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Scarlet Destiny

Scarlet Destiny

Author: eclipserhythm



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Growing up, Emerald Heart Williams doesn't know about her, being an adopted child by her so called grandparents. She grew up with them being a smart, bubbly and hard-working teenager. When she reached eighteen. She began to experienced wierd things in herself that she can't explain, she didn't mind it until the 'weird things' continued and it got really worst. Causing her to doubt in herself and what she really is. Everything went upside down when she was captured and bought to the hidden place where she met the royal family of the vampires clan. There, they told her everything about her. Her past, her real parents, and how is she related to them. Specially to the five vampire princes. Will she accept her destiny? her destiny as their one and only 'Luna'?
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Chapter 1


  “Hurry up, Joseph!” Juliet shouted at her husband who was only fully focused on driving.

  “D-don't worry, they can't get our child from us!” He stated to his wife as he looked at her directly in her eyes .

  He's still persistent and eager in keeping his wife and daughter away from them even though he knows for himself that he only has a very little chance of escaping from the vampires who's currently chasing after them.

  “Please, hurry up Joseph! I can no longer see them behind us and we both know it's not good!”

  His wife exclaimed as her tears begins to fall from her eyes down to her cheeks. Fear is already visible in her eyes while she's still hugging their innocent child tightly who's still on it's deep sleep.

  They need to escape, they need to run away from them, they need to keep their child away from its bitter fate in the future.

  The sky is still dark. The wind is also getting stronger which causes the dry leaves to flew in front of their car to interfere while being blown freely by the wind outside.

  The road is so quiet that they can already hear the strong beating of their own heartbeats. They can't understand why it's still dark when all they know is that it's already five am in the morning. Why does the night seems to be so long for them? specially in their current situation.

  They were almost there, they almost reached the end of the road. They were about to cross the end of the highway of the place they really wanted to leave, the place who looks peaceful when viewed from the outside but hides a dark secret inside, the secret which is the main reason why they have to leave to take their child away from its destiny to be part of that dark secret.

  The couple were about to celebrate from the taught of being able to escape when a group of five men suddenly appeared out of nowhere right in front of them. And before Joseph could even step the foot brake of his car, the man in the middle just raised one of his hands to stop their car.

  They don't know but time seems to slow down. They both saw in their own eyes how the man in the middle was able to stop their car using only one of his hands which caused the vehicle to immediately stop that made Juliet tremble in fear.

  Fortunately, they were both wearing seatbelts or else they would have gone straight to the front and got thrown outside with their child.

  The impact of what just happened made the both of them felt dizzy and a bit traumatized but it didn't stop them from raising their head to look at the five strange men who's just standing firmly in front of them, outside of their car. All of them wore dark and long cloaks that covered almost their entire bodies. Even their faces cannot be seen because they got covered too with their garments.

  “J-Joseph, w-what are we going to do?” Juliet held her breath as she asked question to her husband while still hugging their child tightly.

  Joseph looked straight ahead at the men who's just standing tall in front of them. Even though their faces are covered, based on their height and physique, he knows for himself who they are. He already knew who these men were and he could not be wrong.

  He turned his gaze to the front of his car and was not surprised to see it smashed. The strange man in the middle was able to crush it like a can of sardines by just blocking it with one hand.

  His breathing became heavier as he turned his attention to his side where his wife is beside him while still hugging their child tightly.

  “I can't give you up to them, my child.” He said to himself then with all his might he put his hands back on the steering wheel and held it tightly without saying anything and he quickly moved the car backwards.

  He could clearly see how the five looked at each other because of what he did but he did not care and still continued to pull the car they were riding away from them. All he wanted was to get his family away from this place, especially his daughter from them.

  With each function backwards of their car is the step of the five men approaching them. He couldn't think of anything properly and he don't know what to do anymore.

  “Joseph...” His heart went broken even more when he heard his wife called him that. She's already crying while still hugging their child who's starting to cry after it's sleep.

  “Juliet listen to me.” He called out seriously while still looking at the five men. Their car continued to move backwards slowly while the five men continued to step closer to them.

