
Let’s Read The World

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Last Heavenly Amazon

Last Heavenly Amazon

Author: Scriptamagina



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"History knows what really happened the day of the war. Where the Legends vanished without any sign left. They believe that they will come back in the right time." This is the story of the Last Heavenly Amazon, where mysteries are everywhere. The Amazanonians had a Forbidden Rule, They forbid to love or having a Family. What happened if the Last Amazon broke those Forbidden Rule? She fell in love . She was destined to Save nor Destroy the World. Will she choose to save it or End the World? Or will she follows her heart and break the rule? Only The Amazonians know her fate. A mysterious truth to unveil. It will make you confuse on What is right. Choose what lies in your hand. Your Fate or Your Heart?
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Chapter 1

  Chapter I - Shattered

  "The shattering of a heart when being broken is the loudest quiet ever." --Caroll Bryant—


  "Cesia, Come out Already! Where are you hiding?" a sarcastic tone of Papa Damon, who is plagued by anger. His voice was full of anger and a monstrous plan. I was scared, very...very scared... of where this fate brings me. I don't know why it would happen; everything is falling into hell.

  I was hiding in the big Mangrove Tree. It was so dark here, around the forest and foggy. I'm trembling with fear. My hair was so messy. I have bruises and my body is wounded. Even my clothes are reddish because of Blood.

  "You will overcome all of this Cesia, Have faith! ". Whispering to myself just to motivate me. I embraced my knee and my hands are shivering from what I have done earlier.

  "Don't just show yourself to me, Kid. Because it would be the end of your life," he said.

  "Cesiaaaa! " He shouted out of anger; Papa's voice seems nearer where I hide. I almost shrieked from fear, hearing his murderous voice. The cold whistling of the air that field creepier in this solemn night.

  It's my 18th birthday and this is what happened to me. The other birthday celebrant was busy entertaining their visitors. Receiving a lot of different gifts from their relatives. They were happy with their family full of love.

  Me? Nah! Not even a single greeting I've heard from them.

  Instead, they tortured and tried to kill me.


  I wake up early and organized my bed. I took my Black Backpack and put a few of my clothes on it. I looked at the clock; It's already 4:00 in the morning. I entered the bathroom to take a bath. Then I dressed in Black Denim Jeans and White Shirt. I face the mirror in front of me, observing myself. Looking at any traces of pain in my dull eyes and innocent face. I smile a bit and said:

  "Happy Birthday, Cesia." greeting myself with a dismayed smile. I laugh sarcastically because of my situation, ever since I gain knowledge of this World.

  Since Childhood, I have never experienced being happy and filled with love from my family. But I suffered from pain and torment from My Mom Thea and Papa Damon. I wonder why they would treat me like this. Why can't they endure giving love and care about me?

  I grew up confined in our house, not having a set of friends, even go to school or let me see the beauty of nature. Only in pictures and books, I read secretly. I am not that too ignorant, not knowing the modernization in the World. I can watch it on TV or DVDs; to keep updated on what's happening outside of this prison. They made me cook and do all the housekeeping, not even resting for a second. Although I have no fault, they will intentionally hurt and bashed me by the belt or grab any things just to hit me and feel the pain. Their reasons? None, they just treat me for their entertainment. It made them happy, seeing me in pain while blood was slowly showing to my skin.

  "Sorry, Mommy Thea and Papa Damon". I whispered.

  I already arranged and packed it all: clothes, my birth document, a few foods, and snacks. I took the little box inside my drawer and open it. I grab the money I saved in times where they left it on the table. Or forgot where they placed it. They didn't even bother to search for it.

  So, it's not stealing, by the way.

  I put the backpack behind my back. I watched the whole room who witnessed all of my difficulties. When I'm crying in pain, because of wounds and bruises. Praying and hoping to be better.

  "But it's no use; after all, I suffered more on it!" Remembering the things I experienced in their cruel hands.

  I went out of the Door and slowly walked down the stairs. Lastly, I looked at the room of my Mom and Papa, letting out a sigh.

  "I love you Mom, Pa. I need to do this. So-rry! "I wiped my flowing tears on my cheek, associating what I feel. I still love them, even the pain they gave me wasn't fading. They are still my parents who give life to me in this Fuckin' World.

  "How many times, do I have to kill myself, but these Damn fates of me are happy to see me suffer." I did not lose hope that someday I smile with no doubts.

  "But, when... When will that day come, huh? " I sobbed while walking down the stairs.

  "Don't wait for me to lose hope, in you Fate! Please! ". The tears weren't stopping, just to let out my grief. I don't want to leave them, but I must, for myself.

  "I have shattered already; my heart is slowly breaking ".

  "I don't want myself living in the future like a Lifeless Doll." I sighed, almost. I'm almost lifeless. I am now at the door at the sala, I will pull the knob already when I heard someone clap behind me.

  "Well, well. Are you done with your drama?" Mama Thea's voice was filled in the sala. Calm but the danger is on it.

  "M-om, you're a-wake."It's a statement and I stuttered. She smirked and crossed her arms. Her curly black hair was flowing, black eyes, pale skin. It's different from mine.

  "Yes dear, I am more awake than you!" she sarcastically said.

  "Mom, p-lease. Let me leave. I-I will come back. Promise" I pleaded. My heart is beating fast, I'm nervous. Oh! Fucking Gods. Why you didn't side with me?

  "Hmm, Hahaha. I'm very touched, dear. Ha-ha "she laughed like an evil mother. Ah, no she's evil already.

  "Did you really think, you can escape, alive?" she harshly grabs my arm and her long fingernails buried in my skin. Causing it to bleed.

  "Please, ple-ase, Mom. I want to exp-erience my li-fe, having free-dom" I am now crying, pleading that she will give pity on me.

  "When I said, never leave! Never! Don't you ever dream, having freedom because you didn't deserve it!" She said in anger, pulling the strands of my hair and then slapped me.

  Why? Why would I experience this? Did I kill thousands of people in my past life? Is this my punishment? Bullshit, you God!

  "Mo-m, Pl-ease stop, I'm hurting. "Please ". I sobbed in pain. She didn't let go of my hair.

  "I will make you suffer Until you die, you had to pay for it. All of it". She pushed me and my head went to the edge of the table. Causing me to lie down on the floor with an impact. I didn't mind being dizzy and automatically stand up and run through the door.

  "Cesiaaa! My mom blurted in anger. She runs in my direction and before I could grab the doorknob. I felt a hard metal in my back that hit me. And then Pain envelope on my nerves feeling me weaker. I also touch a sticky liquid that covers my vision. And there I saw a lot of blood in my hands.

  "That's what you get, Kiddo. Breaking my rules in this house is not allowed ". I am now lying on the floor full of blood.

  Before I passed out. I heard their tremendous laughter, which filled more in my nightmares.

  Then closing my eyes and embracing the darkness.

  I Hope I cannot wake up!