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Would You Like A Cup Of Coffee?

Would You Like A Cup Of Coffee?




Would You Like A Cup Of Coffee? PDF Free Download


Livia Ayshil Talitha x Duke Elliott Foster Livia's family business is a coffee shop. They have different branches all over the Philippines. That's why when she turns 20, her mother let her handle one of their coffee shop near her school. She open it at night. On one rainy night, A man came into her coffee shop to hide from danger. She doesn't know what came into her mind to let a stranger hide in her place. She knows that it could be a bad thing. But she still let him in and ask... "Would you like a cup of coffee?" And as if destiny is being playful, The man that she let inside her coffee shop that night turns out to be her new professor!
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Chapter 1

//Livia Ayshil//

"Is everything okay there, Honey?" I smile when my Mom ask me that question for the fifth time. I laugh softly. "Momma I told you not to worry. I handle everything perfectly fine. I told you I'm doing fine at school and at managing the coffee shop. Nothing to worry okay?" I give her an assurance in my face. I just hope that she will stop asking me if I'm fine because I'm enjoying running our business.

Momma sigh. "Alright, Honey. Let me know if you can't handle it anymore and I will send someone to handle the branch there." I smile and nodded my head. The Heavy raindrops caught my attention. It started raining. Customers use to come in rainy days. But even though it's not raining, I still have a lot of customers. Our coffee shop blooms in the 90s. We have a lot of branches from all over the Philippines.

And now I'm handling one of them. I smile as I finished mopping the floor. It's already midnight. Yes I know. How can I open the shop at Midnight? I'm a girl and I live alone upstair. I know some martial arts and I have a gun. Yeah. A gun.

I was about to go inside the counter when the door rings. Must be a customer. I smile and ready myself to greet the customer but my smile instantly drop when a man soaking wet came inside.

He have a long blond hair and he's wearing a leather jacket with a leather pants and a leather boots. Woah, what a rich man. He look like he's trying to find something in the shop. I immediately turn in my defense mode as I watch his actions.

"Do you have restroom here?" His hoarsely voice makes me shiver. It was cold as the midnight wind and his aura is dark as the night. I clear my throat. "We have----" Both of us look outside when we heard some people talking loudly.

"Shit!" I look at the stranger as he hurriedly go to the counter and hide himself. I was caught off guard for a moment before mapping his drops of water traces. Second passed and bunch of men came inside. I smile and greeted them.

"Would you like to order gentlemen?" I ask in my calm voice even though my mind is rumbling. I have so many questions going on inside my head right now but I manage to stay calm while facing some men that I think are just around my age.

They look around while murmuring. "This is empty." Someone said. "Yeah. But we need to make sure." The other man answer.

I frown and ask. "Are you gonna order something?" The five of them look at each other before shaking their heads.

"Ma'am, do you happen to see a man with a long blond hair, with masculine body and wearing an all black leather?" The tallest ask. I frown and look at him with a questioning look." I'm sorry, Sir. But I happened to be mopping the whole shop and I did not see anyone passing by. Would you mind if I you to leave? I was about to close my shop." I said politely.

They look at each other before nodding their heads. I smile when they march their way to the door."Thank you and I hope you'll have a nice night, gentlemen."

When they finally leave my place. I sigh and all the questions inside my head started to get crumble.

Why did I lie?! Why did I let the stranger hide at my counter?! What if he do something bad at me?! I'm not thinking properly!!! My gun is in ths counter too! All I have as a weapon is a mop! A freaking mop!

I try to calm myself as I march my way towards the counter. I saw the stranger leaning at the cabinet while his eyes were close.

"Mr. They are gone now..." The stranger finally open his eyes and look at me. I just notice that he have an ocean eyes. I cannot help but to stare at his eyes.

His grunts makes me blink. I help him to get up while he look like he's in pain. I scan his whole body. "Thank you for not letting them know that I hide here. And thank you for letting me hide here."

His baritone voice makes me frown. "I did not let you hide here. You're in hurry as you hide yourself. I was caught off guard for a moment so... Yeah..."

His smirk show some of his perfect white teeth. "Still thank you and sorry for my rudeness."

"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go

I'm wonder struck, blushing all the way home

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

I was enchanted to meet you~"

I frown when Taylor's voice came ringing in my ears. I look at the speakers. What a nice timing for this perfect song.

The man is about to leave when for some reason, I stop him. Really Ayshil? Stoping a stranger for leaving?

Damn! I'm actually lucky that he's not doing anything bad to me!

"Would you like a cup of coffee?" My question makes him stop marching towards the glassdoor. When he look back at me, I try finding words to say.

"It's just minutes when they left, they could be anywhere here..." It was a conclusion that I made inside my head. But that's possible! The stranger look at me as amusement is dancing in his ocean eyes.

"Then If they saw me here, you will be in great danger, young lady." His baritone voice is making my mind blank. How can he have this effect in me when this is my first time meeting him? Gosh! Get a grip Ayshil!

I look outside the glass window. Yeah, they can see us from this window. So I hurriedly turn down the blind folds. All of them. I know customers will come later but I think I will call it a night for me.

Mr. Stranger look at me weirdly. "I think I just ask you a question." He look like his waiting for my words. So I repeated my question. "Would you like a cup of coffee?"