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Married to the Village Idiot Millionaire

Married to the Village Idiot Millionaire



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Chu Jiao stayed in the imperial kitchen for more than 20 years and finally left the palace. As soon as she opened her eyes, she was reborn for nine or four years, from a rich girl to a fake girl who returned to the countryside. After some discussion, her uncles took out a sky-high gift and married her to the village fool next door. "What's wrong with marrying a fool?" As the saying goes, a husband should protect his wife without worrying about food and clothing. Chu Jiao was holding a family heirloom. Her skillful hands could cook and embroider, so her good reputation soon spread to all the villages. The real daughter had tried to vent her anger on her again and again, and her ex-fiance had made it clear that she wanted to keep her outside. Silly husband became more and more strange. He whispered in her ear in the middle of the night, "Honey, can you give birth to a baby tonight?"
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Chapter 1

It had been snowing a few times before the New Year's Eve. It was so cold that it was freezing cold. All the people who spoke were white steam.

The stone village was extremely lively today.

In the rich family in the east of the village, the silly son of the old Khan finally married a wife!

The snow mixed with mud was covered with red pieces of firecrackers and paper. The Zhang Family was the first family to build a brick bungalow in the village.

It was a two-story bungalow with the characteristics of a local old house on the first floor.

The bluish-gray bricks and bricks were covered with a large concrete sun.

There was a separate kitchen on the left, and behind the kitchen was a circle of cattle and sheep. There was an old grape tree in the courtyard.

Outside the kitchen, there was a well that was hundreds of years old.

The specialty of the banquet in Shancheng was to prepare dishes for the host. The guests would go to the neighbors near the host's house. When the dishes were delivered, the guests would stir-fried them.

A pot of stew was either stir-fried or boiled. It was extremely hot.

"She jumped into the well! She jumped into the well! The bride jumped into the well!"

A few chefs, who were drinking in the kitchen, heard the cry and left.

Sure enough, they saw the bride in red wedding clothes in the well.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and get it!"

"It's really evil! What's going on?"

"Why did you jump into the well on your wedding day?"


Something had happened to the host's family, so the wedding wine couldn't be eaten.

Soon, the news spread throughout the village.

"What, what should we do?" The old maid was so anxious that she cried.

The old couple only had one son left. They would have to hand over such a large family business to their son in the future.

Although there was something wrong with his son's mind, the old couple wanted to find a girl in the city for him.

Although the old procuress had a rich family, who in the city was willing to marry his daughter to a fool?

No matter how many girls they introduced, the old couple couldn't take a fancy to them.

Qiao'er had made a fuss in the Phoenix Immortal Village next door last month about the exchange of a leopard cat for a Crown Prince.

The fake daughter was held by the wrong person. The fake daughter, who had been raised in the city for 20 years, was sent back to the countryside.

The old couple thought that they had just met.

She hurriedly invited a matchmaker to inquire about it. The two families made a final decision. This matter was settled!

Who would have thought that the bride would jump into the well the moment she entered the house?

Shun'er, listen to me and send her back.

"Jiuzi doesn't have this kind of life. If that kid wakes up, he'll make a scene again."

"It's almost Chinese New Year. How unlucky will it be to die at home?"

In the hall, several uncles and elders of the Ying Family were persuading the old man.

It was really scary.

It was not a joke to have a murder case!

"Fifth brother, how many betrothal gifts did you give me?"

She had an elder brother on her head, Shekang.

The man had to be sent back, and the betrothal gifts had to be taken back.

In addition, the customs of marriage were complicated. It would take several times to decide a person's family, fortune, and birth.

If she hadn't wanted to marry her new daughter-in-law as soon as possible and celebrate the reunion, the marriage wouldn't have been so urgent.

"Six hundred and sixty." The old woman sobbed and cried. How could her son get married in the future after this?

"Six hundred and sixty?! How dare they? They're from a small village. Who would dare to shout so much when they're married?"

Yang Guifen, the wife of the Kang family, screamed strangely.

These would belong to her son in the future!

"If he wants to send him back, he has to bring back the betrothal gifts. We can't let him lose both money and money."

With a sullen face, he made the final decision.

"Uncles and Village Chief, please invite a few more chatty aunts in the village to send them back to Phoenix Immortal Village with a tractor."

"We have to settle this matter today. Otherwise, there will be trouble in the future."

She sat in the main seat of the shrine in a muffled voice, like a leaking balloon.

