
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Alek Quintero



Odium PDF Free Download


Draven is on a mission to look for his missing mother and his missing friend, while he survived a helicopter crash he released his power of hatred and now Draven has his negative self, Odium is the key to look for Draven's missing mother now that Odium is there, no one will stop him.
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Chapter 1

25 years ago, my mother was in a war between humans and demons, during that time she met a handsome young man, his name was Cronus, and he was no human, right after the war, my mother and Cronus have been getting along, so then, they were in love, my mother was pregnant from Cronus. But then a few months later when I was born, my father Cronus disappeared, but suddenly a group of soldiers took my mother away, then the soldiers took me somewhere safe where none of the people can see us, but 25 years from now, I'm still in the military base. "Alright kid, it's morning already." A soldier woke me up from my sleeping capsule then I asked if what time it is. He said that it's 6:00 A.M. now that it's time for me to go eat breakfast. I don't have any friends at all in this base but all I have is just me. Another soldier came up to me and said "Are you alright kid? You look hungry." I answered the soldier's question "Yes I am." I said. The soldier took me to the breakfast area where all the other soldiers are having breakfast, I picked up my food and I went off to my cell. I ate my food while I'm in my cell but then as I see someone passing by behind the bars, a girl that's handcuffed walked by as I looked at her. Suddenly, she glanced at me with her green eyes, then the soldier's uncuffed her and was put in a cell next to mine. She wasn't panicked or angry, she was calm, then she glanced at me again "Are you new here?" I said, she stood up and turned her back on me, "I am.." she replied. I was confused why she turned her back on me. "Are you okay?" I said, then she took off her shirt while facing her back on me, "Yeah I'm okay." She said. Then I saw a purple symbol that is on her back. "What's that on your back?" I said, then she turned around and said "So, I guess you're different than the other people out there." I nodded. "Do you have any powers?" She said, "I don't know if I have any." I said, she smirked and said "Don't be silly, you're supposed to have powers." I had nothing to say. "So, pure silence." She said. I don't have anything to say to her, but I still wanted to ask her if she has any powers. "Do you have any?" I said. "Of course I do, I'm just not ready for it yet." She said, I was curious if she knows what happened to her. "Do you remember what happened to you?" I said. She turned around and faced her back on me again while she wraps her arms around her and says "I'm an orphan, I never knew my real parents, but my other parents didn't care about me, they treated me badly, but a few months later, I got angry at them for not letting me go out to live the world outside the house, I don't remember how they died, I saw bloodstains all over the living room, I don't know how I killed them. I'm scared to kill anyone else around me when I get furious. Back when I was in school I didn't have any friends, everyone at school just didn't talk to me." I decided to comfort her, "I know how you feel, I feel the same way, you know, I can be your friend." I said. She wipes off the tears on her eyes and starts to feel relieved. "Do you really mean it?" She said, I reached out for her hand to calm herself down, she took my hand and said "Will we ever get out of here?" I nodded, "Soon." I replied. We both went to sleep while we are separated in our cells. It was morning, the time is 7:34 A.M. as I woke up, when I turned around to see if the girl was okay, she was gone, I was panicking by thinking if she is going to get killed or she probably did something wrong, I had no choice but to break through the cell. I ran against the bars with my shoulder and try to break through, after 3 times for breaking the bars I finally escaped. And I ran through the hallway and looked for her everywhere and I saw her through a window and I had to do it, I broke through the window and I landed on my feet on the ground. She suddenly turned around and she was handcuffed and I called out to her, "What is your name!" I said, she starts to release tears from her eyes, "Ashley..." She said. "Ashley, will you escape with me!"

To be continued...