
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Nickal ken





Born by a vampire Lord and demon slave. An outcast in his own kingdom. Dormant and weak of his supernatural abilities. Has no idea the kind of power he possesses. Flees after the death of his father while being chased by rogue vampires who seek to eliminate him as he poses a threat to the high table and also their kind. ********************************* Meet Athaniex,the vampire demon who has no idea on harnessing his powers until he meets Razia, a witch who was cast out by her kind who feared not knowing what kind she was and what kind of powers she possessed. They called her 'the spirit of death' Hiding in a cave like shaff housing until fate brings both Athaniex and Razia together. Soon after,her true abilities begin unfolding and she's afraid she might hurt the one she loves. Trying to stay away from him proved a problem at his stubbornness to stick with her through any condition,even though she hurts him sometimes whenever her abilities kicked in. Demons healed faster but proved wrong for Athaniex as he was only half of it and also, Razia was his mate which meant,if she hurt him,it would take twice as long to heal. The threat on his life from his father's kingdom become more frail and with this,Razia is soon caught in this web used as a weakness for athaniex, accidentally killed which uncured the true powers and rath of athaniex leading him to extinguish their kind driven by revenge. Now,all alone once again in the world,cold ,stone hearted and without any soul to live on or for,as centuries passed along like days . What happens when he meets someone who brings back all the painful memories of his lost love. What happens when rage and pain start flooding in with the memories this certain person brings back to his life.
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Chapter 1

Feeling weight above her, Sasha's eyes slowly fluttered open and they flashed wide seeing an average size man above her.

He had a confused look to his face but it was soon covered in with a smirk.

Pushing him off of herself,she tried sitting up while moving away,her eyes carrying confusion and shock.

Where was she?..and who the heck was this.

"Why so jumpy sweetheart....."

She heard the man's husky tone as he moved forward but she only moved away.

"Stay away from me!..w....who are u?"

He gave out a creepy smile before saying.

"Let's just say, I'm your prince charming,huh?"

He said while moving further but she quickly moved further to the head rest making the man's face twist in dislike as he played with his tongue in his mouth.

"Fine,I think I know what you want"

He says,then moved to the side of the bed, opening the drawer besides it and grabbing out a heck bunch of cash which he threw on the bed towards Sasha.

"There,take it."

He said while ushering her to do so but Sasha remained unmoving.

"Go ahead,take it,I know you want it."

Seeing Sasha not move from her spot,his face showed a sense of annoyance which he tried hiding with a crooked smile.


Sigh usually not this patient with people,...but I guess you're an exception.."

He moved closer and when she tried moving away ,he obstructed her ,grabbing hold of her hand while trying to bring her closer.

"Let go of me!!"

Yelled Sasha who tried to get free but he wouldn't let loose.

Using her other free hand,it swung right straight to his cheek,giving him a slap which echoed through the quite room.

He turned his face to her and his eyes alone pierced through hers as rage filled them.

"You pesky little.."

He came at her, forcefully grabbing hold of her arm and pouncing her to the bed where he hovered above her, quickly ripping the light dress she wore .

Sasha tried screaming but her voice seemed to have left her at this moment.

Her hand flew to his face trying to push him away but it was of no use,her other hand which was close to the edge of the bed, roamed around independently and it came in contact with the light flower vase by the side.

Grabbing hold of it,she smacked it hard on his head to have it shatter leaving him with a bloody forehead as he fell off her.

Taking her opportunity,she jumped off the bed, rushing out the room where she ran through the long halls not knowing where the exit to this place was.

How did she get here? And where was.....:

Her thoughts were cut short as she heard the loud voice of the man from afar, ordering his men to get her and her pace increased.

She came to an elevator and Instead of standing and waiting for the elevator which seemed to take forever,she took to the stairs, jogging her way down as fast as she could, going down the lobby where she could clearly see the exit to the place and just when she got to the door thinking freedom was near,a voice disrupted her.

"There is she,get her!!"

She looked behind her to see two average males at the top of the last flight of stairs running down and she immediately took to her heels, running out to any direction .

Finally out of the building,the streets were as quiet as a graveyard,and the place got quite darker as the lights from the building didn't reach here and it seemed it's streetlights weren't active.

Taking her right,she took off, trying to see if she could find any form of help amidst this darkness as she basically didn't even know where she was.

Her head began feeling a bit dizzy and she felt a little bit light headed as she staggered from time to time.

The whole place started Morphing in her eyes and she could barely see where she was going anymore as all she saw now was,darkness.

What was happening to her? She thought but not having the luxury to think anything more,she saw a bright light flash right in front of her.

Oh no,no.


The light of death,she thought.

She was usually told that when a person was about to die, they would see a bright light which would take them to the other side.

No,she didn't want to die,she wanted to live.

There were so many things she still wanted to do..oh please Lord,not yet.


She tried moving away but she only staggered and her brain couldn't process anything anymore,her legs gave way and she tumbed to the ground.

The car came to a halt and a young man who looked around his twenty five,or six came out and walked to the front of his car only to see a young girl lying side on the ground.

What!?.he didn't even hit her with his car so how is she unconscious.

Looking at the way she dressed,he concluded her to be one of those whores who came around these areas and maybe this one passed out from excess alcohol,or maybe this was one of their many tricks which they used sometimes.

Looking back at his car,it was tall enough and tires were far apart for him to just drive straight past her without crushing her,he thought to himself as he started his calculation of her length and the width of his car,or maybe he could scooch her by the side and drive past..

Satisfied with his calculation,he was about moving away when he felt something.

Her heart rate,it was beating at an extremely high pace,as though she had an adrenaline rush and just then,his ears picked on something else.

"I don't think she went this way,maybe this way"

Piecing the puzzle,he could tell she was who was being hunted,cause from the looks of things here,no one else was here so it was easy to know who they were looking for.

Looking at the girl who laid on the floor once more,his lips set into a perfect thin line before a sigh escaped his lips .

He bent down, grabbing hold of her hand,lifting her up to his arms and walking towards his car, placing her in the backseat and just when he was about moving out,the thin chain on his wrist got tangled in her long messy hair and when he tried pulling it away,it only dragged her hair along.

He sighed as his eyes met with a pair of scissors and the thought of slicing her hair off his chain came to mind but he simply slipped his hand out, leaving the thin piece on her hair.

"You were supposed to sedate her idiot!"

"But I did"

Replied Joe, Sasha's boyfriend who simply wanted to make a couple of bucks off of her by lending her to the hood.

"Then how the heck did she escape then huh?"

Came the angry voice of Micheal,the man who basically tried to force himself on Sasha.

Ushering his head towards his men,they grabbed hold of joe who immediately began pleading..

"Okay okay.... I'll do it again,j..just give me time...I promise"

He pleaded to see Micheal sip in his cigar and huff the smoke out his nose.

"You better"

And with this statement from Micheal,his men dragged Joe out from the place throwing him out like a piece of trash.