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My Sweety Naughty Wife

My Sweety Naughty Wife



My Sweety Naughty Wife PDF Free Download


Chu Ranran was an adopted daughter. However, more than twenty years later, the biological daughter of the Chu Family came back, which made Chu Ranran homeless. Even more, the biological daughter robbed her boyfriend and even carried his child. Having no choice, Chu Ranran had to substitute their biological daughter, marrying a mysterious man who was said to be cruel and heartless. However, the marriage with the mysterious man brought her endless surprise and happiness! The biological daughter of the Chu Family was so jealous and tried to marry to the hot guy, yet he rejected and told her, Chu Ranran was his only love!
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Chapter 1

The cold wind of the winter blew through the northern outskirt of the residential quarter of the city, making the cold air in the atmosphere overflowing.

Chu Ranran stood at her house's entrance. The moment she opened the door, her ears were filled with the shrill voice of a woman coming from inside. "I don't want to marry him! Why should I marry him? Everyone in the Qin family knows that he is sick and mentally ill! If I marry him, I will either be a widow or sent to my death!"

"Xixue, calm down..." The middle-aged man in the house wanted to persuade her.

But Chu Xixue couldn't calm down at all. "Mom and Dad, I am your biological daughter. You have abandoned me for more than 20 years. Now, I have finally returned home, but you want to marry me to such a man? I won't marry him even if I die! Our family raised Chu Ranran for so many years. She should be the one to marry that man! It is a good opportunity for her to repay our kindness! Besides, I..."

Chu Xixue took a deep breath and said, "I'm pregnant with Wen Ran's child!"

Chu Ranran had already pushed the door half-open. When she heard those words, she stopped at the door.

Chu Ranran could not be more familiar with the name Chu Xixue mentioned. He was her ex-boyfriend. They had broken up three days ago, and the reason why they broke up was that she had caught Wen Ran and Chu Xixue in bed.

What was even more ridiculous was that before she caught them, Wen Ran told her that he had just returned from a business trip, so Chu Ranran did not have to come over to celebrate his birthday. However, Chu Ranran wanted to surprise him, so she secretly went over. Then, she heard the two of them doing intense exercise on the bed while talking.

"Baby, you're the only one in my heart. What does Chu Ranran mean? I've been with you for a week on my business trip, haven't I?" These were the original words of Wen Ran.

At that moment, Chu Ranran knew that the so-called business trip this week was just an excuse for Wen Ran to look for Chu Xixue.

What she didn't expect was that Chu Xixue was pregnant. It was not a result that could be born in a week, so they had been together for a long time before!


A crisp slap pulled Chu Ranran's thoughts back.

Chu Xixue was slapped by Chu Xinggui, and half of her face turned red.

"How can you do such a shameless thing with your sister's boyfriend?" Chu Xinggui was so mad that his body was shaking. "You have disgraced the Chu family!"

Chu Xixue covered her face and screamed hoarsely, "I don't have a sister!"

Chu Ranran was just a b*stard who had occupied her life for 20 years. She was not worthy of being her sister at all!

With this, Chu Xixue turned around and rushed to the door. She wanted to leave the house, but when she ran to the door, she found Chu Ranran standing there. She suddenly stopped and looked at her with a sneer. "Chu Ranran, do you know why Wen Ran has been with you for three years without touching you? Because he is not interested in you! He slept with me the second day after he became your boyfriend!"

"Really?" Chu Ranran's eyes turned red. She had always regarded Chu Xixue as her family, but she did not expect this was how Chu Xixue thought of her behind her back. The betrayal of her boyfriend and sister made it more painful.

But she told herself that she would not cry. It was not worth crying for a sc*mbag and b*tch. Chu Ranran gritted her teeth and said, "Is it worth showing off that you took something passed down from me?"

"Chu Ranran! What are you talking about?" Chu Xixue gnashed her teeth in anger.

Chu Ranran endured the sorrow in her heart and said, "I said I have to thank you. If you hadn't been brave and righteous, I would have been the one who was disgraced by the jerk now. Fortunately, Wen Ran didn't touch me. If he touched me, I would be as dirty as you!"