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Ruin Me

Ruin Me

Author: Kayberna



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"I will wait, for as long as you let me. Until you get your memory back and you remember me or I will kill you." Meghan threatened with a smile on her face. "It's worth remembering trust me. That a vow Cody." A vow? I hated this guy she wanted me to remember, the one she was yearning for. The me that likes her, he is stupid. He let her get too close ....far too close than I ever let anyone. She was still searching for him within me, I could smell the desperation in her actions and I wanted nothing but to creat a mess for case he shows up again. I felt ruined. Now that she managed to suck me in and made me curious about him too.
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Chapter 1


  Bloody flipping hell.

  Nobody was safe when my parents gang up like this.... especially me.

  "That ain't gonna happen mother," I hissed through gritted teeth. What kind of sick prank were they trying to pull?

  "Who said it's your call to make? I warned you about this!" My mother snapped at me as the harsh realization of what was about to go down finally hit me.....hard. They had me exactly where they wanted me. I was their prey right now, completely vulnerable and at their mercy. They didn't have a reputation across the country for being one deadly team for nothing.

  In short, I was screwed........ loyally.

  You guys can't be serious," I protested. My mother glared at me and closed her laptop with force.

  "You think I like this Cody? You don't have a say in this! Who gets suspended on a first day of school?"

  Me apparently.

  In my defense, if that idiot from school didn't piss me off, none of this would have happened. I wouldn't have gotten into a fight and nobody would have gotten a black eye or a broken arm. I would have made it out of first day of school suspension free and make my mama happy like I originally planned. I wanted to avoid the disappointment I was now seeing in her eyes for a week or two, depending on how long trouble would stay the hell away from me.

  She let out a frustrated sigh, dropped on her chair in a thud and turned to my pops for help. "Cory handle your son before I kill him."

  He shrugged, "Well It's never too late to give him up for adoption. We are still young, we can always make a good son you know, " he teased whilst my mother scrowled at both of us as if she was afraid we will push her into growing grey hair before her time.

  Pops cleared his throat. "Listen kid I don't want your mother on my bad side." He warned.

  Well that made the two of us.

  "Don't push me to take your allowance away as well, you know I will do it ," she threatened and I inwardly cursed. This was her last card and we both knew she was winning. Taking away my car away would have been a thousand times merciful than my allowance.

  Anything but that.

  I needed that money.

  She finally hit the mark.....think Cody.

  I shoved my hands in my pockets, pacing back and forth in their study. I wasn't getting out of this in victory.

  "How long? How long do I have to be at this stupid boarding school?"

  It was absurd.

  I didn't even bother wondering how they managed to find me a new place in such a short notice or who they bribed to make it happen. My parents worked fast, I only got suspended like six hours ago and they already found me a new school.

  My mother shot me a suspicious look.

  "Until I say so." Ok Cody try to negotiate the heck out of this thing.

  I grumbled. "So all I have to do is get my grades up right?" We both knew this had more to do with my current poor grades than the one week suspension. I sabotaged myself by making this an easier kill for them the moment I was chased out of that school this morning.


  Alright I could do that in a heartbeat. I wasn't dumb, I just lost focus.......alittle.

  "Fine I will give you what you want and you get me out of there." My parents looked at each other in disbelief at this turn of events. They never expected me to give in so easily but I never waste my energy on things that were already out of my control. I didn't fight a losing battle and I wasn't in the mood to grovel. This shit was happening with or without my approval.

  I stomped out of the house and went to the house next door.

  "You look like you have been hit by a bus." Great, I felt the same way.

  I snorted, "I'm going to boarding school." Max let out a low whistle and finished the beer he was drinking whilst throwing me a can of beer too.

  "No shit?"

  I popped the beer open. "No shit."

  This year is officially going to blow.

  Big time.


  I was running late for my physics class when my phone vibrated somewhere in my bag. I searched for the little device, not paying attention to where I was going. I tripped over and bumped into a hard chest.

  That smelled so damn great.

  My bag threw open and left everything all over the floor. I sighed in defeat, my phone forgotten and sunk down whilst muttering, 'i'm sorry' to whomever I bumped into. The guy said a string of swearwords that first popped into his dumb head and finally caught my undivided attention. I slowly gazed up and found him scrowling down at me.

  Fine brown skin idiot.


  Don't start drooling.

  "Watch it ok?" He snarled. Jeez dude chillax.

  I blinked up at his impressive height. "I'm sorry." I repeated loudly this time, incase he missed my first sincere apology.

  What was his deal? As if I did it on purpose.

  "Pay attention next time," he hissed. I almost rolled my eyes when he fixed me with his intimidating gaze. His face seemed new, I never saw it around campus before. I noticed his clothes, skinny dark blue cargo pants, black t-shirt, plaid shirt and black boots.

  It was obvious that he came from money, just by the look of his clothes and the backpack he was carrying. It probably costed more than my entire wonder he was such a pain in the ass. My eyes moved from his biceps to the broad shoulders that were visible through his shirt. I even thought his messy hair looked great on him and couldn't stop myself from swallowing.....hard.

  How embarrassing.

  The jerk was smoking hot.

  Focus Meghan! Cat got your tongue? Where is your backbone? My nosy subconscious was obviously not happy with me.

  "You run into me." I spat back at him. My patience was running thin and I was done being nice to grumpy people who didn't deserve my apology in the first place.

  He narrowed his eyes. "I don't give a flying crap who run into who, just watch it next time." He had to be freaking kidding me right?

  The nerve of this guy.

  I rolled my eyes and snorted. "What a glade A bastard."

  A beautiful grade A bastard.

  More like a barking dog with no bite.

  He turned, threw me one more evil glare, cold enough to freeze the entire universe, then disappeared down the hallway with his long legs. Just great if we needed more arrogant bastards around here. He obviously had some serious issues so I made a mental note to stay out of his way.

  I bent down to my knees again and finished collecting my books. When i finally made it to class, i scanned the room for available seats and stopped in my tracks, when I laid eyes on that stupid beautiful face again.
