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After being single for years, I created a girlfriend robot.

After being single for years, I created a girlfriend robot.


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After being single for years, I created a girlfriend robot. PDF Free Download


Where to find the perfect man? You program him of course. I'm a genius, lonely, touch-deprived genius. Roman is a top programmer for a robot company, he's trying to create a new program to introduce human feelings to the bots. Deciding to get a Bot for himself to keep him company it all went well until that night. The robot with the artificial intelligence classified his creator as a little, being treated like a little wasn't that weird first until the first punishment. Roman just did his biggest mistake, or best decision yet. Warning: This story is DDLB, MDLB, CGL story, don't like it don't read it.
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Chapter 1

Hello. Welcome to the future, we got robots now! How cool you may say, we had them for the last hundred years or so. But in the last ten years robots became used more often as a companion, people wanted perfection, they needed someone to treat them like they wanted to be treated.

A boyfriend or girlfriend robot, it's a great idea except for one down side, they don't have any emotion, we program them to act like they love their human but it's not the real thing. It's where my job came in, the name is Roman, I'm a fucking genius!

I've been a genius since day one, I graduated high school by the age of twelve, I would've done it before but my mother was holding me back saying I'm too young to go to college yet. I graduated college by fifteen, a genius, told you so.

I studied robot programming, it was something that always interested me, I grew up with robot nannies, I went to camps where the one in charge of us were robots, my teachers were most of the time robots, along the humans.

Blame me, blame my parents, both of them being a well-known people in the business world, I'm the only son of the CEOs of the biggest robot factoring company. I was raised alone, the whole pressure of being the best, I know I show off how smart I am, but that doesn't mean I'm happy.

Now that I'm finally eighteen, I decided it's time to get my own robot, living alone since I was fifteen, working for my parents company. It all made dating impossible, I wanted someone to come to late night, someone who wouldn't mind my crazy working schedule.

A human wouldn't appreciate it, I don't know if I'm even capable of love. I never experienced that feeling before, feelings, they are weird things, you can't touch them but everyone swear they got them.

Unlike my parents who believed love is all a lie, I wanted to live that feeling, I wanted to fall for someone and call them mine. But again with my work, with my status, with me being smarter than them, it never worked. I tried dating, in secret of course, it only lasted a date or two.

My last date, explained to me that I was his one night stand, the sex was good and now it's time for him to leave. It made me so mad, that I swore off dating and humans, robots are better.

My newest project is trying to give them some feelings, recreating human love. I wasn't about to add hate or grudge or any of the bad feelings, humans do those well enough.

I think I've made it, I think it worked, after too many sleepless night, after crying and frustration, I managed to crack the code. Now I have done it, a robot capable of love, it wouldn't be released for the public until I'm sure it works.

Usually we'll use human test subjects, they get generously paid for their services but this one is mine. I talked my mother into allowing me to get a robot, I'm eighteen now after all. I made some excuse about needing a companion and some sexual partner, or I can go back to one night stands.

I had no intention to do so, but it did the trick my mother went crazy about the danger of all of that. She even sent me a full article about sex transmitted disease.

Now I know I haven't explained the most important part to you yet, how our robots look. They look human, one hundred percent human, with the skin, body warmth and actions.

The only way to tell a robot from far away is looking at his left wrist, all robot wear an identification patch there. But other than that they are human like creation, some are made to teach, cook, be nannies, or even sex partners.

Anything you can imagine we made the robot do, but don't worry about world domination, they are programmed to self-destroy the second they try to hurt a human in any way.

My mother said I can order any model I want, the programming is on me, I'm not about to have the standard boyfriend model.

Me being short with blond hair and blue eyes, I asked my complete opposite. My robot is dark skinned, brown curly hair, and much taller than me with a male part to match.

I'm not gay, I'm bisexual, I tried being with both males and females, enjoyed both. But for my robot I wanted to have a boyfriend for now, slightly to mess with my mother. I might change up to a female bot later, for now I was finishing ordering my future boyfriend-bot.

I decided on naming him Damien, it's a cute name for my future boyfriend-bot. I uploaded his program from my home, he's to give me attention, take care of me, be open minded about my weird hobbies and stress relief methods, cuddler with me being the small spoon, a chef since I got zero knowledge in the kitchen, helps with daily tasks, a good listener, willing to watch any kind of movies I want, he could be a bit firm with all my experiences of one night stands I found out I like to have a more dominant partner.

I added my program to an original dominant boyfriend one along with a nanny one, my mother says I need a keeper and well she's right. Being extremely smart, it's a curse and a gift, when the small daily tasks get too hard to be done since your brain is running on overload.

Looking at your shoes lace, knowing how to tight it in around a million ways make tightening it an impossible mission.

The robot, I mean Damien would be here tomorrow, I went to sleep dreaming about a million ways things could go, in other words I didn't sleep at all that night.