
Let’s Read The World

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Author: Toluwanimi adeoye



NICKI PDF Free Download


I do believe there's something called from enemies to lover, this high school story is all about an 17 years old young adult, who always boylishly and she doesn't give a damn about what people said about her. Let's just say she's a tomboy, and the only child of her parent. Her parent happens to have one of the biggest and lucrative companies in all round Korea, but Nicki wasn't attended to. Apart from the money always stuck in her account, she was never given this parental love which she always longed for. Her parent always tell her " people are wicked and dangerous, so don't make friends" , she never had any one to talk to all her life, she always sulking in her room. Apart from her training center nothing else gave her joy. Nicki never knew the reason why her parent always told her that the people are dangerous,not until she knew she has supernatural powers, which her parent doesn't have neither her relatives, but decided to keep it to herself, and held to her parent views about people and how wicked they can be. She always wished to be a dancer all her life, and that happened when she was transferred to a Borden school, after beaten up her school mate, because he tried flirting with her. She became so popular through the help of her new roommate, who helped her get to the top, and was picked to be the female dancer among the summer boys band, the best Korean musicians and dancers. On the other hand was dreams diamond popularly called by his fans as D.D, he is a definition of a true beauty, he never for once cease to amaze his fans with his hotness and handsomeness. Every girls always dream for him to be their boyfriend, some wished just a one night stand with him, because of how hot and cute he is. Dream was never a nice person, he is always cold and arrogant towards everyone, even his band members aren't exempted, he has this dark aura surrounding him that could make everyone melt in fear.
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Chapter 1

" Nicki why did you punch Ricardo?" The principal asked

" Sir he was flirting with me and I had to teach him a lesson" Nicki didn't feel remorseful at all

" You know what? you're transferred to living spring high, and it's a Borden school" he said and brought out a file from his drawer and hand it over to her.

" sir but he was flirting with me" Nicki was trying to explain to him, but he has no time to listen to her

" but Nicki you took law into your own hands" he said and adjusted his glasses

" I promise to make a change sir, I won't hit or punch anyone again" Nicki pleaded

" Same old story Nicki, you keep telling me same old story, but you never change, this isn't your first time of telling me this, you told me last week remember, and I can't take it anymore, parent are really complaining, so you're transferred and that's final, now leave" he gestured for her to leave his office.

" What ever!!" Nicki said and walked out slamming the door behind her

" such a phsyco she is" he said..........

Nicki walked to the classroom and all eyes were on her,

" will you stop staring at me as if I were a ghost" she said hitting the closest desk beside her and they all flinched out of fear, and turned to whatever they were doing before she came in.

She walked to her seat holding the piece of paper the principal gave her, her friend Samantha known as Sam was worried about Nicki, why nicki wasn't worried for herself.

She collected the paper from Nicki and went through it

" What!! Nicki you're transferred to another school?" Sam shouted and Nicki frowned

" And what's the big deal Sam, the psyco of a principal is already tired of me, so he's getting rid of me, and I will keep punching any asshole that gets in my way" Nicki said and held Sam's hand

" C'mon girl not like I am dying or something, I was only transferred you can come visiting okay" Nicki said.

Honestly it really hurt Nicki that she's leaving Sam , because she's the only friend she has in winter high school, but her hands are tied, she can't beg the principal and she can't beg her parent also.

"but that's impossible Nicki, you're going to a Borden school not some sort of day school, it's really impossible to see you" she said sadly

" hey, but you can still call me, just smile for me okay" Nicki said tickling Sam till she she let out a short laugh

" That's the cute smile, always smile it looks on you" Nicki said cupping her cheeks

" am gonna miss your crazy attitude so much" Sam hugged Nicki

" Same here" Nicki hugged Sam back.......

It was closure hour and Nicki driver came to pick her up, she was thinking of different things that she didn't know when they got home.

" young mam we are home" the driver opened the door for Nicki and she alighted from the car.

" and how many times have I told you to stop calling me young mam, call me Nicki, you're old enough bto be my dad" Nicki said and he bowed his head

" Okay young Nicki" he held his mouth and Nicki scoffed

" you're still saying the same thing call me Nicki , is it hard for you to say? geez" Nicki dai and walked to the front of her house.

" Back to hell" Nicki said and breath in and out before walking in.

She sneaked in and saw that no one was in the sitting room, she was sneaking upstairs

" Nicki just two step away and you're are gone" she thought to her self. She took the first step and was about taking the second when her dad's cold voice halt her on her track.

" and where the hell are you sneaking to" he said and she turned around to find her mum and dad in the sitting room.

" I wasn't sneaking dad... I wasn't" she began to stutter

" and what where you doing" he said as his eyes bored to her

" I didn't want to disturb you, while watching your favorite channel so I quietly walked in" she lied

" Nicki what have we done to you to deserve all this things you're doing?" Her dad asked

" dad what have I done this time" she pretended not to know what he was talking about

" oh cut that crap!! you annoying creature, you're pretending to not know what am talking about right?" he asked and she scoffed

" I don't know not if you're gonna tell me" Nicki said

" Your principal called, he said you're transferred to another school, because you punched another student" he stopped and looked at Nicki for a second before he continued

" you know what Nicki you're making me regret ever sending you to a boxing school, I thought it was one of your hobbies, but it seems you're using it to oppress others" he said

" am sorry dad, but he was trying to flirt with me, and I couldn't watch him do that so I had to punch him" Nicki said

" And you punched him till he passed out right?" Her dad asked

" Yeah dad he needed to be thought a lesson, so that he won't try flirting with me or any other girls" she said not feeling remorseful at all.

" And who the hell gave you the right to teach him a lesson" he asked

" that's non of my business anyway, he deserves way more than that" she muttered.

" you are going to living spring high, and I guess you know it's a Borden school, trust me if you hit or punch any student or you get in fight with them just consider the things you love most, starting with your credit cards, your favorite sport car, your training school, consider them all gone, and get prepared you're leaving tomorrow" he stood up and headed upstairs

" But dad why tomorrow" Nicki asked sadly

" That's your punishment" he said and exited, her mum followed her dad upstairs.

Nicki walked angrily to her room and changed, before walking out of the house straight to her training school.........

Her coach came in and noticed the way Nicki was punching the bag so hard

" Nicki stop venting your anger and frustration on this poor bag" Nicki coach said

" But coach why am treated this way, is it it bad to put some useless bastard in his place, and now I am sent to a Borden school because of him. I am waiting patiently for the day am gonna set my eyes on him, am gonna remove his thirty two teeth from his gum" she said hitting the bag hardly, and she felt as if she wasn't punching anything, and as if no strength was going out of her.

" easy Nicki" her coach shouted...........