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NEMESIS REBORN ( The Aftermath of Gene Powers)

NEMESIS REBORN ( The Aftermath of Gene Powers)



NEMESIS REBORN ( The Aftermath of Gene Powers) PDF Free Download


The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve but a reality to experience.This stared the life story of two random teenagers, Hudson and Alvara, with opposite personality, whose ordinary lives are rocked and ruined by an incident which led to them discovering something extremely shocking to them; they are ‘ MUTANTS ‘…..Living in a world where mutants are termed ’MONSTERS’ and hated, a world which has a great racism against them, a world which fights and kills them with no atom of sympathy, Hudson and Alvara are left with no other option than to join a group of mutants called the ‘ UNDERGROUND’ in a quest to bring liberty to all mutants…..But will it be possible?How will they conquer their conquest when the whole world is against them? How will they be able to win this war when they don’t only have a fight against the world but also a fight against the most powerful and dangerous know mutant of all time?.........If you wanna figure out, then join me in this action-packed, tragic Sci-fi l
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Chapter 1

Life, they say, is a mystery.

Life they say, would be dull indeed without all the mystery around.

What would be left to strive for if everything were know.

The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve but a reality to experience.

I always had this thinking that I was a random kid, a kid like others, totally no difference from other teenagers apart from the fact that our personalities are different.

I've always wanted to find out who I truly am.

Thinking about it is more like a burden in my heart.

But the day I came to find out who I truly am, what I am truly made of; but if I'd know that finding out would start a war, a war which made me have to choose between my head and my heart, I would have stayed in all through that day.

If I had known that one disobedience changed my life drastically for the worst, oh actually for the best.

" Mom!!" Alvara called running down the stairs.

Putting on a forest green loose and baggy t—shirt with a black baggy sweatpants, coupled with a flat bill cap and a flat slip—on, she rocked a great tomboy outfit.

Having a square defined face with a deep set down turn eye colored sea blue and a faux hawk hair colored white, she is the definition of true beauty.

" Mom" She called again on getting to kitchen.

She hugged her mom, Emily, from the back, who was busy rounding off breakfast.

She placed a kiss on her cheek, making Emily chuckle.

" My princess is awake" Emily said and Alvara's face squeezed up in a deep frown.

Breaking the hug, she rolled her eyes.

" Mom, I'm literally 18 now not 8. You can stop calling me' princess' any day soon, it's quite embarrassing" She groaned.

" You might be 18 but still my princess" Emily replied.

" Whatever Mom. There's definitely no point trying to convince you" Alvara replied in a surrender, heading to the dinning table.

Soon Emily served her some freshly cooked hot poteo morning glory muffins.

Without blinking twice Alvara grabbed the muffins and munched on them.

" You might as well take it easy before you end up meeting your grandma wherever she is" Emily teased.

" Oh moma, you're the best" Alvara moaned with a mouthful, her eyes closed.

She was enjoying every bit of the muffin, they were so soft and puffy.

Soon she was done and ready to dash out.

" Alvara wait" Emily's voice halted her.

She groaned silently before turning.

Yeah, she knows what she's in for now, some 30mins lecture from her mom.

She walked back to the dinning and sat.

Bringing out a note book and a pen, she gave Emily a ' may your lectures begin' look.

" Listen, I'm really serious about what I want to say now, Alvara, it's no joke" Emily said sternly.

" And I'm all ears" Alvara replied sarcastically.

" This is literally your 5th school since we moved in here. And I don't think I'm gonna send you to another one if you eventually get expelled this time around so be on your best behavior" Emily said and Alvara hummed and stood on her feet, ready to move.

" Not so fast young lady, I ain't done yet" Emily frowned and Alvara groaned even more loudly.

" Seriously Mom. I've heard you already. You tell me the same thing everyday. I promise to be one my best behavior; no fisticuffs with my classmate but…

" They better be of their best behavior, so chill momma" Alvara said.

" I'm just worried….