  “What ever happened, always remember that I love you very much! specially our daughter.” His voice cracked.

  “Joseph what are you thinking?” Juliet asked in confusion, she's already panicking while their child keeps on crying loudly in her arms.

  “Promise me that whatever happens, you'll never let go of our child! please, hold her tightly!” He said to her as he looked at her helplessly.


  “Please. Joseph, I do not want to leave you!” Her wife begged him which became the reason why he immediately burst into tears.

  “You need to keep our child away from them Juliet, so please! just obey me and run away as fast as you can...” He said as he wiped away his wife's tears and secretly indured the pain his feeling. “Do you understand, Juliet?” He reassured.

  Even though she's still reluctant, Juliet immediately nodded to her while she's still crying. Joseph smiled bitterly at her as he kissed her on her lips for a moment. Then he turned to his daughter who is now in it's deep asleep again because he used hypnotism for it to stop crying.

  “I love you very much, Emerald.” He lovingly uttered to his daughter as she kissed it's forehead.

  For the last time, they bid goodbye to each other and quickly parted ways. Juliet quickly ran away in the other direction where her husband pointed, while Joseph quickly returned to the highway to face and block the five men who was chasing them.

  “So you're still alive, you fucking traitor. Where's Juliet, our Luna?” The man in the middle and the tallest of the five of them asked him without any emotion.

  “You will never have my daughter!” He angrily shouted at them as he stared at them while his eyes were so dark and as sharp as daggers.

  One of them just laughed at him as if he was very happy with what was happening. “Really Joseph? and what are your plans? will you fight us?” He said mockingly as he chuckled.

  He immediately reached the part of his waist when he suddenly felt pain again there, he was stunned when he finds out that he's already bleeding badly. He doesn't know how he got it but he suspected that he might have been stabbed in one of the branches of the tree where he and his wife had jumped earlier.

  But even though he knows for himself that he's nothing compared to them specially now that he's enduting a deep wound in his wait, he's still persistent to fight them. He plans to fight them to the best of his ability to somehow give Juliet enough time to escape and keep their child away from them.

  “If only you just gave us your child peacefully. We would never have reached this kind of situation, Joseph...” The one in the middle spoke again.

  He smirked as he laughed sarcastically not minding the deep cut he got earlier and how it's still bleeding. “I will never let you have our daughter!” He shouted loudly and confidently at them. “She will never be a part of your evil and sick family tradition!”

  “Why not? she's ours, since before she's not born in this world, you already know we own your daughter, Joseph.” The man in the left and the last in line said in authority.

  “You know what, it doesn't matter if we stay here and fight him. I know he's doing this on purpose so that his beloved wife can escape with our Luna.” The man in the middle spoke in annoyance.

  “B-but King. You saw what happened, their car exploded so-”

  “Don't be fooled by him Prince. I can still feel Juliet and our Luna's presence, I know their still alive...” He suddenly stopped and laugh sarcastically. “It's impossible for him to just let his wife and daughter get killed. Right Joseph? and that this conversation of us is just a part of your plan to give Juliet enough time to escape?”

  Joseph was left speechless. He really can't outsmart the eldest prince of vampires. It is known for its exceptional intelligence so he needs to find a way to block and distract them in case they'll just decide to look for his wife and daughter instead of wasting time on fighting him.

  “Let's go. I can sense that Juliet's still near us.” His lips parted at King's statement and immediately panicked.

  “I agree! I don't want to wait another decade again before we have our own Luna, again!” One of them mumbled in childishness before they finally turned their backs against Joseph.

  With all his might, Joseph used the rest of his strength and use his speed to immediately blocked the five's way causing them to stopped automatically and looked at him in disbelief.

  “Oh come on Joseph, your nothing against us-”

  “I know! but i'll never let you get my daughter... never!” He shouted loudly and emphatically at them while still holding in one hand his deep wound that keeps on bleeding since earlier.

  “Fine. I think you really want to die now, so we will give you what you want, Joseph.” The first prince of vampires said threateningly to him.