
Let’s Read The World

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Hell To The World

Hell To The World

Author: Maxwell Eden



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Few days to Christmas, Remy Norman's Mother, Theresa, was given a two weeks vacation to the City of Confluenticut. She was accompanied by her son, Remy, Bryan Ariell, Theresa's friend, and Vivian Ariell, Bryan's daughter. In the City of Confluenticut, they stayed with Bryan's best friend Anthony Matthias, and his son, Philip Matthias. Things took a drastic turn when they found out that Remy Norman's greatest enemy, Draco, an exiled god, lives in that same city. As everything goes by, hidden bitter truths were revealed, and it left Charles, Steph, and Felix, the accomplices working with Draco, and also the Remy Norman's side devastated. This is a battle Remy Norman is not ready for, because he doesn't know who he truly is, and Draco earnestly seeks his destruction for his redemption as "God over all" If Draco gets what he wants, he might as well give "Hell To The World"
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Chapter 1

Westwood town...

Christmas feeling fills the air, but everyday still feels like any other day, and today is no different. Everyone looked busy with one activity or the other; the CEOs in their expensive cars going to work, the older people sitting at the park and taking advantage of the cool breeze blowing under the tent, younger ones performing yoga under the big tree. The scenery is pleasant and everyone is busy enjoying that feeling.

Adrian, a handsome figure, with gold eyes and hairs, walking fast and feeling excited; he then jogged and entered a bungalow building.

Adrian: walks in through the door shouting

"Hey guys!! Guess what!."

Everyone looking puzzled.

"What's wrong this time?" Gabriella asked looking at Adrian.

Adrian paused for a moment and screamed saying, "We just got the keys to the old house!!!"

Surprising looks in everyone's face, silence seem to find a way to coexist in a very short period of time, and was cut off by Charles, a haggy, looking man, with overgrown beards, you'll think he just got out of prison.

"So, what is still keeping us here? Let's move!" Charles says and they all dismembered.

"Wait" Bryan ordered.

Everyone stopped and turned to Adrian who just told them to stop.

"Why don't we go tommorow?" Adrian suggested.

They all tried to listen to that idea, but Charles guided them through what looked like a mystery to them.

"There is no time to waste. You are aware of what it took to find the key" Charles countered.

"Okay then. We move" Adrian said as he shrugged his shoulders.


Charles looked at the mirror in his room, took the clipper, plugged it, shaved off his hairs and beards.

"This is the day I always anticipated" He said as he freshened up.


"You don't have to pack all your things, or perhaps are you travelling to heaven?" Felix asked while looking at Victoria.

"At least I have to pack my cameras, you know how cameras are heavy, we need to take a lot of pictures at that house" Victoria replied.

"Fine" Felix says as he exited the room carrying a filled backpack.

Victoria cursed underneath her voice. "Damn!! I'm really unprepared for this...but, it would be so much fun", she grins.

She exited the room dragging a big traveling bag along with her and closes the door behind her.

"Are we moving out completely?" Xavier, a young boy in his 20s threw a question to whomever would love to answer, looking directly at Victoria who is struggling to lift up the bag in her hands - The rest of them directed their attention to where Xavier's gaze his.

"What!" Victoria said and shot a devilish eye to everyone looking at her with her hands wide opened.

Charles came out of his room, dropped his bag, and sat down.

"Hope everyone is ready" He asked while he tied his shoe laces.

"Yes, we all are" Adrian replied for everyone.

Charles stood up and led the way,.

"Keep yourselves close, this is gonn' be a tiring visit" Charles said as he opened the door.

They all exited their house, walked down to the bus stationed at the front of the building, they all entered, and drove off...


In the bus, Victoria looking confused. "Wait a minute, where is Steph?" Victoria asks.

"Ooh shit" Adrian cursed.


Steph yawns and eyes half closed, she looks at the wall clock.

"Wow! It is almost 4pm!" She said.

She walked to the living room sluggishly, she glanced to and fro and the rooms were empty.

"Where is everyone?" She asked herself.

