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Hunger For You

Hunger For You



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Ariella's parents are the Alphas of all werewolves. They cannot die or feel pain, they can hear each other's thoughts, and they feel what the other does. So surely the daughter of the Alphas can't be any more special, right? Wrong. The daughter of Abriya and Clarence James is mere weeks away from her first change and twentieth birthday. She's preparing to take a month off school to learn her new skills, but suddenly her change is the last thing on her mind when she thinks she may have discovered her mate.Davonyé's been with Carisse for almost 2 years. He worked hard to get her and treats her like a Queen. His future is mapped out and he plans to grow old with her, so why does he feel an overwhelming possessiveness and desire for a woman he barely even knows? As Ariella and Davonyé struggle to control their feelings for one another, Aura, the Elder of werewolves, reminds Ariella of a gift she promised her 20 years ago. Not only will she become a werewolf on her twentieth bi
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Chapter 1

Ariella James' POV

Look at him, though.

He is so damn hot…

I swear, any time he catches me staring at him, I almost melt on the spot. He's covered in the richest chocolate skin I have ever seen in my life and has the most captivating eyes… so dark… almost black. He's tall and too powerfully formed to be only human, too. Maybe that's what attracts me to him so bad... Hell that only makes me more desperate to know what that body can do.

Or could do.

If he was one of my kind.

I sigh in torment. I do this daily, ever since he started here at the beginning of term. I try to keep my eyes off him, but I can't. I swear it isn't humanly possible for him to look like that. He must have been a werewolf in a previous life.

Unfortunately, Davonyé Leblanc is human, though, and that thought makes me sigh again, but this time, with disappointment. The fuck am I meant to do with a human boy? Apart from accidently break his neck? Why couldn't I have fallen for some boy at one of my parents' werewolf holds? That shit would've made my life a hell of a whole lot easier. I could've been gettin' it in during all my spare time if I had, but I ain't. I'm a fortnight away from my change and all I've got to look forward to is bad moods, a heightened sex drive, and a craving for cow.


"Class dismissed," Mr Gagnon says as the bell signals the end of business class.

Davonyé slings his arm around Carisse's shoulders before they head out of the door. If I'd been through my change already, I'm sure I'd be grinding the hell out of my canines right now...

She don't deserve him.

I bet her pussy ain't even that good.

Harmony meets me outside class. She's my cousin and she's gonna be nineteen on Saturday. She's eleven months younger than me, so she ain't changed yet.

She fucks like she has, though. Boys fall at her feet, but that's because she's sociable, unlike me. She has a mix of African American, Jamaican, and Chinese heritage in her. She looks just like her mother. Her eyes are shades of burgundy and hazel which change colour depending on her mood. A bit like how mine do.

Harmony soon starts chattin' about her birthday party this weekend, but I ain't tryin' to hear it. I keep staring at the back of Carisse while we follow her and my man out of the building.

I watch Carisse slide her hand down from Davonyé's side to his ass. I feel like grabbin' it so I can break it the fuck off.

"I'm surprised your mom ain't had a vision about your mate yet," Harmony says. "She saw my mom and dad together."

I know that…

My mom has visions. She can sometimes see the future and saw my Aunt Asha and Uncle Quis together when she was younger. I don't really care that she ain't seen me cuz I don't really wanna know what's coming for me. And besides, maybe Davonyé's my mate and I've found him by myself, or… "Maybe he ain't been born yet."

We step outside into the frosty Montreal air. It's February, and it's freezing. I zip up my winter coat and then pull my oversized hood up over my head.

"Your mom wasn't alive when grandad saw her with Uncle Clarence, though."

I shrug. "I dunno... Maybe there's a right time for shit like that…"

"I guess... So, we gonna go shopping for our outfits, yeah?" she asks, finally changing the subject as we make our way through the car park.

"Friday. We can go after class," I mutter.

I already have so many new clothes, I really don't need to buy anymore. Dad makes sure mom and me always have the latest wears. I barely wear the same outfit twice. My parents are billionaires. They have property and all sorts of other assets all over the place. They're huge donators to this college, too. Université McGill is a research Uni, and Dad's always funding something here.

I feel relieved as Davonyé finally releases Carisse to unlock his white Range Rover. She reaches the passenger side to get in, so I turn my attention back at Davonyé just as he opens his door, but instead of getting inside, he turns to look straight at me.

