"Lucy wake up we re late for class " I heard my room mate Felicia calling my name I tried opening my eyes it was like two heavy door jambed together
"Get out of the bed u sleepy head or we are gonna get detention from Mr Tommy " uoh fxxxck licia u are too noisy " dragging myself off the bed to the bathroom to take a quick bad cause I can't afford to be late for mr tummy's class and more importantly I don't want to be determined alongside with that ass hole to Tabi Cole the school Rich kid and he is a Dutch bag but all the girl's fall at his feet like he is the Almighty not like he is that good looking duh " Lucy who are you kidding , u know he is like a sex god uuuh he is so handsome that it gets on my nerves " Lucy that's jealousy is it because he doesn't notice u? Hear goes my stupid subconscious " get away bitch! Anyways I'm not interested in any guy right now cause I don't have luck with with guys I guess that's one shitty thing I inherited from my dear mother "Lucy .. Lucy Luciana
" ouch what was that for licia " " earth to Lucy what has come over u , u almost passed the door to Mr Tommy's class