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Cupid And I

Cupid And I



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Friends are family and you can do anything for your family. So when Rylie Stevenson is fed up with her best friend pining over a playboy; she decides to take matters in her own hands. Mr. Cupid; a so called 'Love Sage' happens to be her only help. He's nothing she expected him to be. He's cocky, annoying and nothing short of a puzzle. But he also makes her feel things she's never felt before. Add in a narcissistic neighbor, a mysterious classmate, new friends, old friends, and maybe some boyfriends. In the end, there's only one question; hold your breath; who will end up stealing Rylie's heart?
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Chapter 1

"Don't do that!" I yell at my best friend who is currently pulling my dear puppy's ear. Oh my.

"You'll kill it," I jump on her back and she lets go off my poor little Snowy. I named him Snowy 'cause he's really white. I love him. He's like the cutest thing ever.

"You can't just side with him when he bit me," Caroline whined.

"He's so tiny, I bet you didn't even feel him bite you," I say.

"As if, your little Snowy can bite," she gritted her teeth together.

"So the solution is not killing him by pulling his ears," I retort.

"I saw Isaiah today with Alec," she said to me.

"Yes, and he was flirting with Kelly," Jenny walked in.

I snort, "I don't care."

"It's hot gossip right now at school, everyone's saying that Isaiah asked her out," Caroline mutters. She's probably sad 'cause she's had a crush on Isaiah for a long time now.

"Yeah, as if. People have said that more than five times now and every time Isaiah has another girl on his shoulder the next day," I say.

"And Alec is back with Natasha," Jenny said. I roll my eyes at that. His room is opposite mine and he's got a new girl everyday so I really don't think so.

"You're so lucky," Caroline sighs dreamily.

"Why?" I ask.

"You get to see the schools hottest guy. Well. One of the hottest guys, everyday from your window like that," she pointed at my window. I turned my head to see what she's pointing at and guess what? It's Alec standing there shirtless talking to someone on the phone.

"Stop staring at him you creeps," I say to both of my friends who are practically drooling at him.

"Who wouldn't want to stare at that?" Jenny asks while gesturing towards Alec.

"Me," I say with a duh tone.

"Then you're crazy," she says.

"Yeah, whatever," I mutter.

"How are you and your dear boyfriend?" I wiggle my brows at Jenny. She blushes and hides her face in her hands.

"You can tell us," Caroline sing songs.

Jenny and Myles have been dating for a whole year now and they've been going strong so far and I hope they last. I ship them so much!

"He's great. He's so nice and full of surprises," she smiles. She's probably thinking of him. How adorable?

"How was your date this Saturday?"I ask her.

"Well it was kind of boring because all the guys decided to tag along too," she says. By guys she means Alec's group. He's the popular boy group and me and my friends sit with them at lunch 'cause Jenny is dating Myles who is a part of it.

It's annoying for me but Caroline doesn't really mind because she gets to see her crush. I hate Alec. He's the most obnoxious and self centered jerk ever.

"Was Isaiah there?" Caroline asks.

"Yes," Jenny replies.

"Was he with a girl?" She asks again.

"No," she answers her dryly.

"Are you sure?" She asks.

Jenny rolls her eyes, "Yes I'm sure Caroline."

"He's looking at us," Caroline whispers.

"What?" I give her a questioning look.

"Alec, he's looking here," she says.

I roll my eyes and get up to shut the curtains.

"Hey look, I've got a message from Josephine," Jenny says.

"What is it?" Caroline and I ask in unison.

"Message or call this contact and have the happiest future with the love of your life, it's a chance for your happily ever after, whoever takes help from Mr. Cupid will live a happy life," she reads out to us.

"That is just dumb," I say.

"No it isn't!" Jenny and Caroline yell at me in unison.

I raise my hands, "You really expect me to believe in this shit?"

"Let's go out for pizza," Jenny suggests.

Weren't we just talking about Mr. Cupid here? Where did pizza come from?

"Can't we just order and have home delivery?" I ask.

"No. I want to go and have it at the restaurant," she says.

Caroline and I groan as we follow her out of my room.

We reach at the restaurant and sit in the corner booth. I'm more comfortable eating when no one's watching me. The waiter takes our orders and it's time to wait for the pizzas to come.

"Is that Isaiah?" Caroline points at a couple in the corner booth.

"Is that Kelly?" I ask with surprise.

"Yeah and she's with Isaiah," Caroline mutters.

"Aww sweetie, it's fine, you'll find someone way better then him," I give her a side hug.

"But I like him alot," she says.

"He's not worth it. Look at him, he really isn't," Jenny says. I nod my head in agreement at what she said.

"I know but still, I've liked him for so long and he just goes out with girls without caring for me," she sniffs.

Is she really crying?!

"Stop crying for that loser," Jenny says. I glare at the back of Isaiah's head.

"Can I borrow your phone for a second?" I ask Caroline.

"Yeah sure," she hands it to me and I open her chats. I go to Josephine and forward the cupid contact to my phone.

I know it's dumb and stupid but I think I need to do something about these two, and my only option right now is some crazy Cupid guy.

"I'll be right back," Jenny says, standing up and walking towards the restroom.

"Foods here," Caroline whispers eyeing it.

"You can eat. It's not running away," I sigh. My best friend is crazy.

"Let's eat and we can go back to your place," Jenny interrupts a d she skts back down on her seat.

I give her a questioning look and she glares at someone behind me. I turn to look at who it is. I quickly turn around and look at Caroline. Good she didn't see that and is busy gobbling down pizza which is a little gross to look at.

I reach home and greet my mom and dad who are sitting on the couch and watching television. I would love to sit with them but I think I'll retire to my room for now. I walk past my brothers room, I miss him. I wish he could come more often to visit us from college. My brother and I have a really close bond. We share everything with each other.

I go into my room and walk to the bathroom to take a long relaxing shower. This feels great.

I change into my pyjamas and jump onto my bed. I take my phone and scroll through my chats. There it is.

Should I call Mr. Cupid? Is he even real?

I click call and wait for someone to pick the phone up.