what's the occasion?" My mother asked curiously.

Ever since my father walked out on us and left us to start a new family it has just been me and my mother. I hated him for abandoning us.

"Well it's the first day of school and I really want to make some new friends."

"I'm sure that if you just be yourself you'll make a lot of friends."

"Yes I can do that but if no one wants to be my friend I'll make sure that I beat them up."

My mother cupped both of my cheeks.

"Darling this is your fourth school if you get expelled this time I don't know where we'll go."

"I spent all of our savings on this house. Can you at least try to act nice for my sake?"

I sighed softly.

"I guess I could do that."

She gave me a peck on the cheek.

"Good girl."

Things ended badly at my last school because I sneaked in the principal's house and shaved her daughter's head.

That little brat made fun of my mother and called us pests. I taught her a lesson by making her bald. She'll never be brave enough to even stare at her own reflection or shadow.

"Get your backpack, I'll take you to school."

I rinsed my plate and packed it.

"Mom, I'm not a little girl anymore, I can take care of myself."

"Ah, how old are you again?" She teased.


"I'm nine years old."

"But you're still a little kid to me darling now let's go, you'll be late for school and I don't want you to get in trouble with the principal."


"And please don't shave anyone's head."

"Come say it."

"Say what?"

"That you won't cause any trouble."

"I'm going to go get my backpack."


"Okay I promise."

I ran upstairs and went to get my new school bag. My mother grabbed her coat and we left the house.

"Mom, can I ask you something?"

"Yes honey what is it?"

"Do you think he'll ever remember us?"


"I mean dad when he has a new family do you think he'll remember us?"

She sighed softly.

"I don't know honey."

"Sometimes I feel angry that he left us but sometimes I miss him."

"I miss him too, Sierra."

"I just hope that wherever he is he's happy."

A few minutes later we stopped in front of the new school. It was old fashioned and it looked like it came out of a horror film.

"Well this is your new school Avalon academy."

"It looks scary."

"Enough with the jokes let's go meet the principal I'm sure that she'll be delighted to see you."

I nodded quietly.

While walking down the hall I could feel the other kids staring at me. It looked like I already made my first impression so far.

My mother knocked on the principal's door.

"Come in."

She pushed the door open and we both went inside.

"Ah you must be Ms. Nevada."


I nodded quietly.

"Please have a seat. I've been expecting you. I guess this is your daughter."

"Yes her name is Sierra."

"Okay I'll give you her schedule and show you the class."

"How are you sweetie?"

I looked at Sierra and gave her a look.

"She smiled at the principal.

"I'm fine thank you ma'am how are you?"

I sighed with relief.

The principal looked impressed.

"You have such a wonderful mannered child and I'm sure that the other kids will love her."

"Well there's not much to do. I'll just show Sierra her class so that she keeps up all her lessons."

I stood up ready to leave.

"I have to go to work now, Sierra and I want you to be on your best behavior."

"I'll come pick you later."

I gave her a peck on the forehead.

"Take care of yourself and please stay out of trouble."

She smiled at me.

"Okay mom."

"You have nothing to worry about Ms. Nevada, your daughter is in good hands."


Once mom was gone the principal gave me a copy of my schedule and went to show where I would be learning. The class was filled with kids who looked like they came out of a picture book and had no sense of style or fashion.

They all stood when the principal walked in.

"Good morning principal Smitten" they all muttered at the same time.

"It's pronounced smiten but anyway you can take of seats."

"I would like to introduce you to our newest student class , her name is Sierra Nevada. She'll be joining us this new school year."

"I want you all to give her a warm Welcome and show her around."

"Sierra, you can take your seat."

I nodded quietly and took my seat.

Once the principal was gone the class began chatting and a girl with red hair walked up to me.

"Ah you must be the new girl cool bracelet where did you get it?"

"My mother bought it for me."

"By the way my name is Terraria I'm the most popular girl here and if you want to be on my good side you should give me your bracelet."

I stared at her in disbelief.

"Why would I give you my bracelet? It belongs to me."

Terraria sighed deeply.

"You're more clueless than I thought, new girl."

"I run this school here, everybody knows who I am, ask a few people here."

"I don't care about your status or the kind of power you have around this school and your threats don't scare me."

She moved closer to me.

"She should be afraid of me new girl because I can be very scary" she whispered softly in my ear.

The teacher walked in and Terraria went back to her seat.

I sighed deeply.

I promised my mother that I wouldn't get in trouble and I was going to keep my promise. So far the lessons went swiftly and focused my attention on getting good grades and I managed to avoid Terraria and her friends. I only had to make it for two lessons and the day would be over.

During the lunch break Terraria and her friends made sure that I had nowhere to seat.

"I'm sorry new girl but this seat is taken and now here in their right minds is going to let you seat with them."

"I told you that I would make your life miserable."

I smiled at her.

"I bet that you must be proud of yourself but depriving me of a seat in the cafeteria won't scare me. In fact I want you to do your worst."

"Is that a challenge?"

"I don't know but call it whatever you want."

Everyone around us began whispering.

Terraria glared at me.

"I won't let you make a fool out of me, new girl."

I ignored her and went to sit under the shade of the tree. I opened my backpack and took out my lunch. I was only tolerating Terraria because of the promise I had made to my mother.

I began eating my sandwich.

"Do you think you're so smart?"

I looked up and saw Terraria.

"Why are you following me?"

She grabbed my sandwich and threw it away.


She stepped on it.

"Oh no it was an accident."

I got up feeling angry.

"No you did that on purpose."

"Even if I did it on purpose, what are you going to do about it?" She taunted and pushed me away.

I stumbled back.

"You can't even defend yourself."

"Amber and Rose grab her."

Just then I felt someone grabbing my hands from behind.

"Let go of me."

"In this world I always get what I want and when I want it."

Terraria was about to take away my bracelet but someone yanked her hair from behind making her scream in pain.

"Looks like you're having a bad hair day, your highness."

"Let go of me you brat I'm father is going to ruin your whole family."

Someone pushed away Amber and Rose and I was free. I looked at the boy who had saved me.


Terraria ran away along with her friends.

"Thank you for saving me."

The girl shrugged carelessly.

"Don't mention it, new girl."

"Actually my name is Sierra."

I offered her my hand.

"My name is Faline and the boy behind is my brother, his name is Kage."

"You should come eat lunch with us."

My stomach growled at the mere thought because I never got to finish lunch.

"I don't have any lunch left."

Faline and Kage looked at each other.

"That's okay Sierra we can share ours with you."

I nodded quietly.

"You should stand for yourself, bullies like Terraria will always push your buttons."