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My Dad Is My Mommy's No.1 pursuer

My Dad Is My Mommy's No.1 pursuer



My Dad Is My Mommy's No.1 pursuer PDF Free Download


Hannah rushed to tell Luca about her pregnancy, but saw him bring his first love to the maternity checkup. "Why am I here? Luca, I'm your wife! You're here with your mistress for prenatal checkups. How dare you ask me why I'm here?" Luca's cold words hurt her heart. During the three years of marriage, she loved him sincerely, but he always believed she was lying to him and forcing him to marry her. He would never listen to her explanation. Hannah was heartbroken. She signed the divorce agreement and was about to leave, but was dragged into a warehouse by several strangers. Before leaving, they set fire to the warehouse. . . Five years later, a woman exactly like Hannah suddenly appeared in Luca's life, accompanied by a little boy. . .
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Chapter 1

When Hannah Morris received the pregnancy test result, she was filled with excitement and couldn't wait to share the good news with Luca Jordan. After three years of marriage, she was finally pregnant with their child. This journey had not been easy for her. As she turned the corner, she caught a glimpse of a familiar figure darting by.

"Is that Mae Stewart? Luca's first love? She is back?" Hannah wondered.

She quickly followed behind, only to find that Luca, who was supposed to be at the office, was accompanying Mae and carefully holding her. Mae appeared to be about five months pregnant.

"What are you doing?"

Hannah suddenly grabbed the pregnancy test result tightly in her hand. Her nails pierced through the paper and dug into her palm. However, the pain was nothing compared to the heartbreak she was feeling now.

"Why are you here?"

As Luca suddenly frowned, his gentle gaze became fierce and cold.

"Why am I here? Luca, I'm your wife! You're here with your mistress for prenatal checkups. How dare you ask me why I'm here?"

Mae suddenly cried pitifully.

"Luca, I'm sorry for putting you in this situation. If I hadn't come back and told you that I'm pregnant, or if I had chosen to cruelly abort this child, Hannah wouldn't have misunderstood you. It's all my fault, and I'm truly sorry."

After that, Mae turned around and ran away. Luca hurriedly got his assistant to chase after her.

Hannah was having difficulty breathing. Luca had never shown her this level of concern before.

"Luca Jordan, you b*stard!"

Hannah was about to slap Luca hard in the face. However, Luca stopped her. He gripped her hand tightly, which made her face twist in pain.

"Hannah, when you tricked me into sleeping with you three years ago and forced me to marry you, you should've known I won't give you the love you want in this marriage. I warn you, Mae's baby is very precious to me. It's the offspring of the Jordan family. If you dare to harm Mae, don't blame me for what I would do next."

After Luca finished speaking, he shook off Hannah's hand.

Hannah lost her balance, which caused her to stagger and almost fall down. She supported herself on the wall. The pregnancy test result in her hand slipped out of her hand and fell in front of Luca.

"You're pregnant?"

Hannah laughed as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Why do you care? I explained to you three years ago, but you didn't believe me. No matter how sincere I am, you wouldn't care. Now your first love is having your child. Luca, I love you, but I also have my dignity and pride! I will get an abortion. This will be the end of our relationship."

Hannah felt like she had gotten stabbed in the heart by a knife. However, she resolutely turned and left.

Luca quickly stepped forward, swept Hannah off her feet and held her in his arms. Then, he walked out of the hospital.

"Luca, let go of me! This is my child. It has nothing to do with you!"

"Your child? Would you be able to get pregnant without me? Hannah, stop pissing me off!"

Luca's dark green eyes were piercingly cold. He looked charming yet dangerous.

Right at that moment, Luca's phone suddenly rang.

"What did you say? Mae wants to kill herself? Keep an eye on her. I'll be right there!"

"Hannah, go home. We'll talk about this later."

When Luca hung up the phone, Hannah pushed him away coldly.

Luca still wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything. He only hailed a taxi, escorted Hannah into the taxi, and left in a hurry.

Hannah returned home alone and waited for Luca for the whole night.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I can't give you a complete family. But don't worry, I will love you even more in the future."

Tears welled up in Hannah's eyes. She drafted a divorce agreement overnight and signed it. She took off her wedding ring and placed it on the divorce agreement. After that, she packed up her luggage and left.

"Mrs. Jordan, Ms. Stewart is not feeling well. Mr. Jordan is keeping her company now. He has ordered us to send you abroad. We will be leaving now."

As soon as Hannah went out, she saw Luca's bodyguards blocking her way. What they said made her furious.

"Why should I go abroad? I won't go!"

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Jordan. We are just following Mr. Jordan's orders. It's not up to you!"

After that, the bodyguard rushed forward, knocked out Hannah, and dragged her into the car.

They dragged Hannah into an abandoned warehouse, stripped off her clothes, and took naked photos of her.


In the warehouse, a man picked up the phone.

"Ms. Stewart, everything is done."

Mae sneered and said, "Very good. Post the photos on the Internet later. I doubt that Luca will want her after this. Settle everything after you leave."


After hanging up the phone, the man poured gasoline around the warehouse and then set it on fire.

The flame was ablaze, and it spread sky-high. The temperature was getting hot.

When Hannah regained consciousness, she was surrounded by a sea of fire. The smoke was suffocating her, and the flames were mercilessly advancing towards her.

"Help! Help!"

Ignoring her naked body, Hannah took the pole beside her and knocked on the warehouse door. Suddenly, she heard the sound of bodyguards coming from outside.

"Mrs. Jordan, we're sorry. We're just following Mr. Jordan's orders. Rest in peace. Mr. Jordan will pick a good burial place for you."

Hannah suddenly stopped in her action.

"Is this all because I'm pregnant like Mae? Is it because Luca wants to make Mae the new Mrs. Jordan so their child would be legitimate?" Hannah wondered.

"Luca, I hate you! I must've been blind for falling in love with a cold-blooded man like you. If there is a next life, I will let you have a taste of getting killed by someone you loved!"

The raging fire swallowed her words. She felt it was getting more and more difficult to breathe, and her eyes felt heavy. As she could no longer hold on, she fell to the ground. She allowed the fire to burn her skin and devour her soul.