
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Happy41548





Her live changed forever. She not sure if it's good or bad yet. He saw her from afar. He knew he had to have her no matter what it takes. He goes to his friend and say find every thing on her asap. Now go.
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Chapter 1

She woke up early like any other day. Not knowing her life is about to change. She walking into her bathroom and take a shower. Getting ready for school.

A knock on her door. She said who is it. It is you mom telling her that her dad need her in his office now. Mom I will be down in the min. Ok baby mom said.

She put on her cloths. And does her make up. After 30 min a knock on the door again. Yes Who is it. It was Dave my dad's right hand man. He said I am here to bring you down to your dad now.

I said I would be down in a min. Dave said no now. Ok ok I am coming this better be good.

As she walk down the hall to go down the sorts she ask Dave does you know what dad wants. Dave said that is between you and your dad. I just making sure you hurry up.

Dave knock on my dad's door. Dad said come in

He said hi baby girl. How are you this morning. I am fine dad. So what do you need dad.

Well daughter I need you to hear me out Ok. Yes dad.

Well baby girl this deal was made before you were born and today is the day you turn 21. And with that been said you are the marry my best friend son in the morning.

WHAT? DAD no I will not marry him.

Yes you will. It is done do you hear me. But dad he is a dominate man. Dad please dont make me marry him he will beat me..

Well baby girl then I can tell you to be a good girl and do what he say. No way I am marrying that ass.

Dad walks around to Where she is he grab her hair with his hand now hear me you will and I will bend you over my knee and spank you until u say yes I will marry him do you understand me. Dad I understand what you are saying but I won't marry him. He push her down and push her dress up. And pushes the underwear down take his belt and start spanking her until her ass is bright red then he stop and ask are you ready to marry him.

Yes dad I will. Well now that what I thought. Now stand up. Was that so hard to say baby girl. Ues Dad it was. I can't believe you spanked me. I am 21. Dad

Well baby girl just be greatfull I only spanked you. I could of fucked you. Now be a good girl and give me you underwear. Yes dad. As I finished taking them off and handed them to him. He said you remember when I married your mom after your dad died. Yes dad. Well baby girl I promise your mom I would take care of you and this is the only way I know how to keep you safe and bring two mafia together will make us stronger.

Yes dad. But why do I have to marry him. Well baby girl it's either that or me make your mom leave and I will marry you and you will see a different me.

What do you mean dad. Well baby girl I think I need to show and tell you aone things before I do are you still a virgin. Yes dad I am. So you are untouch. Yes Dad why. That is great. Dad said Now follow me. Lisa hunny where are you in the kitchen there is my good girl. Well it is time to tell our baby girl everything dont you agree Lisa. Yes I agree. Let's go to the red room

What is the red roon. Just wait and see baby girl

As we walk down to the red room I am scared. Mom is this what my life has come to. My love you habe a wonderful life sweetie. Stop here dad say. Now baby girl this door goes to the red room but before we go in there we will go in this room so we can talk ok. Yes dad.

As he open the door my heart beat is going fast. Dad said sit on the branch now.

Yes Dad

Ok now for starters your mom and I are only married in the mafia world. Back not legal married. So I want to know if that you feel any differnt. No dad.

Ok good now you will have 2 options that I am giving you so here is option one you will marry my best friends son and will learn to be a good girl for him. Or option 2 you will marry me and you will obey me. And I will teach you how to obey me starting today and your mom will help.

Dad if I choose option 2 what will happen between you and mom. Well baby girl nothing will change between her and I she will still be my mafia wife and continue to be my little slut. Dad dont call mom a slut. Baby girl that part of our thing your mom loves it when I call her that dont you whore. Yes my love I do said mom. My eye went wide. Mom why do you let him do that. Sweetie I love the attention from him. He is my world. Mom then how do you feel about me if I so take the option 2. Will you hate me. No my darling I will love you no matter what option you take. But of you take option 1 we will hardly get to see one other. If you choose option 2 then you can stay here with us.

Can I have a couple of days to think about it.

Dad said with a strong NO. You have to tell us now so we can get started. Well dad can I ask one thing.

Sure baby girl go ahead.

How will this work. Do I stay in my room or yours. Well that 2 question baby doll. So no your will stay in our room. You room you keep for you to go in and change or if you need privately then go there. But baby girl I need to tell you I do love you with all my heart no matter what you desire. Now I will go in some details it might help you desire. Ok dad

For starters no more calling me dad. You will say yes daddy or yes master is the only two you call me now if we are out in about you call me dad or daddy what goes on here no one will know. You need to be a good girl or I will punish you. There are different way to

I can spank you or I can tie you up and let someone Fuck you depend on what you done .

Ok daddy so if I got it right I need to be a good girl right yes baby girl well daddy will me first time hurt me baby girl I wont lie it will. Will you be easy on me them daddy no baby girl I dont do was. So you are telling us you are picking option 2 hmmm daddy I think I will take option 2 but where I am new to all thing will you show me what I need to do and I know I need to learn alot yes baby girl you do need to learn alot there are rules to you want to heard them or learn as you go can you tell me some of them now yes I can do that baby. 1 you will not let another man touch you unless I say it is Ok. 2 you will repect me and your mom

3 you will wear what I tell you to wear no what what. And you will feel pain and enjoy it now that all the rules for now you will learn more. Now strip I need to see what is mine baby girl yes daddy as I turn around u I ask mom to unzip my dress I hold it so it does not fall to the floor no baby girl dont be shy give me the dress or drop it as I drop it he said you have one punishment for not doing it right away understand ues daddy. Now come here let daddy see you closer

Yes daddy I walk over to him I still have my bra on daddy say you are so beautiful. Turn around he said I do as I was tile I feel him undoing my bra it fall to the floor. He come around to to see me naked I turn my jead away he said no baby girl always look at me. Now baby girl go to your room and take a bath we are going out to dinner.

Yes daddy . wait daddy say one more thing he come over to me give me a kiss and spanked my butt. Go now getting ready I need to Fuck you mom now you got me horny baby girl yes daddycome here woman I need to Fuck you so hard yes master she pulled her dress up and turn around and bend over and he line up to my butt hole and push it in with all his might I scream out in pain that it slut right there no coming tonight for you bad girl dont come understand whore yes master good i you feel so good mmm my little slut you got me almost there one more hard push he comes and he push off me and said now slut clean me off i will iver to clean it with my tongue he always like it when I do it. That is good now can you stand I think so master ok try yes I can good go clean up and get ready and after that make sure she wear what I pick out this morning understand yes master good go now

As I am walking to my room naked i hope no one see me I get to my room open the door I see my dad right hand man in my room why is he here. And He turn to me and said you are beautiful. Why are you here cause your dad rold me to stand here until he cone in why I said you will see go bath

I do as I am told I hear my dad talking to dave. As I am bathing daddy step in with Dave. Daddy said baby girl I got to tell you something Dave will be helping me train you. What do you mean daddy baby girl he will help with loose up up and ahowing you how to be a good girl for me and him what daddy I thought this was between you me and mom well