" You don't have to be Mom, I won't get into a fight. I cross my heart and hope to spike" Alvara said and Emily's face squeezed up.

" Hope to spike?" She thought trying to understand what Alvara meant until it drawn to her , she was lying.

" You're lying, right?" Emily protested.

" Fine Mom, whatevs. I'll be on my way, bye" Alvara replied and dashed out after placing a peck on Emily's cheek.

Emily let out a sigh.

" She just can't kill me, can she?" She muttered.

· *. *. *

" Dad" Hudson groaned angrily.

" It is just a club Dad, it's not as if I'm running away. It's no big deal" He added.

" Of course it is a big deal. You know club this days are dangerous" Bernard, Hudson's father said.

" Dad, I'm 19 for Christ sake, I'm no kid anymore" Hudson half yelled.

" Besides, it's not as if I'm going there to take drugs or get drunk. I just wanna hangout" He tried explaining.

" Son….." Bernard called gently.

" Dad, I just wanna do what other kids are doing, like once in a while instead of locking myself up all day doing nothing, it's totally boring" Hudson grunted.

" I know but what about….you know who I'm talking about" Bernard said, worry displayed visibly on his face.

" Don't worry about them dad, I ain't scared of them anymore" Hudson assured, understanding what Bernard was referring to.

" I'm now a man, a grown up. I wanna show them that I'm not the same gullible Hudson they know years back, the chicken who they think they can bully. I'm ready for them, anytime" He assured with confidence.

Bernard sighed sadly as his heart still object on Hudson attending the club but he didn't want him to feel like he is depriving him of anything.

" Fine, if you say so" He gave in and Hudson beamed a bit.

Without uttering another word, he dashed out.

Hudson is a tall and slim teenager with dark brown hair, brown eyes and a light complexion.

Unlike Alvara, Hudson is a sensitive teenager and a bit if a loner, who keeps himself locked up in his room rather than associating with people.

His slim build makes him an easy target for bullies but this time around he wasn't shying away anymore.

Making up his mind to face whatever is in—store, he headed to the club.

· *. *

Meanwhile, Alvara also headed to the same club.

She sneaked out without informing her mom.

Just like Hudson, Alvara prefers staying alone than having a bunch of trouble called friends.

Stepping into the club, the music buzzing loud from the speaker hit her ear.

Looking around, she could see teenagers swinging their butt and waist to the beat of the music, others getting themselves drunk and smoking. Other bunch of student making out at the other extreme.

A faint smile creep up her lips as she made her way to the counter.

She hit her hand slightly on the counter but loud enough for the bartender to raise a brow at her.

" One shot of Brandy" Alvara said, sitting down.

On the other hand, Hudson headed to the counter to grab a drink too when he couldn't bear how disgusting the club felt to him.

This is his first time of entering a club and yet he wasn't pleased a bit.

" One bottle of vodka" He said to the bartender, looking around to see whether he could see anything interesting.

The bartender passed him his order and he grabbed it, taking a gulp.

His eyes drifted to a guy and a girl kissing like they would devour each other soon and he couldn't help but scoff.

" They got no shame do they?" He thought as his eyes shifted to another group of teenagers puffing smokes of cigarettes to the air.

He was still staring at them when 3 figure appeared before him.

Looking up and seeing the last people he wanted to cross part with, Hudson grunted under his breath.

" Oh, look who we have here. Isn't it the baby" One of the guys mocked.

" Finally he decided to come check out the club, huh?" Another said, placing his palm on Hudson's shoulder, which he shrugged off, glaring angrily at him.

" Listen baby, since you're here already, how about you join us" The third said.

" Some drugs to make you high" He added, bringing out a of wrapped cocaine and portrayed it before Hudson.

Hudson glared at the cocaine, then back to the guy.

" I am not interested" He replied simply.

" Com'on it's just one stick of it, it will do you no harm" The first boy said.

" Oh else if…you're still a chicken" The second mocked and they all bursted into laughter.