In the past four years, only a handful of villagers lived in the countryside, not to mention that they could marry more than six thousand people.

She didn't expect that her daughter-in-law would be sent back before she was hot.

"Old man, say something! Do you really want to send him back like this?"

Mo Ru was unwilling to give up. She had personally taken care of her daughter-in-law.

Her spirit was like a delicate flower, with a slender waist and a plump butt. It was obvious that she had a son.

Her skin was white and her eyes were beautiful. Her grandson must be a very good-looking fat boy.

If she didn't want to, wouldn't it be good if she refused him when he went to visit her?

At that time, they didn't hide the truth about their son's situation and their daughter-in-law nodded at them.

Why did he go back on his word as soon as he entered the door?

"Send it to me."

She heaved a deep sigh and patted the table reluctantly. After all, her son didn't have this kind of fate.

"You're not allowed to send my wife away! You're not allowed to!"

Dressed in a suit with a big red flower on the chest, the groom, Pang Jiusi, ran in and made a scene in a loud voice.

He had just heard from the child that his parents were going to send his bride back. He was not allowed to do that!

That was his bride!

Mo Ru saw her son throwing tantrums and quickly stepped forward to appease him. "No, no! We won't send you off."

But so what if he didn't?

Now that Pang Jiusi had made such a scene, his wife was temporarily saved.

In order to enjoy the wedding banquet, the old couple renovated the three rooms on the second floor.

There was a wedding room in the innermost room and a living room in the middle. There was a brand new beige leather sofa.

The old couple gritted their teeth and bought it as soon as they said that it was a downtown event.

The brand-new 21-inch-long lightning, the red-light radio, the two-barreled washing machine, the refrigerator, and the phoenix sewing machine, etc.

In addition to the local customs, the old couple and her husband, who were popular in the city, were also present.

There was a big red box in the outermost room, which was a local custom.

Generally speaking, it was a pair of pure wood with red paint, which was very festive.

In the wedding room, several aunts had already taken off the new bride's wet clothes and invited a doctor from the village's water care station to see her.

It was said that he was fine and had a cold.

"After all, we are used to living in the city. How can we live in the countryside?"

"It's really tender skin and tender flesh! That waist, I just competed with it, and I can hold it with one hand."

"If he is a normal man, wouldn't he be exhausted?"

"You're so mean. You're still a virgin girl. Don't talk nonsense."


A few aunts were standing by the brazier outside, roasting the fire. They were eating melon seeds and chatting with each other while talking about the bride's figure and skin. There was no one in their mouths.

On the bed, Chu Jiao woke up in a trance, and her head was swollen.

The long tiles on the wall were dazzling. Chu Jiao couldn't help stretching out her hand to cover them.

When she moved, her brain hurt as if it had been stung by a bee, and many memories that did not belong to her flooded into her mind.

Chu Jiao was stunned and looked straight at the snow-white long tube until her eyes became dry.

She was shocked and looked at her hand.

She was fair and delicate. It was obvious that she had a delicate hand that did not touch the water.

Had she... been reborn just like what she had said in the story book?

Chu Jiao felt that she might be dreaming.

But she pinched her thigh, which made her gnash her teeth and cry in pain.

It was true!

What the hell is that?!

As a royal cook, she could return to her hometown and leave the palace soon!

It was useless for her to save so much money!

Chu Jiao was depressed.

What was going on?

"Wuwu... My wife, you're not allowed to leave, okay? I, I'm obedient."

Chu Jiao was in a bad mood. Pang Jiusi rushed in crying and hugged her and cried loudly!

Chu Jiao: "..."

That's right.

Her husband was a fool.

It seemed that he was injured in the team, so he retreated back to his hometown.

"Honey, why don't you leave? I'm obedient. I'm really obedient."

Pang Jiusi cried like a child who couldn't get candy, tears and snot stuck to a brand new suit.

Chu Jiao sighed in her heart.

She had been in the palace for decades and had never thought that she would get married.

She looked at Pang Jiusi, who was as strong as a bull. His facial features were very good-looking, and his wheat-colored skin was full of masculinity.

Chu Jiao's cheeks were slightly hot. She had been used to being a servant in the palace with a white face. It was the first time that she had been in such close contact with a real man. The heat made her dizzy!

"Jiuzi, don't make trouble."

Mo Ru chased after them with a dark expression. A few Aunties followed her in to watch the show.

Would the bride still be able to stay in this situation?

I've lost all my face today.