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devils dont fly

devils dont fly

Author: blacksapphire



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They say love is not a choice but destiny. But in this story, it is destiny that they should fight to gain the love they both wish for... .
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Chapter 1

Inside the most grandiose palace that is owned by the most handsome and sought-after bachelor in the country. Azalel looked at a painting in his study in a very sad gesture. His eyes filled with longing and grief, not for the lost. But for missing someone.

it had been thousands of years ago since he last saw that beautiful face. A face that changed not only his life but all his beliefs and everything he had fought for.

His eyes focused on the image of an angel descending from heaven. While a devil with horns and a horrifying tail was looking up. Trying his best to break up the chains only to reach for the hand the angel was lending.

That was the most heartbreaking scene for him. That was exactly what he was trying to do all these years. And still, he wasn’t able to get loose from the chains of his origin.

I will definitely find you, and when I do, I’ll take back everything you have lost. Even if it means my life. I will definitely protect you. He made a pact to himself. And that’s what he intends to do.

“You never get enough of him, do you?”

He wasn’t very surprised by Lucas's sudden appearance. Of course, he wouldn’t need to use the door to get anywhere. One of every devil's qualities. Where Azalel was known to be the prince of darkness. The king's only son.

Lucas was sitting on his study table literally. Not minding Azalel’s not so good mood upon his arrival.

“He’s not here anymore. Or in any dimension. You lost him in that war, the war that made you betray your own race.” a gleam of disgust flustered Lucas’s face. But soon faded as he smiled as if nothing mattered.

Azalel did not mind any of it. He is still consumed in his own reminiscing. Never taking his eyes off the painting.

“Why not just go back to being the prince of hell? Well, you may receive a lot of whipping and torture, but what’s that to you?”

“Stop convincing me,” at last turning to face his right-hand man. “ I know my father ordered you to take me back. You can easily drag me back to hell if you want. But why try so hard to hold yourself back?” he smiled sarcastically at his so-called demon friend and comrade.

What his father did not know. Is that Lucas was the one who secretly helped him to warn the archangels about the coming war his father had planned against Heaven and God himself.

But that did not prevent the loss of souls. And most importantly, his one true love.

As much as I am afraid of your father skinning me alive. And throwing me into the abyss while being munched on by his pet monsters. I’m more afraid of betraying you. If you had the guts to go against your father once, that means that you are not near as afraid of him as I do.

He tapped one of Lucas's shoulders as a sign of gratitude for his loyalty. Which was rarely seen in demons like them. Maybe because Lucas was once an angel that had just fallen from grace. And still has some of his old virtues intact.

He was always punished by Azalel’s father for disobedience to do his bidding. And Azalel took pity and had taken him in his wings. And the rest was as they say were ancient history.

“I didn’t want to say this. But you should accept the fact that his soul had already perished that day. And will never be coming back however hard you try to punish yourself. It’s not your fault that he tried to save you that day.”

“I know,” he said cutting the chattery while remembering that very moment when Muriel slipped in his back. And received that deadly strike from his father.

He was gasping in his arms. As he tried to tell him something. The angel's hand turned cold as it fell from touching his face.

Although he was in his terrifying form as a demon. Muriel never saw him as the devil or the prince of hell as he is.

“I only want to tell him something that I never had the chance to do so.”

“And what is that?” Lucas countered.

He turned to look at the painting once more.

And silently said to himself.

That I love him.


At a shabby-looking house. Mina rushed to Urie’s house screaming. Held her phone with both his hands.

Urie rushed downstairs from his room on the second floor. Worried that something bad might have happened to his drama queen best friend.

Mina continued screaming nonstop even though Urie was already in front of her.

At a wave of Urie’s hand. The latter part landed on his friend's head. Instantly calming her down.

“That really hurts.” mina said smoothing the part that was smacked.

“I thought you’ll never stop,” he said holding his laugh.

“I have important news.” he can already tell that it’s about someone that they both keep track of these days.

Axel ‘Azalel’ Cartilier.

A young and handsome billionaire.

Almost every woman in the country drools over this guy like candy sugared sweets. You’ll want to melt upon looking at his eyes. Although he was very much sought by every girl and gays in general. He still can’t escape the criticisms.

Everyone says that he might be gay. ‘Cause he never had any relationship with any girl. That when someone popular gets attached to his name, he would bluntly say that it’s not true. And that he has no interest and would never be involved in any way.

While others say that whoever Axel loves will be the luckiest one. Not because of his looks and stand in society. But because of his clear and straight mindset. Like no one can talk him out of something, especially about what he likes or dislikes. Mina and Uriel are certainly on this side of the story.

“Look,” he tried to look unconcerned. But failed upon seeing a familiar handsome face. His heart skipped a thousand beats. And felt like gasping for air. He didn’t know why, but Axel has always had that kind of effect on him.

Mina started reading the post on Instagram.

It seems that the most sought-after bachelor wants to invite every single people in the community to participate in a singles event.

“Good thing we are both in the showbiz industry.” but had a sudden pause.’ But why all of a sudden? Is he planning to get married at last?”

Married? That word echoed in Urie’s mind. And thought of having a panic attack.

“We have to go there.”

“What?” Urie almost shrieked.

“ If he’s setting up this kind of event, it means that he’s still finding a match. And that’s the perfect opportunity to show ourselves.”

“Really?” he said raising an eyebrow. “ You really think that if we show ourselves in front of Axel Cartilier. He would gradually drop down on his knees and ask one of us to marry him? Are you out of your mind?”

“Actually, it’s just me and not us,” Mina said in an air of confidence. “I still believe that he would choose a normal girl even over a beautiful guy like you,” she said sticking her tongue out to him.

He just laughed at that remark.

Boasting aside. He was always considered to have an angelic face that even female actresses would envy. Sadly he had to be trapped in a boy's body. As Mina always says. He would definitely be a goddess if he were born a girl.