Hudson tightened his fist, his blood boiling.

He kept the bottle of vodka on the counter and left, heading to the bathroom.

Alvara was busy enjoying the Brandy when a hand slip through her back, grabbing her stomach.

A hot breath hit her neck and she jerked up.

She turned and saw a black haired boy before her and she totally don't know who he is.

The guy approached gently, a smirk plastered on his face.

Alvara stood where she was, a single trace of fear not seen on her face.

The guy got closer and lowered his face and Alvara pinched her nose close as the scent of alcohol and cigarette filled her nose.

" Come on baby, we can enjoy ourselves till whenever you want" The guy whispered and Alvara scoffed angrily.

" I can't wait to have my d**k inside your pu……

Alvara didn't let him finish the word and she sent him a hard punch sending the guy rolling to the floor

The guy made to stand up as he spit out some blood but Alvara pinned him back to the ground with her leg on top of his chest.

She grabbed her shot of Brandy and slowly let it pour directly into the guys eyes.

The guy yelled and groaned in pain as his eyes turned bloody red.

" Next time you see a girl in a baggy pant, avoid her" Alvara spat before heading to the bathroom.

Unknown to her, 3 dudes trailed behind her.

After calming her nerves down, she twisted the door open and was about stepping out when a hand pushed her back inside, making her fall with her butt.

" What the.." She groaned and looked up.

Standing before her was 3 muscular built dudes, each with an evil grin on his face.

Alvara stood on her feet, glaring angrily at them.

They stroke their palms together, approaching.

" Since you don't wanna enjoy one d**k, how about 3, huh?" One of them grinned.

Alvara stepped back slowly and at the same time scanning to see if there are any useful weapons around.

She saw a rod lying on the floor and she smirked inwardly.

Grabbing the rod, she sent a hit to one of the dude who advanced towards her, sending him rolling to the floor.

She adjusted the rod on her hand, ready to attack any minute.

Meanwhile, Hudson was facing the same problem as Alvara.

The same boys from earlier circled him in the restroom, each with a grin on their faces.

" For the umpteenth time, what the fuck do you guys want from me?" Hudson yelled angrily at them.

" Oh, looks like the baby finally gathered the courage to speak up, huh?" One of them mocked.

" Listen dickhead, don't think because you're 19 means you're no longer the weakling we all know. You're still the gullible Hudson, you're nothing but a chicken,a wassock, a popsicle, you're…….

" Enough!!!" Hudson roared angrily at them and the ground shook violently.

He couldn't contain the mockery anymore.

His anger has already reached its peak and he couldn't control it.

Inside, he felt a new rush of power, it was as if a specific force ran through his whole body, coupled with the anger in him, he felt hot heat run down him.

He shot his eyes close and tightened his fist and immediately the walls of the restroom started cracking as the ground shook violently.

" What's going on?" The three bullies asked in fear.

Meanwhile the same thing was happening to Alvara.

When she couldn't contain the 3 dudes trying to force themselves on her, her anger reached its peak and she felt the same rush of power run through her.

Everywhere shook as the walls of the restroom started cracking.

Soon the walls of the whole building started cracking as the ceiling started falling.

A loud scream covered the whole building as everyone started evacuating, a great havoc was created as everyone was trying to run for his or her life.

Unfortunately the broken ceiling fell on most of them, crushing their head to pieces.

" Stay….away…..from…me!!" Alvara and Hudson yelled at the same time and the wave which followed their scream sent the bullies flying and crashing to the wall.

The pipe of the bathroom bursted and water started flowing uncontrollably.

The ground cracked and swallowed most of the people and everything made of glass; the windows, the bottles all shattered to pieces and pinned most people to the wall.

Alvara and Hudson didn't understand what was happening and they couldn't control themselves either.

Soon the whole building collapsed burying most people.

The rush of power and anger which ran through Hudson and Alvara left them and they both slumped to the floor and……black out……