Fuck, he got me.

I inhale sharply as the world around me stops dead beneath my feet. He's felt my eyes on him? There is definitely a pull between us, and now that he's finally acknowledging my existence, I feel completely and utterly lost.

The attraction I feel towards him has suddenly intensified a million percent, but as sexy as he is as a package, his eyes are something else entirely. I almost trip over on nothing as his eyes narrow at me, and my heart attacks the inside of my chest.

He's looking at me a type of way.

I quickly turn to Harmony before I die from hyperventilation. "Actually, let's go now," I tell her, desperately trying not to look back at Davonyé.

God knows I need a damn distraction from him.

I get home just after eight. My parents aren't downstairs which means they're probably in their room. I help myself to some stew chicken off the stove and enjoy the peace and quiet. I'm not the most sociable of people and much prefer my own company. Living out here, an hour's drive away from Montreal, hasn't really given me many opportunities to make friends either.

I didn't go to school until I was sixteen. Dad home—schooled me because even though I ain't changed yet, I'm still stronger than most. I finish eating and then clean up the kitchen before heading up to bed.

"Ariella?" I hear dad call as I approach my parents' bedroom. The door's ajar and I can see the faint glow of their bedroom lamp shining into the dark hallway.

I poke my head around the door and see dad sitting on the bed beside mom who's currently fast asleep. Mom's heavily pregnant—two months—and a female were's pregnancy only lasts three months from conception to birth, so she sleeps a lot.

"Hey, Dad." He's under the covers wearing a vest, staring at me with inquisitive gold eyes. We look alike, and we look the same age, too, but dad is two—hundred and forty—nine years old.

He regards me closely.

"We gotta talk about school and what's gonna happen with you over the next couple weeks..."

"Dad, we've spoken about this already."

"Not seriously, we ain't. You keep tryin' to avoid it but it's gonna happen, so we need you to be prepared. Your mother's worryin' herself sick about it…" He looks down at mom and brushes a few stray curls off her face. "She wants to be here for you—we both do. Why do you think it took so long for me to breed her again? She grew up without much family, remember? And without her mother around… She didn't want that for you."

"I know." I feel bad about that. I know how much mom has wanted another child, especially because they lost their first in a fight back in the UK. I've never once gone without. Mom's always gone above and beyond to make sure that I was set in absolutely everything.

"Tomorrow I'll come home early so we can talk. I promise."

He looks satisfied. "Good girl. It will mean a lot to her. You need anything?"

I shake my head. "No, dad. I'm good."

"Alright, get some sleep. We love you."

"I love you both, too."

I pull the door almost closed and then walk along the hallway to my room, deep in my thoughts. The last thing I wanna do is shut my parents out. I know what's gonna happen to me; I've known for years. My parents don't hide anything from me, and I'm grateful. I've seen nuff changes down at the holds. I'm not ignorant to how much it's gonna hurt or how my body's gonna change. I know the signs and what to look for; I know about the cravings for red meat, and the sexual urges…

I know it all.

I drop my shopping bags onto my desk and then take a quick shower before I get into bed. I stare at the ceiling and think about what Davonyé might be doing right now.

He's probably balls deep in Carisse.

Shit why I can't even talk to him, just because he has a girlfriend? It's becoming harder to stay away from him as the days go by. My body feels like it's craving physical touch. I wanna mate, badly, but I don't want to with just anyone.

I want to do it with him.

But I can't.

And I feel sad as fuck because of it.


I look at myself in the mirror as I prepare myself to speak to my parents. I'm wearing a fitted yellow dress that really brings out the dark gold of my eyes. My eyes change colour depending on my mood. They're dark gold or hazel when I'm nervous or angry but when I'm happy or aroused, they're like the lightest gold, just like my parents'. Although everyone says I look like my dad, and I do, I have a darker complexion like my Dad. Mom's skin is like a light caramel and mine is more of a warm toffee. I also have a few features from my mother. I have her long curly hair, for one. It's dark brown with a few natural highlights of light brown. Mom's hair is brown with blonde mixed in, and she also has a big chunk of blonde at the front that reminds me of Rogue from X—Men.

I tie my curls up into a ponytail and then feel the hairs on my arms prick up. This only happens when Aura, the elder of werewolves, is around. I frown because she only ever visits us when something important is going down.

I instantly worry about mom and the baby.