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Moon Demon

Moon Demon




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Moon Demon A spooky tale Prologue Don't wake it, It's evil and it lurks there waiting for the one who got gut to wake him. Oh no! you awake him, you shouldn't have. He's furious cause you waked him from his slumber. Now he wants you, he will surely hunt you down and your companions as well. He's merciless, tasty and hungry for ya souls and that of your companion. So is also going to send his minions for you'll. Y'all can run or hide, but he will find y'all, he always does. He's the moon demon the hunter of souls, he appears when the moon is up and hunt for his preys. He will come for y'all when it's time. Extract " Am scared " " Why what wrong " " it's here in my home, it wants me" "Who" " I don't know, but it creepy" " Hello Hello!!!!.... _________________________________________ Gosh the story is already freaking me out, who is scared lol Are u in for this creepy story
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Chapter 1

Moon Demon

A spooky tale

Chapter 1


by Author Deen Arfat.

It was a raining period of the street of the Americans coz it's July. The Thompson family lives in the country side. They are the middle class type, but they coz they can afford their delay basic needs. The family are made of a father, mother and two son named Louis and Ace.

Louis was a teenager, he's seventeen and a science student , he's always a teen with gut. He's cute and every girls in his school want to date him, but he only loves a girl name Mia they are in the same class and he was crushing on her and she was too. Sooner Louis ask her to be his girlfriend and she agreed after much hesitation. Louis was some how naughty and disobedient and that was the only bad side of him. He's intelligent and nice though.

Louis love exploring places, weird places like an abandon home, hospital, school or even in the nearby bushes looking for insect, harmless rodent with his camera, and when he spot any harmless rodent or insect,he put them and in a plastic box as his collection. He has his own room and that where he put his collection stuff.

Now, Ace was just nine, he wore glasses coz he was unable to see properly. He his smart too and act more than his age. But some how timid coz he can't defend himself from his peer group. Ace dreamt of becoming a pilot one day and he's determine of his dream. He neither naughty or disobedient like his brother, but he only fall into this sometimes coz of his bug brother. Louis need him to do things and that might be the anger of their parents.

It was a Thursday afternoon and the brothers were playing a video game. They were alone at home, there parents as long gone to their various working place.

"Am gonna beat you in this race, I swear " Ace boasted to Louis.

Louis Scoffed

" You just a little kid, and you can't beat me, am older " Louis said sounding proud.

Ace foamed. He hate to be call a little kid, he always try matching up with what's his brother though he can't prove himself to his brother coz he was never able to succeed matching up with his brother.

But today, he will prove it to him through this game, he can march up with him. He's determine and put his focus on wining his brother. He press on the gamepad add to chase his brother bike who as long gone ahead of him in the game.

Today is effort wasn't a futile attempt, and for the first time he had defected his brother in a video game before.

" Whoa , whoa, whoa, yes I did it " Ace shouted jumping up excitedly.

" What the heck" Louis exclaimed surprisedly. Not believing what just happen, for the first time his little brother as defected him.

" That is when you underestimate the power of the little " Ace said firmly, and Louis rolled his eyes.

" Whatever " he mutter.

Just then they heard tyre screech and

" That must be mum " Louis said coz he knew that is mum comes home first before their father.


The Thompson were having dinner. Everyone sat at the dinning table eating.

They were eating Gnocchi and some soup. The meal was so taste so Mr Thompson kept on praising his wife Melina for the meal.

" Mum you're the best " Louis remarked after his father have stopped praising and focus on the food, Mrs Melina blushed.

" Yah, mum i think if you start a cooking business, everyone will live their home food and come rushing to have a taste of the meal" Ace said.

And the they all share a random laughter.

" if that happens, all the wives will be on your mum's throat " Mr Thompson said in between giggles and the laughter increase.

When laughing the food chocked Ace and he was coughing.

" oh goodness " their mum exclaimed, and pour water in a empty glass. She place the glasses in his mouth and he drank the water.

The cough subside gradually.

Mr Thompson shook his head regretfully.

"It's bad to tell a joke why eating, and that was what we just did. It won't happen my mistake. We're gonna tell jokes after a meal "he stated.

"Yeah, your dad is right " Mrs Melina agreed.

" we've to tell you guys something, but only after the meal. For now we should just eat quietly" their dad said.

They were done with their meal and they all sat in the parlour. Their mum and dad sat at the same couch. While the two brothers sat on different couch. They are curious to know what their parents wanna say.

" We're gonna be away for three days, I and your mum are going to a conference at the next town, it gonna last for three days will be back on Monday " Mr Thompson announce.

" So we want you Louis to take care of yourself and Ace" Mrs Melina added.

Louis smiled in had plans for something and as prayed his parents should be away, and what better opportunity than this.

"Louis no going to explore places, you know will have forbid you to go explore places. After what happened the last time, you got yourself in trouble " his dad reminded.

Louis roll his eyes away. He miss exploring places. He was angry with the old man who had cause all this. He went to explore a abandon house and a old man came and accuse him of trespassing his property. He wonder how could the old man own the house coz it looks abandon and who will live his house open, he find the old man crazy. The old man even made matter worst by calling him a thief, he try to explain him that he wasn't a thief he only came to explore the house. But the old man didn't believe him, he kept yelling at the top of his voice calling him a thief and attracting the whole neighborhood, those that know him for who he is, defended him and they explain to the old man that he wasn't a thief. The old man believe them, but warn him harshly not to ever come to his property again. The event reach the ears of his parents and they forbid him for exploring places that was two months ago.

" We've the neighbours watch you " the mum said.

Louis was annoyed.

"oh please that old man was a psychopath, like serious who lives his home open and his house looks deserted" Louis foamed.

"You aren't gonna explore anywhere, deal with it " Mrs Thompson said with authority.

Louis stood up and walked out of them angrily.


The parents left, and he knew he can explore if he wants to, but he as other plans.

He went into Ace's room, Ace sat on the bed and was busy with his laptop.

" Hey, big boy " he said to Ace.

Ace eye him suspiciously, he was big boy, when he want him to do something or agreed to something.

" cut it out, and just spill it out, I know it's coz this always your trick" Ace said but focus himself in what he was doing.

" You got me on this one bro, so now you know I want something from you and both " Louis said.

Ace arched a brow.

" What that " Ace inquired.

" Hope you're are not thinking of disobeying mum and dad other, no way am not gonna let you get me into your trouble this time " Ace spat out.

Louis rolled his eyes irritatedly. Kindly Say hi to Deen Arfat on +2348148119643 WhatsApp to get added to our novels group and get PDF links.

" It not as not to do with explore, but it somehow similar " Louis said.

" Then say it " Ace said curiously to know what he wants.



What do Louis want?

To be continued.