She picks up her phone, dialed a number, and pinned the phone to her ear.


Adrian phone buzzing

"It is Steph" Adrian said.

He gestured to everyone that they should lay their voices down, and picks the ever buzzing phonecall.

"Hey Steph? You're awake?"

"No, I'm not awake, I'm still dreaming on how you guys left the house without telling me anything!" Steph said angrily.

"I'm sorry Steph, but don't worry, we'd gist you about everything when we are ----"

cuts him off

"Forget it, wish you all the best!!". She says as she hangs up angrily, and threw the phone on the sofa chair and a feeling of contempt met her with her thoughts about Adrian and the rest.

"Shit!" She cursed.

Talking to the phone

"Wow, she hung up on me"

"Why won't she? You forgot her!" Xavier countered.

With a sign of regret Adrian says, "I was so happy about going to the old house, that I totally forgot who Steph was"

"Save your story, just prepare for a nag when we are back - from this beautiful adventure!" Victoria shouts.

"We are almost there" Charles said.

Everyone turned their attention to Charles who was driving -- With the stories they have heard about the old house, they all look frightened except Charles who was well sitted in the driver's seat and overly calm.

"What if death awaits us?" Victoria asked looking perplexed. "Death is everywhere, girl" Charles replied Victoria as he looked at her through the rear mirror, then he whispered enough for everyone to hear.

"Curiosity chased you out of your home and you are about to provoke evil"

Everyone turned their gazed to Charles.

"What is it you just said?" Adrian asked.

Charles looked at Adrian, then to the old house and said.

"It is just a storyline of a novel i read yesterday" Charles said and grinned.

Xavier looking at the old house.

"If this would be our death then i will quickly ask the Lord for forgiveness" Xavier said.

"Face to face with death, asking for forgiveness will be the last thing on your mind" Charles thought looking at the miserable young boy.

At the front gate of the old house, they all dropped off, and everyone staring at the old house. In a perplexed mood Xavier says.

"Do you think we should do this?"

No one answered, so he continued...

"You know... Stories have been told about this house, or what do you think?"

"Let's find out what is in this building and see for ourselves what lies between its dark places - You ready?" Charles asks and they all nodded.

"Ok! Let's move!." Charles ordered.

They all walked to the front door of the house, and saw a wooden plank attached to the door that reads...

"Don't ever touch what you will see first when you enter"

"You heard the wooden plank everyone" Charles said as he drew their attention towards him then to the wooden plank attached to the wall, "Don't touch what you see first" He repeated.

Opening the door wide open, they saw a silver imaged creature looking like the Devil hung on a wooden cross like the crucifix.

"This looks interesting" Victoria says.

They all walked in and Adrian reminded them more specifically. "Don't touch the Devil's Crucifix"

Xavier examining the Devil's crucifix wanting to lay hands on it, but was stopped by Gabriella.

"Do you want to get us killed?" Gabriella asks with an irritating look on her face.

"Hey calm down babe" I wasn't planning on touching it. Xavier protested.


1AM, everyone is asleep, birds chirping is the only sound you'd hear. Out of curiosity Xavier left his chambers to where the crucifix was been hanged, and he said to himself.

"Let me check what lies in this image that everyone is forbidden to touch"

He carried the hung crucifix and starts to stare at it with more deep curiosity. He then finds a way to separate the craven image of the Devil from the Cross - then he heard a sound above him.

"Hey! Why would you touch that!" Adrian Shouted.

With that sound everyone woke up then walked towards Xavier. Angry Adrian snapped the image from Xavier's hands and fixed them back to its position looking at Xavier with uttermost disgust and they all went back to bed.

Now the sounds of the birds was accompanied by a terrifying sound. An unseen image moves to a dark area inside the building, everywhere then became silent. In a matter of milliseconds a creature eyes was seen in the dark, and it says.

"I'm back"

The creature then laughed devilishly and with a phantom speed it exited the dark place still laughing devilishly until the laughter of the creature fades away into the thin air.